Regan-Brock Wedding Mother /son dance
Let me tell you a story about my mother. She has been blessed by dementia. Yes, you read it right…blessed. My mom has lived a very hard life and much of her hard life has affected me. Mom has never been one to talk about Jesus. I’m sure some of her pain was somehow God’s fault. At least, we tend to blame our earthly pain on God. It doesn’t matter that man is sinful and broken, somehow God gets the blame. I asked my mother many times over the years, “If you died today would you go to heaven or hell?” Her answer was always, “Heaven, I hope, but I’ll probably go to hell.” As her daughter, her answer made me very sad.
About two years ago, mom began having noticeable, abnormal memory issues. Not age related but brain disease related. It progressed to where she is now. She is in a facility in a small town in California. Instead of remaining a victim to life, she flipped to a happy, jolly, funny, very pleasant, very kind individual. I could not have prayed for a better mother to spend her last fading memories with. I loved my mother growing up, but this mother is irresistible.
When my mom’s brain was touched by dementia, my heart ached. I was torn up about knowing my mom did not know Christ before she lost her “sound mind”. How in the world was it possible to have a changed heart a heart for Jesus in her confusion.
Who am I to doubt God. I sold Him short of His awesomeness. He has reached down in her madness and touched her heart. I believe that she is His child. I grieve knowing I doubted this miracle was possible. Much of the time, she has no clue who I am. She thinks I’m her sister but I’m convinced she knows Jesus.