Simple Acts Of Kindness

Simple Acts Of Kindness This page is a attempt to bring back some faith in humanity. I think it would do all of good to know these things still happen.

I would like to read stories of kindness wether you did something or had someone do something for you.


If everyone would just think before they speak, life would be better for everyone.


When anyone is in a store like Walk Mart and you see someone in a scooter or someone short or having trouble getting something off a high shelf You should offer to help them. I know we all get into a hurry and I think we just don't think about it . To the person having a hard time the help means so much to them.


There are times when someone may just need someone to listen to them. Kindness can be so simple


I would love to see others post on here If you've seen someone do something kind for another or if you have please post


Merry Christmas all

It's been a long time since I've posted  I just want to say that a act of kindness can be just to lend a ear to someone ...

It's been a long time since I've posted I just want to say that a act of kindness can be just to lend a ear to someone who needs to talk listen to them and then Respect their privacy. Sometimes a person just needs to vent.

There are people who always seem to put their drama on Social Media.I know that some of it is petty and some may seem ov...

There are people who always seem to put their drama on Social Media.I know that some of it is petty and some may seem over the top and everyone instantly labels that person a "Drama King/Queen or attention seaker. Maybe some of them are, but there is also the possibility that the person has no one to listen and just needs to be heard. When there is no one to talk to and someone feels alone they will reach out in any way they can. Instead of judging them maybe reaching out and asking them if they need to talk would mean more to a person than you could ever imagine. That would be a true act of kindness.


Hello everyone as we go into the holiday season please keep in mind the meaning of the holiday whether you're religious or not it's still peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men and that means everybody so please when you go out shopping be nice to the people who are waiting on you they have a very hard job and they're working very hard if the place doesn't have what you need it's nothing personal against you they didn't sell it all out just to keep it from you and I know it's aggravating but they want you to have it as much as you want to have it trust me please be nice to them they're working hard to help you


I don't get to post as often as I would like but I would love to hear about acts of kindness everyone sees and does. I would live to get stories from you all


It's been a while since I have been on here The truth is I've been having a hard time lately but I am going to be fine. The act of kindness I would like to speak about today is the ones I get at my job all the time. I work with a group of people I care about who care for me also and it shows so much When you are next to someone hours a day get to know then and if they seem to complain about their life a lot be kind Work may be the only place they have to talk and you may be the only one they trust


I would love to see the media posts more of the good things that are being done instead of focusing on all the bad There are so many people out there who are giving up on people all together because all they see is bad. Wether or not you see these things they happen. If we would all refuse to buy into this and not let them dictate our moods is up to us. I think that for every bad story they publish they should have to publish a good one. There are still kind people who do good out there The media chooses to focus on the bad things because that's what sells regardless of what this does to public moral. I used to be a news ju**ie. I stopped because I was getting too upset at the things I was seeing all the time and I am so much better off for it I still eyes open for anything that I need to see and I think injustice needs to be brought to light but I also thing kindness and good works should be spotlighted as well.


Sometimes people don't need someone to talk to they need someone to listen.


There are a lot of people struggling right now and a true act of kindness would be to check on them. Many of our elderly don't get much company and they would love it I'm sure


Ok all. I was on the bike path and a small elderly woman was walking with a walker and behind her 3 guys were walking They stayed steadily behind her and I just didn't like the way they kept pase behind her like they did and I feel I need to point out that these guys had not done anything and it's possible they had no bad intentions at all. I just felt the need to watch over her. I walked with her until she was safely home I didn't want to alarm her so I didn't say anything about them. Hopefully I didn't scare her myself. My whole point here is just to ask everyone to please watch out for our elderly. They are at risk and we need to watch out for them.


Ok everyone. Now is the time to show who we really are. In this time of uncertainty and fear are we going to be our best or our worst? We are a community and by extension all family of sorts. This is not a competition and we are all in this together and we need to think of others as well as our selves. I would love so much to when this is all over be able to say. I am from southeast Ohio the place where the people all came together and took care of each other. We all helped one another and came through this as a community. These things can bring out the very best in people or the worst. I want to be the best.


With all this going on right now we could all work together as a community instead of the everyone for themselves. This is a time when we need to pull together and be a community and take care of our own. My first concern is for our elderly. We need to check on them make sure they're ok. Many of them can't get around and we should help them. If you are worrying about yourself and would allow a person to starve and be without essentials then that is on you I would rather get sick myself knowing I was helping someone else than sit in safety knowing a disabled person was starving or alone without anyone to help. Really everyone we are in this together. This looks bad. Just because things go bad doesn't mean we have to go with them. These are the things that bring out the true nature of people. What's yours?


So I haven't seen anyone else post. I know there are some kind people out there. I saw a lady at Wall Mart in one of those scooter chairs and she was trying to load her truck with the things she had bought. She was having a good bit of trouble so I stopped and helped her. As I was loading her truck for her two men wearing dress clothes walked by. I didn't think anything of it until I saw a friend in the parking lot after I said good bye to the lady I helped. My friend told me that the men in suits were talking about how trashy I was with all of my tattoos. My friend was kind enough to point out to the men that the one they refuted to as trashy stopped to help someone in need as they walked by and did nothing to help the lady. To my friend who took up for me thank you. The moral of this story is Don't judge a person based on appearance. Kindness comes from the heart not the wardrobe.


I know I've been known to blast my drama on Facebook just as a lot of other people do. When I do that it's because I have no one to talk to or I need to vent. It's very highly possible even probable that many others who do this are doing it for the same reason. Instead of finding humor in it as we often do, maybe we should PM the person and see if they need to talk. That may do more for someone than we think. Just one simple act of kindness could change so much.


A true act of kindness is when you see someone who the world has thrown away and spend a few moments listening to them. The homeless on the street who everyone thinks are either ju**ies or drunks have their own stories and they may surprise you.


My post today isn't anything I have seen or done but something I would love if we all did more and that is to realise life is not a competition. We are all in this together. When someone is struggling offer help and when someone helps you be grateful.Share your knowledge with others and hear them when they share theirs with you. We can all learn and teach. We all have hopes dreams and feelings . respect those of others and help them achieve ones success is success for all. If you allow someone to fail when you could be helped, you also failed.


JESUS have us one rule that if every one followed there would be no trouble in the world. That rule was Do unto others as you would have them do into you. Wether or not you are a believer is of no importance in this . If we all treated others as we would have them treat us humanity would be amazing.


I was in Wall Mart yesterday and I saw two teenaged boys goofing around and a woman in one of those scooters pulled up near them I expected them to say smart assed things to her but one of them asked if they could help her get anything off of the high shelves. She did have a couple things she said. They listened as she told them and got the things down for her. They were kind and polite the whole time. When she had all she needed they wouldn't accept payment from her and they said good bye to her and she then. Say what you want about kids but there are still some good ones out there


Wishing you all a Happy New year. I hope simple acts of kindness become more prevalent in all our lives. I mean the acts of kindness. If the page grows that's great but I'm hoping people will start living each other more than the I Phone 11.

Sometimes a true act of kindness is in what you do not do or say.

Sometimes a true act of kindness is in what you do not do or say.


Marietta, OH





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