I’ve recorded songs for The Angel Sluts, The Six String Jets, Circuit Benders, Esque, The Guacos, The Original 3, Boston Chinks, Twin Pilot, Mark McDade, The First Wave, Rod Henson, Lover!, The Runnerups, Total Trash, The Klitz, The True Sons of Thunder, The Turn It Offs, The Bloody Foot of Rock, Devil’s Handshake, The Drawls, Dead Trends, Thorax Hum, Hold Me I’m Seth and The Sentementals, The Bom
bay Alleys, Secret People, The Gloryholes, New Madrid, The Sonnets, Bruiser Queen, Berkano, Piss Shivers, Vibrolas, Switchblade Kid, The Memphibians, Tony Manard, J.D. Reager, Jack Alberson, Toy Trucks, Kiljoy, Churchyard, Clay Cantrell, Banned Anthem, Glow Girls, Stephen Chopek, The Subteens, Billie Dove, Mike Doughty, Symptoms, HEELS, Lavendear, Spacer and others. The studio is also available for rent as a rehearsal space with PA and backline/gear provided. Inquire about photography and video production.
“The recording quality is excellent! Harry displayed his mastery of the recording arts while recording our stupid garage punk and making it sound perfect.” -Stephen Pope (Wavves, Barbaras, Boston Chinks)
“Harry’s recording of ‘Been There’ by my old band The Original Three is still one of my favorite sounding songs I’ve ever recorded.” -Ian Saint Pe (The Black Lips, The Original Three)
“Harry’s studio is now and will always be my go to studio. Cool vibe, laid back dude, and authentic sound.” -Rod Henson (The Gloryholes)
“Damn fine place to record! 3 out of 3 Vibrolas recommend it.”-Leila Ann Coppala(The Vibrolas)
“Killer sounds, completely intuitive… Harry knows how to keep it real and raw like real rock n roll. We had a great time recording there.”-Eric Friedl(Goner Records, The Oblivians, TSOT)
“Harry will never lose your files, even when you want him to.” – Bruiser Queen
“This was the first recording session I didn’t hate.”-Jim Duckworth (Panther Burns, Gun Club, Billie Dove)
“5 and Dime is a great place, and Harry is fantastic. Right in the heart of Cooper-Young. Fun working there.”-Mike Doughty(Soul Coughing)