Two people have asked recently if I still do my 3 Days to Done event. I do but it has changed a bit since COVID. I used to do only groups and mainly these are now 1:1 and it includes virtual work before and after the event.
Before you arrive we will work together over email/zoom to select the book topic and outline the book (and sometimes do advance research) so when you come to the retreat you are prepared to write.
You pick the location for the retreat which can be anywhere except in your home.
It could be a hotel or Airbnb near your home if you don’t want to travel, but you will not be allowed to visit or go walk the dog. It starts with an opening dinner, then 3 full days of writing from 8-8, and then a departure/ next steps breakfast so it’s 3 days of writing but a 5 day retreat.
Because it is a tax deductible business expense, some people will do something like a villa in Tuscany and have a family member join the when I leave but it’s still covered as a business expenses.
The retreat also includes manuscript editing and you will get a cleaned up manuscript back 2 weeks after you write it.
The cost, including the book strategy and coaching in advance (about 12 hours), and the editing services after the retreat (another 12 hours, or so), plus me for 12 hours a day for the 3 retreat days, as well as dinner before and breakfast after, is $25K.
I will do this in groups of 4 as well and the cost drops to $15K plus you can split my travel costs if you get a group of 4 together. I do not do groups if 2. The cost for groups of 3 is $20K.
Some people find 3 friends or clients who want to do it and charge them each $20k which makes their slot as the 4th free.
This program is about 60 hours of one on one coaching support, editing, and handholding where I’m using 30 years of publishing industry experience to make sure you are a success as well. The success rate in 10 years is precisely 100%. I have never not had someone finish.
If you want a guarantee you will get your book done, this is the way.
Nonfiction books only. Genres: memoir, how-to (prescriptive), reference, personal growth, personal essay, Topics: law, health, travel, real estate, public policy, science, mental health, neurodiversity, relationships, parenting, philosophy, politics, biography, and more. See Difference Press on Instagram for more topics and genres.
PM for dates and details. Happy to provide a free training to help you get your group together.