Marshall Dusty Helmets Aux Post 3252

Marshall Dusty Helmets Aux Post 3252 The basic aims of the VFW are: to ensure the national security through maximum military strength


Next meeting Feb 26


Memorial Day, 25 May, in Marshall will be observed at 11am at the Veteran's Memorial Hall outdoors. Social distancing can be performed in your car. The ceremony will be broadcast on FM 88.1. The speaker will be State Representative Keith Slape. There will be no food this year. Please observe Health Department social distancing directions. Thank you!


If you normally place flags in the Marshall area on Veteran's graves for Memorial Day, please contact Jim Blough to obtain the flags. If you can give the veterans a small donation to help pay for the cost of the flags that will be very appreciated. Thank you! Phone 8704057261.


Auxiliary meetings have been cancelled until further notice due to the coronavirus.

Photos from the Quilts of Valor ceremony 10/26/19.

Photos from the Quilts of Valor ceremony 10/26/19.


VETERANS’ VOICE by Sharon Joslin and Julie Netland
Step back in time and join us at the Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall for our USO Tribute. 48 stars on our flag. Singing and dancing and jokes! USO was especially popular during WWII. Free admission for all. The show begins at 6:30 and ends at 8:30. Come and enjoy our local talent.
Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall continues to gather pictures of our veterans in military uniform to display. James Fountain (870-448-3932) is able to answer any questions about the 5x7 photos for our display.
The Searcy County Veterans Service Office is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 4 at the Veterans Memorial Hall. You may call 870-448-5783 and leave a voice mail with your name and number; calls are returned during office hours. Walk-ins are welcome. Additionally, our county is blessed to have James White (870-448-6176) as both an American Legion and Disabled American Veterans
More dates to remember:
November 30th: USO Tribute at the Hall from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Lots of local talent will be showcased. Watch for more information.
December 8th: 5th Annual Breakfast with Santa at the Hall from 8 to 10 a.m.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.”– Theodore Roosevelt


VETERANS’ VOICE by Sharon Joslin and Julie Netland
Our Veterans Day celebration took place at the Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall on Monday, November 12t.h. We had a good crowd for our WWI Centennial celebration. Last week we announced the top three winners of the WWI Quilt Challenge. However, we had not tallied the votes for the People’s Choice Quilt at that time. Nancy Weaver won that award with her Red Cross quilt honoring Searcy County KIA WWI soldiers.
Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall continues to gather pictures of our veterans in military uniform to display. James Fountain (870-448-3932) is able to answer any questions about the 5x7 photos for our display.
The Searcy County Veterans Service Office is usually open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 4 at the Veterans Memorial Hall. However, Thanksgiving week the office is only going to be open on Monday November 19th. We’ll be back to regular hours beginning Tuesday, November 27th. You may call 870-448-5783 and leave a voice mail with your name and number; I only return calls during office hours. Walk-ins are welcome. Additionally, our county is blessed to have James White (870-448-6176) as both an American Legion and Disabled American Veterans Service Officer.
We wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. God bless and keep you. And thanks again to our veterans for their service to their country and continued service to our community.
More dates to remember:
November 24th: Leslie American Legion will meet with Breakfast at 8 and Meeting at 9 a.m. at the Hut.
VFW Post 3252 will not meet this month. Commander Jim Blough will telephone members regarding an early December meeting.
November 30th: USO Tribute at the Hall from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Lots of local talent will be showcased. Watcinformational information.
December 8th: 5th Annual Breakfast with Santa at the Hall from 8 to 10 a.m.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.”– Theodore Roosevelt

World War I art Contest  Winners

World War I art Contest Winners

Come and watch this Friday evening it's free admission

Come and watch this Friday evening it's free admission

Our quilts for the World War I Challenge  competition

Our quilts for the World War I Challenge competition


VETERANS’ VOICE by Sharon Joslin and Julie Netland
If anyone wants to make a cash donation to the Quilts of Valor Marshall project, please bring the donation to the Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall. Each quilt is made especially for each veteran with his name, branch of service and theatre of service embroidered on it. The quilts cost from $200-300 each. If you wish to donate fabric, the quiltmakers prefer 100% cotton with a predominately red, white, and blue theme as well as a patriotic theme; they prefer at least 3 yards of fabric. You may leave your donation or fabric with Sharon Joslin, our VSO, on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
If you have any old flags that need to be retired, please bring them to the Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall. We hope to have a Flag Retirement Ceremony and will notify you when it is planned.
We are updating the names of veterans from Searcy County who served in World War I, World War II, and Korea. Quilts of Valor are given to the living veterans from WWII and Korea who served overseas. If you know of a vet who has not received a quilt, please let Jim Blough (870-405-7261), Julie Netland (870-448-7512) or Sharon Joslin (870-448-5783) know the veteran’s full name, branch of service and area of service along with your contact information.
The WWI plaque has names of veterans who enlisted in Searcy County. However, we have a few vets from Searcy County that signed up in other counties. If your family member served during WWI, please check out the plaque at the Veterans Memorial Hall to verify if his/her name is missing. The WWI plaque must be updated by October 1, 2018.
Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall continues to gather pictures of our veterans in military uniform to display. If your veteran is not pictured, please provide us with a 5x7 picture so your vet may be honored in our display; Jim Blough (870-405-7261) or James Fountain (870-448-3932) will be glad to give you additional information about our photo program.
Our County Veteran Service Officer Sharon Joslin holds office hours at the Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. She may be reached at 870-448-5783 or you may call James White (870-448-6176), American Legion and Disabled American Veterans Service Officer.
More dates to remember:
August 16th: Music in the Hall at 6 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays.
August 19th: VFW District meeting in Bull Shoals with lunch at 1 p.m. and meeting at 2 p.m.
August 21st-23rd: Sharon Joslin will be gone for annual VSO training at North Little Rock and James White will be in the office for that Tuesday and Thursday.
August 24th: Bingo at the Hall at 6 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Fridays.
August 25th: Leslie American Legion meets at the Hut in Leslie with breakfast at 8 a.m. followed by meeting at 9. Contact Commander Mark Lane (870-448-2313) for more information.
August 25th: Marshall VFW and Auxiliary #3252 meets with potluck at noon followed by 1 p.m. meeting.
October 13th: The Joe Joslin Memorial Poker Run will be held with first bikes departing the Veterans Memorial Hall at 9 a.m. Proceeds from the Poker Run will benefit the Searcy County Memorial Hall.
Quote of the week: “Some people dream the dream. Some people live the dream. Some people defend the dream. God bless the defenders.” - Anonymo(us

Quilt of Valor this weekend

Quilt of Valor this weekend

Memorial day  at Marshall a great turn out

Memorial day at Marshall a great turn out


VETERANS’ VOICE by Sharon Joslin and Julie Netland
Usually the third weekend of the month is a quiet one for vets. However, this Saturday, May 19th, at 11 a.m. Delno Taylor and the other nuclear veterans will be honored with a special ceremony in Snowball. All vets are asked to attend to honor Mr. Taylor and his fellow veterans. A special sign will be placed in Snowball and at the Hwy. 65 turnoff to Snowball. Only 10 of these nuclear vets are still alive and Delno is one of them.
Special notice for Tuesday, May 22nd: the Little Rock Mobile Vet Center will be parked at the Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall around 10 a.m. A counselor will be available to talk with veterans and their families who are interested in finding out about programs and counseling for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as family counseling. Recently we learned that there is a counseling session in Mountain View monthly. If you have any questions about mental health, stop by and visit with the counselor and find out how you or a family member might be helped.
Thanks to Home Depot Harrison for the volunteer work crew provided to build a side porch and do mold reduction and powerwashing of the outside of our Hall. In addition, the Searcy County Veterans Memorial Association also received a grant from Home Depot to help with our ongoing projects. We thank Home Depot for its continuing support of veterans in general and our local Hall in particular.
Our County Veteran Service Officer Sharon Joslin usually holds office hours at the Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If she is not there, chances are she’s at VSO Trainings so that she may more effectively help veterans and their families. Sharon may be reached at 870-448-5783 or you may call James White (870-448-6176), American Legion and Disabled American Veterans Service Officer.
Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall continues to gather pictures of our veterans in military uniform to display. If your veteran is not pictured, please provide us with a 5x7 picture so your vet may be honored in our display; Jim Blough (870-405-7261) or James Fountain (870-448-3932) will be glad to give you additional information about our photo program.
May 28th is our Memorial Day celebration on the Courthouse Square in Marshall at 11 a.m. Our keynote speaker is Brigadier General Joseph B. Wilson of Witt Springs. General Wilson received his commission in 1992 from the Air National Guard Academy of Military Science, Knoxville, Tennessee. After receiving his commission, General Wilson became an Aircraft Maintenance and Logistics officer. During his three decades as an airman, he held numerous assignments in maintenance and logistics both at home and abroad. He has commanded at the Squadron, Group and Wing Level. We are honored to have General Wilson as our speaker.
Following the ceremony on the Courthouse Square, everyone is invited to come to the Hall for hamburgers and hotdogs. Each of the students who toured the Hall was invited to bring family to this celebration. The students will be able to show their families the exhibits and experiences they shared at the SCVM Hall.
More dates to remember:
May 17th: Music at the Hall on the first and third Thursdays at 6 p.m.
May 19th: Snowball program honoring Delno Taylor and our nuclear veterans at 11 a.m.
May 22nd: Little Rock Mobile Vet Center will be at Searcy County Veterans Memorial Hall at 10 a.m.
May 25th: Odd Fellows Bingo at the Memorial Hall on the second and fourth Fridays at 6 p.m.
Quote of the week: A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart. - Hercules
When you visit the County Veterans Memorial Hall, you will see our veterans continuing to serve our community and honoring those soldiers who have gone before. As you see veterans, thank them for their service.

Another big day for the Veterans Memorial Hall. Home Depot was on hand today to help build a porch and handicap ramp as ...

Another big day for the Veterans Memorial Hall. Home Depot was on hand today to help build a porch and handicap ramp as part of a 5.3k Home Depot Grant to make improvements to the building. In addition to the porch/ramp the grant also will provide the addition of 2 small heating and cooling units and exterior cleaning of the building in preparation of a new coat of stain. Behr Paint has also donated 25 gallons of stain which will be used in this project. Television station KY3 was on hand to do a story about Home Depots support of Veterans. The story is scheduled to run sometime during the early newscasts this evening.


Please keep the Gatewood family in your prayers. Mrs. PHYLLIS Gatewood was our District 2 Chaplin for years. And a member of Mammoth Springs .Her husband was a World War II life Highland, Arkansas. The Gatewood's had given many years of service to the Veterans of Foreign Wars and to their community. Also pray for the post because they will surely be missed. From the District 2 officers


VETERANS’ VOICE by Sharon Joslin and Julie Netland 03-23-2017
This week the veterans are doing the following:
Searcy County Veterans Memorial Association (SCVMA), Marshall AR: The group of folks working on the 100th Anniversary of the U.S. entry into World War I will hold their second meeting on Thursday, March 23rd. Sam Massey will be heading this committee and you may call him with any questions you may have. Sam’s number is (501) 450-8676. Do you have any items from WWI telling about a relative of yours? We would love to gather pictures of all Doughboys (as the WWI soldiers were called). If you have anything from pictures, souvenirs, and uniforms to journals, letters, and newspapers, you can loan or donate them to this project. We want to involve everyone in our county from young to old. We will celebrate WWI on 11-11, originally called Armistice Day for the end of WWI celebration, but that day is now known as Veterans Day. In addition to Sam Massey, you may contact Phillip McAdams at 448-5783, Jim Blough at 405-7261, or James Fountain at 448-3932.
On Wednesday, March 15th American Legion Post 131 celebrated the Legion's 98th birthday! Harley Treat says it was a good celebration with for hot dogs, burgers and cake. The American Legion was established at the end of WWI. This Saturday, March 25th will be the monthly American Legion meeting at the Hut in Leslie with breakfast followed by a meeting. Also, the Legion’s S***t Shoot has started back on the first Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. Come by and join the guys (and gals) on April 1st.
Any 11th grade boy or girl interested in Boys’ State or Girls’ State: please get your applications ready. Interested boys let Harley Treat know and interested girls let Julie Netland know.
VFW and VFW Auxiliary, Marshall, AR: Fourth Saturday meeting will be follow the noon potluck.
High school students, we want to remind you about: Young American Creative Art Contest The deadline for submitting your art work is March 31st. For more information about the contest, contact Julie Netland at 448-4432.
Julie Netland and Sharon Joslin are still conducting Veterans interviews for the Memorial Hall and Library of Congress. Also, if you would like to honor a deceased veteran, the Library of Congress will accept a veteran’s original photographs, letters, and other historical documents. For more information, please call Julie Netland (448-4432) to schedule your interview.
Our County Veteran Service Officer, Phillip McAdams, is available on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call him at 448-5783 if you need help with a claim or have any questions. Also, James White (870-448-6176), volunteer American Legion and Disabled American Veterans Service Officer, will help veterans with any questions and claims.

More dates to remember:
Music at the Hall on the first and third Thursdays.
March 24th: Odd Fellows Bingo at the Memorial Hall on the second and fourth Fridays.


Marshall, AR



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