Ladonna's Praise Party
Wanna see what LaDonna does when she thinks no one is watching? #PraiseParty #jointhekinshipradiofamily #middayswithladonna
Come to the Kinship Radio Open House! Today from 3 to 6 at our Mankato Studios. :)
More Christmas fun from Kinship Radio Staff!!!
Ryan and Beth had slightly different reactions to the first snow this morning after the show! #morningswithryanandbeth
TODAY (11/15) is the last day to enter into the “I’m so Blessed” giveaway! Tell us why you are so blessed this season by calling or texting in to 800-810-5559 or go online to
I’m so Blessed! Finish the lyrics…
Have you submitted your entry yet? Get in on Kinship Radio’s “I’m so Blessed” giveaway this thanksgiving season. Also - let us know in the comments ⬇️ which songs you LOVE hearing on our station! #ThanksgivingGiveaway #kinshipradio #blessed
It is the LAST DAY of Share 2024!!! Right now there is a 10,000 $ Dollar for Dollar match you can leap on and double the impact of YOUR gift, and help increase the reach of YOUR radio station. Let's finish strong!!! #jointhekinshipfamily #HopeIsHere
Anyone else catch themselves belting this out with CeCe? THAT'S MY KING!!!!!
When did a member of God’s Animal Kingdom get a little too friendly?
Check out the turtle moving into Ryan Freeds backyard like it's his own.
#BurningQuestion #MorningswithRyanandBeth
Tuesday's Burning Question!!!!
Introducing Tuesday's Burning Question!!!! #MorningsWithRyanandBeth #BurningQuestion