Here are 11 reasons why you might consider joining or starting an Optimist Club to serve your community (find a local Club or start a new one… )
1. Positive Impact: Joining an Optimist Club allows you to be part of a group that focuses on making positive changes in local communities by providing hope, and a positive vision. You can help to “bring out the best” in others. They are guided by the Optimist Creed, by Christian Larson
2. Community Involvement: It provides opportunities to get actively involved in community service projects and events by partnering with other individuals and groups. The Optimist Club becomes a valuable resource to community leaders while giving members an edge.
3. Networking: Members will have the chance to meet and connect with like-minded individuals in their community, especially when working on projects together. They can increase their influence as fellow members and community leaders get to know, like and trust you.
4. Leadership Development: Planning, running and participating in club activities will develop your leadership skills along with communications, organizational and project management skills. Valuable on-line courses are included in the Optimist Institute, which is currently free for members. In addition, the Optimist “Professional Development Program” (PDP) is a process for members to develop leadership skills.
5. Help local Youth: Most Optimist Clubs support youth programs and initiatives for recognition and appreciation. Members have a means to mentor and empower young people by getting involved in these projects. Members are helping young people and others by providing hope and a positive vision in their lives. Junior Optimist Clubs provide an additional program where members can help young people learn about leadership and community service.
6. Personal and Professional Growth: Involvement in community projects and youth programs can contribute to personal growth and a sense of fulfillment. Professional skills are also developed and provide members with an edge they can develop and use.
The Optimist “Personal Growth and Involvement Program” (PGI) helps a member progressively grow in skills and abilities. And the Optimist “Professional Development Program” (PDP) helps members to develop professional skills, such as project management, communications and leadership.
7. Fellowship: someone who cares to talk with…
Members of an Optimist Club provide a sense of camaraderie and belonging with like minded people who care about their community and want to help make a difference.
8. Recognition: Members can gain recognition for their efforts and contributions to the community while they learn to provide recognition for others. Their influence is increased as others see their significant, positive actions.
9. Support for your Positive outlook and Values: Optimist Clubs generally promote and support values such as optimism, positive attitude, respect, and compassion. The “Optimist Creed” expresses a set of positive precepts that are “World Class” and help members find common ground with other people.
10. Fun and Social Activities: In addition to community service, many Optimist Clubs also organize social events, outings, and fundraisers, adding an element of fun for their members lives.
11. Health!! A positive, optimistic attitude can enhance your overall health! Being active with an Optimist Club is a great way to encourage and reinforce that positive, healthy and optimistic attitude.
(Reference Martin E. P. Seligman, PhD. Learned Optimism)
The benefits of joining an Optimist Club can vary based on the specific club and its activities in your area. You can connect with your local club to learn more about their activities and how you can contribute or consider starting a new Optimist Club to help your community in ways you think of.
Go to www.Optimist.org for local contact information. Optimist International supports Optimist Clubs around the world.
Gene Riordan
OI Regional VP 2023-24
Optimist International is a worldwide volunteer organization made up of more than 2,500 local Clubs whose Members work each day to make the future brighter by bringing out the best in children, in their communities, and in themselves.