Paparazzi live now kits open a new box #Paparazzi #live
Paparazzi live now Goal for today is 37 pieces Wyoming high school rodeo nationals bound in 13 days would u start your Cjristmas shopping now #live #Paparazzi #Paparazzilivenow #affordable #fivebucks #fashion #fun #rodeomomma
Paparazzi live now
Fashion fix and more
Come on in
Paparazzi live now Vintage #vintage #shine #shinebright #blessings#fivebucks #affordablefashion #BudgetFriendly #Paparazzi ❤️💘❤️💘✨️❤️😀✨️❤️😀❤️✨️💘❤️
Let's show a new box
Paparazzi live now
New goal is 20 pieces a day
Are you happy and you know it??????
Paparazzi live now
Goal is 20 each day in the nest 47 days
Let's go Paparazzi live now
Let's sell 15 a day to get to Wyoming for high school rodeo finals
#Paparazzi #cowgirllmom #shinebrightlikeadiamond #laughwithmarsha #shine #rodeomom #ShineBright
From Rodeo mom to work from home mom 👩 💕 💓 💖 ❤️ I love my JOB!
Paparazzi live now Hey Yall let's do this thing.
What a amazing JOB! ITS SO FUN see average earnings here
With all the extra in this month's special it's like paying $1 to be apart of a lifetime of change
Paparazzi live now 🥳
Hostess Rewards, new sets, and more
Come on in and hang with us
Paparazzi live now 🥳
New 🥳
Vintage sets ❤️
Sets 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Paparazzi live now Vintage fashion fix, exclusives black diamond and pink diamond items.
What would u like to see?
Let's ride out this storm!