Representative Rich McCormick, R – GA, is a medical doctor. He’s also an idiot. Worse; he’s a malicious idiot.
To be fair, since he’s an MD and has earned an MBA and is otherwise very accomplished I shouldn’t say he’s an idiot, I should describe him as a scumbag. A malicious scumbag.
“When you’re talking about school lunches, hey, I worked my way through high school. I don’t know about you but I worked, since, I was , before I was even 13 years old. I was picking berries in a field before they had child labor laws that precluded that. I was a paper boy, and when I was in high school I worked my entire way through.
“You’re telling me that kids who stay at home instead of going to work at Burger King or McDonald’s during the summer should stay at home and get their free lunch instead of going to work?”
“This gives us a chance though to see where is the money really being spent. Who can actually go and actually produce their own income? Who can actually go out there and do something that makes them have value and work skills for the future? How many people got their start in fast food restaurants when they were kids vs. just giving a blanket rule that gives all kids lunches in high school who are capable of going out and actually getting a job and doing something that makes them have value, thinking about their future instead of thinking about how they’re going to sponge off the government when they don’t need to?
Yeah, what kind of monster would want a blanket rule that gives all kids lunches in high school?
“We don’t give people value, we don’t give them the ability to dig themselves out when we penalize them for actually working and actually keep them on welfare. That’s what’s been the inner city problem for a very long time.”
Really? Dude, you represent the wealthiest congressional district in Georgia and you’re slagging on inner city kids on welfare? You’re busting on poor hungry kids saying they are sponging off the government?
But wait there’s more.
“"When in history, and this is a really good question for any reporter, when in history, have we had our poorest people also be our fattest people? That’s for the first time here in America. Traditionally, our poorest people live very skinny and very under-nutrition."
Like I said: He’s a scumbag.
Poor people don’t become fat because they’re overindulging on pate and caviar, poor people who become overweight, even obese, get there because they don’t have access to nutritious food and wind up bulking up on inexpensive processed food.
And actually nutritious food is expensive.
As a doctor he must know this. As a scumbag he has no problem spouting this bulls**t.
But, hey, these are the people the American electorate, in its finite wisdom, handed the keys to.
Rep. Rich McCormick said that the freeze on federal aid would allow the government to review all programs including ones that provide free school lunches to low-income children.