TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist is a Smash Hit!
Since the first broadcast of TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist on May 19, the film has been available for streaming nationally on the free PBS app. The film is also now available for streaming internationally as well, via a separate direct link. (See links below)
The response has been astounding.
More than 20,000 viewers tuned into the show in the first four weeks of streaming. We’ll receive another update soon. We've heard from viewers in Australia, Ireland, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Malaysia, Argentina, and more.
Kevin Gallagher, in Christchurch, New Zealand, booked the film to full houses in a commercial theater for three days.
In the U.S., a dozen screenings have already been hosted across the country, in Washington, DC, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Cincinnati, and Chicago.
Reactions demonstrate how hungry viewers are to learn about Teilhard.
Here's what they are saying: “Beautifully done! Totally gripping!” ~ "So wide in scope and imagery, so rich in information!" ~ A fantastic piece of work!" ~ “Deeply touching.” ~ “A work of art, legacy, beauty, and love.” ~ “I have just experienced an elevation of thought and deep spirituality.” ~ “Absolutely stunning.” ~ “Bravissimo!”
THANKS TO YOU for helping make this film possible!
Now let's spread the word! Help others learn about this transformative figure in science, spirituality, and vision of the future.
Your gifts of time and talent, your moral support, your prayers, your continuing financial contributions will help us reach a broad audience.
To download the free PBS app to your television:
(or watch on PBS Passport if you already have it).
Direct link accessible internationally:
DVDs are also available, which can be purchased at the MPT Store, (or call 800-873-6154) for $19.95 + s/h.
Frank and Mary Frost