As of Sunday, October 13th we, Eighty-Eight coffee company, have STILL NOT come to an agreement with the city of Manchester, NH. All day we’ve been approached by people and sources telling us that WMUR news 9 and the Union Leader have reported that we have settled with the City of Manchester, NH. THIS IS NOT TRUE. While they have accepted a number for the building and property from a non-bias assessment, they have not offered any compensation for the business, loss of business, or transition time among other things. Certain entities have power and control of narratives at times. We never confirmed this with either news source and are astounded that they would make those claims without doing so. This is not over. PLEASE SHOW UP TO THE BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMAN MEETING THIS TUESDAY AT MANCHESTER CITY HALL, 3rd floor at 7PM (if you’d like to speak arrive at 6:30pm to sign up) to show your support for Eighty Eight coffee. All we want is to be compensated fairly so we can have a future once we figure out our next steps. To our customers and all who have had our back we cannot begin to express out gratitude towards you. Please repost and share if you can. Thank you. ❤️