VETERANS’ VOICE by Sharon Joslin and Julie Netland 03-23-2017
This week the veterans are doing the following:
Searcy County Veterans Memorial Association (SCVMA), Marshall AR: The group of folks working on the 100th Anniversary of the U.S. entry into World War I will hold their second meeting on Thursday, March 23rd. Sam Massey will be heading this committee and you may call him with any questions you may have. Sam’s number is (501) 450-8676. Do you have any items from WWI telling about a relative of yours? We would love to gather pictures of all Doughboys (as the WWI soldiers were called). If you have anything from pictures, souvenirs, and uniforms to journals, letters, and newspapers, you can loan or donate them to this project. We want to involve everyone in our county from young to old. We will celebrate WWI on 11-11, originally called Armistice Day for the end of WWI celebration, but that day is now known as Veterans Day. In addition to Sam Massey, you may contact Phillip McAdams at 448-5783, Jim Blough at 405-7261, or James Fountain at 448-3932.
On Wednesday, March 15th American Legion Post 131 celebrated the Legion's 98th birthday! Harley Treat says it was a good celebration with for hot dogs, burgers and cake. The American Legion was established at the end of WWI. This Saturday, March 25th will be the monthly American Legion meeting at the Hut in Leslie with breakfast followed by a meeting. Also, the Legion’s S***t Shoot has started back on the first Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. Come by and join the guys (and gals) on April 1st.
Any 11th grade boy or girl interested in Boys’ State or Girls’ State: please get your applications ready. Interested boys let Harley Treat know and interested girls let Julie Netland know.
VFW and VFW Auxiliary, Marshall, AR: Fourth Saturday meeting will be follow the noon potluck.
High school students, we want to remind you about: Young American Creative Art Contest The deadline for submitting your art work is March 31st. For more information about the contest, contact Julie Netland at 448-4432.
Julie Netland and Sharon Joslin are still conducting Veterans interviews for the Memorial Hall and Library of Congress. Also, if you would like to honor a deceased veteran, the Library of Congress will accept a veteran’s original photographs, letters, and other historical documents. For more information, please call Julie Netland (448-4432) to schedule your interview.
Our County Veteran Service Officer, Phillip McAdams, is available on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call him at 448-5783 if you need help with a claim or have any questions. Also, James White (870-448-6176), volunteer American Legion and Disabled American Veterans Service Officer, will help veterans with any questions and claims.
More dates to remember:
Music at the Hall on the first and third Thursdays.
March 24th: Odd Fellows Bingo at the Memorial Hall on the second and fourth Fridays.