Some community groups and members decided to decorate the tree located on a piece of Village property that had recently been 'dismantled' There were post holes, pieces of metal sticking up out of the ground and other potential dangers that required cleaning up. The Village Board was never aware of the Tree lighting plan until the day before it was to occur. Questions arose as to the safety and liability concerns as well as whether any formal request was submitted by said groups. The Mayor advised one or more groups or group members that the decorating could not go on as planned and proceeded to have the property cleared in anticipation of a formal request that would include proof of liability. (As is done with ANY lawful public gathering/fair/celebration on Village property).
Yet somehow these facts have been distorted on social media and in email blasts that seem to indicate that the Village Board is trying to stop the Mayor, the many community groups and even the local newspaper from enjoying holiday festivities on Main Street. Mayor Miller as chief officer of the Village discussed this thoroughly with his Board and Attorney and everyone is supportive and awaiting the formal request and proof of insurance from whatever group is hosting the event.
Any discussion or statements to the contrary are categorically FALSE.