Interesting timing Chief. Why not send this in the paper or stop the housing authority from using that kind of material resulting in dozens of gas calls to the dept that as you know from your letters regarding the “tenants not turning stoves off or acting responsible so you may shut them off” rather than ensure that the workers are legit, and proper materials used, individuals licensed and of course inspected. But, no one cares about the residents of the elderly, disabled and family complexes until they use them as pawns to usher in new housing in which those it’s meant for will never see it to enjoy it because in typical Marblehead and Massachusetts fashion the fraud, corruption, and lack of oversight will derail any project, cost millions more than they said, and then it will never be completed or even worse it will be completed and then fall apart and be ridden with mold and leaks like all the other new construction and buildings that have been done in the past 10-15yrs! Something is seriously wrong with the infrastructure, the trees are all rotten, the roads are crap, sidewalks impassable, parks, and schools are pathetic, even the library was unable to open on time due to FAILURE TO FOLLOW LAWS, regulations and permits! Disgusting! It’s not Vegas, it’s not what happens I. Marblehead stays in Marblehead, well of course unless it’s the education department the. They’re front page non stop! Wake up people look around, all your town offices are full of frauds and the town is going to s**t! If you care truly about the town not just the admiration you feel when you drive around in your giant suv with the light house sticker then speak up and do something! This town is dying!
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