I will end up doing these to my music real soon... eventually.
Lil Sarge goes to Florida
After many requests, it's time to show again Lil Sarges last trip to Florida. He wants me to start filming him again so here's a classic warm up and introduction to Lil Sarge. Enjoy your beach time🤣😎🤘
Lil Sarge gets locked down
Well, some of you remember Lil Sarge surely. But for those who don't, he wanted to give you a reminder. "The only thing to fear, is fear itself" . So here's a video from when they tried to lockdown Lil Sarge, poor guy didn't like it...............
Another 9am zoom meeting with another Asian market supervisor . Pitching my song "Wasted Time and Moments " because I believe they like my more Americana type stuff. He is suppose to give very detailed observations of the music and its possibilities as well. So much to learn at the least and even by critiques of others it's always interesting. He requested music ahead of time for the pitch. I think that's cool because he wants to hear you ahead of time. I wish I could have sent 2 songs lol. Really looking forward to it 😀
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Scott Newell, Alana Leomporra Facebook chooses this, not me, but time to share
----New Tune----
So , this is re-worked and changed lyrically. It used to be Wanna take a ride, which was about music. But that has very limited uses in sync lyrically. So I completely changed the song lyrically to "Watch Out". Many more opportunities to sync the song in visuals now. I am looking forward to what the supervisor thinks of it now :>P Hopefully find out soon. Rock on.....😎🫶🤘