The Cracked Board

The Cracked Board Satirical and humorous reports on the happenings within the Marlboro Board of Education.

Feb 11, 2025 ❄️❄️ ❄️ I Want It NOW!!!❄️❄️ ❄️  The meeting started with a wonderful and sweet gesture by El Presidente, h...

Feb 11, 2025
❄️❄️ ❄️ I Want It NOW!!!❄️❄️ ❄️

The meeting started with a wonderful and sweet gesture by El Presidente, having the children do the pledge, and gratitude for attendees.

The main act 🎭? The never-ending saga of Policy 5756, which has been hanging around like an uninvited houseguest. With a recent appellate court ruling, the Board was left with three choices:

1. Keep the 2015 version (throwback edition 📜)
2. Tweak it again (because that’s worked so well before 🙃)
3. Kill it once and for all (RIP, Policy 5756 ⚰️)
They chose Option #3—abolition—kicking off a dramatic two-part finale, with the first reading on February 25th (oh wait, that’s been changed to February 18th).

Board members took a moment to pat themselves on the back 👏, emphasizing community input (which they’ll mostly ignore), legal guidance (which they kinda had to follow), and all the hard work that got them to this moment (cue inspirational music 🎶).

And with that, the public was escorted out while the Board vanished into executive session, presumably to discuss top-secret 🕵️‍♂️ Board things—or just enjoy the peace and quiet.

A former Board Member spoke in public comments, as he commended the legal team. He wanted to know if the Board really had to follow the rules when abolishing a policy or if they could just fast-track it and call it a day 🚀.

Enter Mr. Gross, the Board Attorney—you know, the guy who actually knows the law—who patiently (and probably with a deep sigh) confirmed the obvious: abolishing a policy requires two votes over two separate meetings 🗳️🗳️. Because, shocker, you can’t just wipe things out on a whim—this isn’t some Wild West school board where rules are optional.

So, for those in the back still hoping for an instant policy purge, let’s spell it out again: you can’t just abolish things ASAP because it’s inconvenient to wait. You need to follow the process. You need to follow the law. The LAW requires PUBLIC NOTICE. The PUBLIC has a right to know what the Board is about to DO. No stealth attacks. No super secret abolitionist movements behind closed doors. Are ya’ll still with me here? Good. No surprises allowed, unless it’s a REAL emergency! And most importantly, you need to not rack up more lawsuits on the taxpayers' dime. Marlboro’s legal bills are already high enough—no need to add “Board ignored basic procedures” to the next invoice.

Budget Time: The Balancing Act of Taxes, HVAC, and Special Ed—Let’s See How This Plays Out

The main event kicked off with Vincent Caravello delivering the much-anticipated budget updates and proposals 📊. Here at The Cracked Board, we’re all crossing our fingers that taxes don’t skyrocket 🚀💰, but hey, we also like schools that function and students that get the support they need—so let’s see what the Board cooks up.

The Big Budget Talk: 2025-2026 Edition

The hot topics (besides the lack of air conditioning) were HVAC improvements, curriculum funding, and special education investments. The Board was presented with four thrilling options for HVAC upgrades:
1️⃣ A second-question referendum that would be 40% funded by the state (basically free money—well, sort of).
2️⃣ Fully funding the upgrades through the district's budget, spread over one to two years (aka, brace for impact).
3️⃣ A five-year equipment lease with interest payments (because who doesn’t love paying extra? 🙃).
4️⃣ Financing through the Monmouth County Improvement Authority, which sounds fancy but still involves debt.
Board members seemed to favor the referendum option—because why wouldn’t you take state aid when it’s up for grabs?

Also, this would avoid an immediate tax hike, which is always a crowd-pleaser. 🎉

Curriculum & Special Education: Where’s the Money Going?
The curriculum budget had some savings in textbook costs and curriculum writing, but professional development and online services saw an increase 📚💻. Meanwhile, special education spending is going way up, thanks to rising enrollment and the growing need for more instructional aides.

To cut down on those ridiculously expensive out-of-district placements, the Board plans to expand in-district ERI (Emotional Regulation Impairment) programs. New ERI classrooms will be created (finally) along with higher preschool tuition, because someone’s gotta pay for it 🤷‍♂️.

Board members were surprisingly unified in supporting the ERI expansion—because it actually makes sense both financially 💰 and for the students 👏.

The convo wrapped up with a collective nod toward exploring the referendum route further—but not before consulting bond counsel, because nothing says fiscal responsibility like bringing in the lawyers ⚖️.

So, where does that leave us? Well, The Cracked Board is eagerly awaiting the next move from our esteemed Board and its leadership dream team 🏆. Will they deliver a balanced budget that pleases everyone? Or will they end up blaming Trenton for their problems? Stay tuned—because this budget season is just getting started. 🍿

Travelgate: The Board Debates Conferences Because… Of Course They Do ✈️🎟️

In most districts, approving conference travel for board members to improve their leadership skills would be a routine, no-drama vote. But not in MTPS! Here, even professional development becomes a political battlefield 🎭.

First up, board members complained about being waitlisted for conferences despite applying on time. The Board tossed around potential fixes, like pre-approving conference attendance or allowing members to pay upfront and seek reimbursement later—because navigating bureaucracy is apparently harder than solving algebraic equations.

And then came the real fireworks. 💥 A board member took issue with the Equity Expo Conference, clutching her pearls because, after all, does anyone really think it's a good idea to ensure that all students feel included and have equitable opportunities? That idea is just way too woke and radical for some board members. Their main gripe? The conference featured sessions on sociopolitical awareness and equity plans for elementary schools (oh, the horror! 😱).

The board unanimously approved an equivalency application to fast-track Marlboro Township's evaluation under the new NJDOE QSAC (Quality Single Accountability Continuum) formula a year early. Why? Because the current state science test is tanking scores across NJ—a state that, ironically, is ranked #1 (or 2 or 3) in education every year. 🏆 Yet, 75% of districts are "failing" in Instruction and Program under the outdated model.
Marlboro, of course, would pass QSAC either way (because, obviously, we’re great 💅), but the new calculation method gives us two extra points and ensures we stay ahead of the curve as NJ transitions to more realistic assessment standards. Since Marlboro’s QSAC review literally happened that same day, the board moved at warp speed 🏎️ to get the application in for county and state approval—because if you can pass with bonus points, why wouldn’t you? 🎯

Lastly, while the ❄️ snow was piling up outside and fellow board members were held captive inside, Ms. Bellomo made her final grandstands to her hostages and the audience at home.
First, she tried to bypass the proper procedure outlined just minutes earlier, and called for an emergency 🚨 suspension of Policy 5756, arguing that since over 40 districts had already ditched it, it was an emergency that Marlboro restore parental rights right this very minute because I say so!

But here’s the thing—this wasn’t an emergency, and the rest of the board knew it. Other members rightly pushed back, noting that the policy had just been discussed in executive session, where a clear process was already agreed upon for its repeal at the next meeting. Some board members expressed frustration over the theatrics 🎭, musing that this should have been brought up earlier, instead of being dropped like a political stunt in open session ensuring maximum chaos, while others reminded everyone that following the law matters ⚖️—and this Board should not be rushing into bad decisions (again) that could backfire.

Despite heated debate 🔥, sanity prevailed. The board opted to table the motion and moved back into executive session for actual legal advice 📜. When they returned, they voted 6-3 against the emergency suspension, reinforcing that procedures exist for a reason. While the policy is still set to be repealed at the next meeting, the board refused to take a reckless shortcut just to score political points 🎯. Crisis averted—at least for now.

Still on fire 🔥, Ms. Bellomo also ranted about the as-yet-unseated Technology Committee, the same one that was created last year but - wait for it - was never seated. Here’s the thing though. On January 21st, El Presidente told the board he needed to give this committee more thought and he was working on it. Unfettered because now it was three whole long weeks later, Ms. Bellomo insisted he had plenty of time to build out an entire committee and define its responsibilities, because, you know, nothing says effective governance like rushing headfirst into a committee with no structure, no plan, and a Google search’s worth of research 🧐. What does she think this is - a Board that thinks before making decisions? Pssst. Why bother?
✈️ FlYinG bY tHe SeAt Of YoUR PaNTs IS WaaYyY MoRE FUn. 🤡

Here’s a wild idea 🤯: maybe, just maybe, let’s first figure out what the committee is actually supposed to do before throwing bodies into it for the sake of appearances. Maybe create a real foundation, and—stay with me here—actually use logic 🧠 instead of emotion-fueled, performative outrage 🎭.

With that, thank you for reading the Cracked Board.

Marlboro Township Public Schools Live Stream 2/11/2025 21, 2025 -  🔥🔥🔥Teamwork or Me-Work? The Art of Self-Congratulation🔥🔥🔥Bef...
January 21, 2025 - 🔥🔥🔥Teamwork or Me-Work? The Art of Self-Congratulation🔥🔥🔥

Before we get started on the latest from the Cracked Board, we’d like to remember Ms. Wanda Arango, a beloved educator who dedicated over 37 years to Marlboro Township Public Schools. Known for her passion for teaching Spanish, her joyful and nurturing classroom, and her commitment to fostering global awareness and compassion ❤️ through initiatives like "Community of Caring," Ms. Arango left a lasting legacy of excellence and care that touched generations of students and families. The Board extended heartfelt condolences 🕊️ to her family and observed a moment of silence in her memory.❤️❤️

The Marlboro Township Board of Education meeting featured heartwarming moments 💕 as staff and students were recognized for their efforts in fostering respect 🤝 and community health. Teachers Traci Kracoff and Erin Allutto received accolades 🏆 for going above and beyond, while the Healthy Futures Club at Marlboro Middle School showcased their impactful work, including organizing a blood drive that saved 180 lives last year. With a goal to exceed that success, the students enthusiastically invited the community to participate in this year’s drive on March 1st , emphasizing the life-saving impact of blood donations. Go out and donate, people! 💪The meeting continued with the talented students 🎨 of the David C. Abbott Early Learning Center, guided by the wonderful Caroline Bullock, who have been busy creating delightful winter masterpieces. Awesome work, kids! 👏

Now onto the Cracked Board: Where are Ms. Siewert and Ms. Gandhi? 🤔Skipping the first full meeting of the year—bold move, ladies! Maybe they’ve started their own secret club .
Ah, the committee shuffle, first major duty by El Presidente Mr. Cohen. Fresh off forming the new board committees, hopefully Mr. Cohen sought feedback from his Board members. Excitingly, the assignments were announced as everyone is trying to figure out their position.

Here’s the lineup: Mr. Cohen and Ms. Mendez are co-chairing the advisory committee, will it be a collaboration or a competitive filibuster? Stay tuned! Buildings and Grounds went to Ms. Bellomo, you could almost feel the applause she imagined in her head 👏🎭.Mr. Hyett snagged communications—let’s hope he says more words this year than in all the past ones combined. Dr. Miskiewicz is gracefully balancing both curriculum and special education with the skill and dedication of a true champion. Ms. Gandhi has been named the new policy chair—let’s hope the policies are ready to lead themselves, just in case! Mr. Lilonsky, our steadfast safety and security guru, is on the job—because who better to oversee things than someone who remembers when "closing the stable door" was a literal safety concern 🐎.

Meanwhile, the tech committee remains unseated🤖, proving once again that tech lags behind everything else, even pickle ball court construction. And in case you missed it, January is New Jersey School Board Recognition Month—cue the polite claps 👏👏👏for current and former members who serve our education system. Let’s hope this year’s committees bring their A-game to the court and don’t hit too many balls out of bounds!

Public Comments, oh boy, what do we have in store. One parent proposes a cell phone ban🚫📱—or at least a discussion about one—highlighting their impact on mental health and classroom dynamics. Their sentiment? “Cell phones are bad.” Let’s rewind to the simpler days of abacuses and rotary phones, where the only thing distracting kids was passing notes on loose-leaf paper.

Another community member asked why ESY is moving, a good question, looking forward to the reason.

The Marlboro Education Foundation (MEF) graced the Board with a presentation celebrating 25 years of raising over $650,000 and funding 250+ grants for the schools. A true powerhouse, they shared how they’ve modernized with a new digital application process and collaborated with administration to fund projects the budget just can’t handle. The new Board showered them with praise (as they should), which is a refreshing change from the previous administration, who seemed to think the MEF was a rogue operation and demanded bylaws like it was a Congressional hearing. Thankfully, the MEF is getting the love and respect it deserves, so Marlboro students and teachers can continue to benefit from their innovative grants. Oh, and don’t miss their Wizards fundraiser—it’s sure to be magical! 🧙‍♂️✨

And now, the moment we've all been waiting for—the audit presentation! 🎉 Nothing gets the blood pumping quite like fund balances and internal controls. The big news? The district got a shiny, clean audit with no major findings (woohoo, gold star for the finance team! ⭐).The budget💰 discussion was a thrilling deep dive into numbers, funding strategies, and the eternal struggle between fiscal responsibility and keeping kids from melting in overheated classrooms.

The big-ticket item? HVAC upgrades for Robertsville and Asher Schools. The Board debated whether to ask taxpayers for more money via a second ballot question, drain reserves, or take on a lease with interest—all while lamenting the fact that some students still rely on inefficient window units (because nothing says "modern education" like 1970s cooling methods).

Meanwhile, the bus driver crisis continues, and the district is considering a $5,000 signing bonus and a $2,500 referral bonus to lure new drivers. Fingers crossed this works better than the current strategy of wishful thinking and "Help Wanted" flyers.

On the technology front, there were concerns about cybersecurity (because hackers don’t take budget breaks), and teachers are still waiting for laptop upgrades—apparently, a Chromebook won’t cut it when running a classroom. Security updates were also a hot topic, with discussions on cameras, lobby guard tech, and other upgrades to keep schools safe.

And of course, the ultimate question—how much will this cost taxpayers? No one knows yet, but the Board has promised a full breakdown next meeting, so get your calculators (or stress balls) ready. One thing is certain: deciding how to spend millions of dollars is almost as complicated as explaining the Common Core.

The board swiftly moved through financial and business operations matters, approving everything from bills, audits, and home instruction changes to district donations and the disposal of old vehicles (RIP to some well-worn school buses).
A minor correction was made to home instruction dates, and a few board members had to abstain from voting on travel expenses since, well, they were the ones doing the traveling.

With that wrapped up, they moved on to curriculum matters, including an amendment to the Extended School Year program’s location, which was up for discussion next, they just need more space, nothing really earth shattering.
Essentially, the Extended School Year (ESY) program is moving to a new location, and parents can expect clear communication, applications, and transition plans—especially for younger students—to help ease the change.

After years of dedication and service, the district bids a heartfelt farewell to three outstanding individuals: Elaine Hill, who shaped young minds at Asher Holmes for 23 years (and kept her classroom at a toasty 82 degrees); Gregory Kishinevsky, a committed and reliable bus driver ensuring students’ safety for six years; and Surekha Vernekar, a warm and supportive instructional assistant making a difference for over two decades. We wish them all the best in their next adventures👏👏👏—whether it’s traveling, relaxing, or perfecting new recipes!

The board lawyer dusted off the ancient, unchanged-for-decades school ethics rules and gave a much-needed refresher on how not to embarrass themselves online. Turns out, board members can’t act like social media influencers stirring up drama, shouldn’t strong-arm the superintendent for personal favors, and actually have to work together (shocking, I know). Bonus lesson: if you’re going to rant online, at least slap on a disclaimer so the school ethics police don’t come knocking.

The board approved the school calendars for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 after the usual thrilling debate over which days kids should actually be in school. A lively discussion ensued about possibly swapping out Election Day closures for a day off on Veterans Day. Dr. Miskiewicz gave a great reason why students should stay in school to celebrate veterans. The superintendent was tasked with crunching the numbers in case the county ever decides to move voting out of schools.

A community member asked some solid questions about bus driver shortages, special needs transportation, and the fate of old Chromebooks (spoiler: they get shuffled down to younger students until Google declares them obsolete).
Another resident got up and “gasp” pointed out the obvious: some schools still don’t have air conditioning, because apparently, learning in a sauna builds character. He then took a moment to roast the town for endlessly whining about the school board but never actually showing up to meetings—though, to be fair, maybe people prefer watching from the comfort of their air-conditioned homes or just skimming the latest edition of The Cracked Board for the highlights. Not everyone has the time to sit through the bureaucratic Olympics, after all.

Board members finally figured out how to streamline updates—progress! Schools are thriving, PTOs are working overtime, and the board generously extends thanks to all the teachers, parents, and students making it happen.
But wait, let’s pause everything for a Very Important Acknowledgment—Ms. Bellomo 👏👏made absolutely sure she got her well-earned thanks 🙌, even if it meant helpfully interpreting the liaison report to squeeze it in. Truly inspiring teamwork🤔!
One has to wonder: is she playing for Team Board or Team Me? Maybe a quick refresher on kindergarten lessons about sharing and taking turns would help. Either way, Ms. Bellomo, The Cracked Board would like to extend our sincerest thanks—for… well, something. We’ll figure it out later.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

The board dove into new business, tackling urgent issues like a bus driver incentive plan. The consensus? Desperate times call for cash bonuses—up to $5,000 per driver to keep the wheels turning. Naturally, concerns about payout timing, clawbacks, and potential loopholes were raised, because no one wants a revolving door of drivers collecting checks and ghosting.

Meanwhile, a board member brought up New Jersey's decision to lower testing requirements for teachers, prompting reassurances that Marlboro wouldn’t be watering down its hiring standards—because, apparently, expecting educators to actually pass exams is still a thing here. With that, the board wrapped up and shuffled into executive session for a closed-door discussion, reassuring the public that nothing of consequence would happen afterward.

With that, we are done, finally…

Marlboro Township Public Schools Live Stream 1/21/2025

January 7, 2025 -  🔥🔥🔥A Fresh Start and New Leadership🔥🔥🔥’s another edition of C...

January 7, 2025 - 🔥🔥🔥A Fresh Start and New Leadership🔥🔥🔥

Here’s another edition of Cracked Board: Marlboro Township’s Finest Drama Series! 🎭 Thankfully, this one’s a quick read—you're welcome. 🙃

Big news! We’ve got two new board members! 🎉 Brian Cohen and Jenna Corraro have joined the circus (oops, I mean Board) after November's election, alongside returning champ Danielle Bellomo. The trio participated in the oh-so-ceremonial oath of office 👏.

Now officially seated, our freshly minted board members are ready to dive headfirst into their glamorous new roles of late-night meetings, endless policy debates, and—let’s be real—the occasional spicy public comment session. 🍿 Here’s hoping they packed some thick skin and a sense of humor. They'll need it! 😏

And then the real entertainment kicked off: the Game of Thrones—oops, I mean the nomination and appointment of the Board President. 👑 The burning question: Who will it be? 🔥

In a twist worthy of a reality show, Dr. Miskiewicz nominated brand-new board member Brian Cohen. Yep, the guy who literally just sat down in his chair. 😲 Dr. Miskiewicz gushed over Cohen's extensive leadership chops, education experience, and supposedly encyclopedic understanding of board operations (from his whopping 15 minutes of tenure). 🕒

Cohen was hailed as a visionary—cue dramatic music—who apparently possesses the mystical powers needed to guide the district with brilliance and finesse. ✨ Let’s hope the fresh perspective isn’t so fresh that it’s still unwrapped! 🎁

In a plot twist absolutely no one saw coming 🙄, Mrs. Siewert nominated Valentina Mendez. 🎤 She sang Ms. Mendez’s praises, citing her leadership skills, marathon-level professional training sessions 🏃‍♀️, and magical ability to make board members play nice with each other (most of the time). 🤝 Mrs. Siewert must have conveniently forgotten all the barbs Ms. Mendez hurled at the community—not to mention how she effectively muzzled three board members in 2024.

The BOE’s version of a talent show kicked off as the nominees stepped up to pitch why they should be the board’s supreme ruler. 👑

Ms. Mendez, started off as she leaned on her track record as the already reigning board president. 🏅 She stressed her dedication to fairness, collaboration, and her overachiever-level professional development streak. 📜✏️ Ms. Mendez threw a subtle warning shot, suggesting that leadership might be a bit too much, too soon for the new guy on the block. 🚸 She made her case for continuity and professionalism, reminding everyone that a steady hand at the wheel is better than reinventing it. 🚗✨

Mr. Cohen came out swinging, boasting his 30+ years of experience in education and government, his top-tier leadership chops, and a commitment to all things collaboration. 🤝 He pointed to his election as the community’s cry for change and vowed to unify the board while carrying the district’s vision forward. 🚀 Bold promises, folks—we’ve heard those before. Let’s hope this time we don’t end up with a burnt bridge instead of a better board. 🔥🛤️

Breaking news! In a shocker (or maybe not), the Board decided that unseasoned leadership was the way to go over seasoned experience. 🫣 Yep, the rookie, Mr. Cohen, snagged the presidency over the incumbent, Ms. Mendez. 🏆 Ouch!! Here’s hoping Ms. Mendez can put her sharp remarks about Mr. Cohen and his wife behind her and actually collaborate.

Clearly, something went majorly sideways during her reign—just check our previous posts for a refresher on the drama. 🐾🚨
So, untested over experienced it is! 🤷‍♂️ Fingers crossed this current Board knows what they’re doing and work with Mr. Cohen and not divide the Board even further. Let’s just hope this gamble doesn’t backfire. 🤞🤦‍♀️

Next up, the Vice President nomination showdown! Dr. Miskiewicz, clearly on a roll this week, threw Chad Hyett’s name into the ring. Wait, who? 🧐 Oh yeah, the guy whose best skill is mastering the art of silence while others duke it out. 🤐
On the other side, Mrs. Siewart stayed loyal to her bestie Ms. Mendez. 💕 Must be tough riding on someone else’s coattails—maybe now she’ll buddy up with Mr. Cohen?

Fresh off her presidential loss, Mendez wasn’t ready to fade into the background just yet. 🪩 So, naturally, she accepted the nomination for VP, perhaps as a way to stay somewhat in the game. 👑 Because if you can’t rule the kingdom, at least snag the second-in-command seat, right? 😉

In yet another surprise twist, Mr. Hyett emerged victorious! 🎉 Apparently, his stellar leadership skills and talent for uniting the community carried the day. 🗳️ Here’s hoping he graces us with more than a few words this year and works with Mr. Cohen to bring back sanity, respect, and success to the Board.

As for Ms. Mendez… yikes. 😬 Let’s just say this wasn’t her day. Losing both the top and second-tier seats? That’s a tough one. The people have spoken, last year was a circus, and she had her fingerprints all over the chaos. We need to do better for this town and for our children.

After all the pomp and ceremony, it was time for public comments. One community member stepped up to the mic 🎤 and called out the outdated elementary phonics program, urging the Board to consider something more comprehensive (hello, modern education!). She also asked for clarity on proposed changes to the gifted and talented program—because, apparently, transparency is still on the district's wish list. 🎁
Good points, solid concerns… but whether the Board actually listened or just nodded politely remains a mystery. 🕵️‍♀️ Fingers crossed, folks! 🤞

And now, for the highlight of the evening: The number 1 mother of Marlboro, Ms. Bellomo’s children announced to the room that her reign as Queen Mom was still intact.

And with that, the meeting wrapped up in under an hour! 🎉 We’ll count that as a win for everyone’s sanity. 🕒👏

Marlboro Township Public Schools Live Stream 1/7/2025

December 17, 2024 -  ❄️❄️❄️Happy Holidays❄️❄️❄️ In the December edition of the Cracked Board, yet another Board meeting ...

December 17, 2024 - ❄️❄️❄️Happy Holidays❄️❄️❄️

In the December edition of the Cracked Board, yet another Board meeting that was more “Bored” than anything else. 💤 Great recognition of MTPS from grateful parents—Marlboro truly has a fantastic school system, so let’s keep it that way. 🙌 Amazing work by the children from David C. Abbott as they demonstrated what it means to be good community members, with Mrs. Udon’s class showcasing this beautifully. 👏 Shout-out to Asher Holmes for their STEAM-focused event 🔬🎨, and kudos to Dugan and the YMCA for their collaborative artwork, which highlighted teamwork, gratitude, and the holiday spirit. 🖼️🎄

And then, we endured an hour-long executive session that dragged on and on. ⏳ You’d think they’d plan these sessions better so the public isn’t left sitting around twiddling their thumbs. 🤷‍♀️ But does the Board care about us? Who knows. 🙄
Shockingly, there were NO public comments. 😱 Maybe Marlboro is just too tired or busy preparing for the holidays 🎅🎁, but we definitely missed the usual ramblings of the community.

President Ms. Mendez brought up Board self-evaluations—a great initiative that will finally allow the Board to assess their own performance. 🧐 Mrs. Siewert chimed in to praise the initiative—wow, pucker up! 😘 While it’s a step in the right direction, we at the Cracked Board wish this had been done earlier. Maybe then they could have evaluated their yearlong theatrics 🎭 and the embarrassment they’ve caused the community. Here’s hoping they’ll share the results with us and something productive will come out of it. But let’s be real—we won’t hold our breath. 😤

Mr. Ballone presented the proposed 2025–2026 school calendar, sparking some spirited debate (because what else would happen?). 🔥📅 The discussion focused on syncing with Freehold Regional’s calendar, tweaking spring break, and dealing with single-session days. The Board made a big show of emphasizing transparency and communication with the community—wait, transparency and communication? 🤔 Who are these people, and what have they done with the usual Board? 🛸

Now, for the pièce de résistance: voting booths in schools. 🗳️ Or rather, the hot topic of getting them out of schools. The grand plan was to send emails to the local government to get the ball rolling. And guess what? Drumroll, please...nothing. Nada. Zip.
Emails weren’t sent. 🙄 Who needs follow-through when you can just talk about it for another year? Priorities, folks. Priorities. 🤦‍♂️

The 2025–2026 budget discussion was on full display, covering revenue projections, department reviews, and the usual anxiety over state funding (surprise, surprise). 😬 Highlights included plans for HVAC updates at two schools (finally), new curriculum resources like math textbooks and G&T program supports, and some tech upgrades, including Chromebook refreshes and beefed-up security systems. Sounds good on paper, but let’s hope the Board applies more "rigor" in vendor selection than they did with that infamous after-school program debacle. 🙄 Fingers crossed, right? 🤞

Then came the fun part: proposed state legislation that could allow districts to raise the tax levy beyond 2% to cover rising costs and underfunding. 🤑 Translation? More taxes! 💸 But hey, at least we’ll get… um, what exactly are we getting for these tax hikes? A new sense of mystery? 🤷‍♀️ A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing we’re contributing? The suspense is almost as thrilling as the Board’s budgeting process. 🧐

The meeting concluded with a heartfelt tribute to retiring custodian Michael MacDonald for his 48 years of service—truly well-deserved recognition. 🎉

And finally, Mr. Ballone took a moment to “graciously” recognize outgoing members Ashlee McCormack and Aldo Patruno for their "contributions"—or, let’s be real, lack thereof. 😂 But hey, the good news is they’re officially being put out to pasture. 🐄🌾 Rest easy, Marlboro—these two are now harmless spectators, unable to inflict further damage on the school system. 🙌 Here’s hoping their legacy of mediocrity fades quickly! ✌️


Marlboro, NJ


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