Medicare 2021 Review or Sign up
It's that time of year again. Every Dec 7th it is time to review and update your Medicare provider to get the best coverage That You Need.
Insurance Brokers provide information on all available plans whereas Agents represent a particular company. This show focuses on a Broker in the NH Market:
Senior Benefit Services of NH
400 Harvey Road, Manchester, New Hampshire 03103, office phone (603) 273-0951.
Help me with Little to Big things. You can buy me a Coffee or Several Coffees so I can continue Producing these shows by keeping my software/hardware up to date. I'd love to get a Camera and start Filming Live Events when they start Happening again.
Apply for Social Security and Disability
Not sure Apply for State Assistance in your State.
Combatting Climate Disinformation on Social Media
Combatting Climate Disinformation on Social Media watch full video here:
Union of Concerned Scientists Their website:
Their YouTube channel:
Help me with Little to Big things. You can buy me a Coffee or Several Coffees so I can continue Producing these shows by keeping my software/hardware up to date. I'd love to get a Camera and start Filming Live Events when they start Happening again.
Mis- and disinformation on climate change and clean energy solutions is widely spread on various social media platforms, and often becomes acute during extreme weather events, power outages, and around the releases of international climate assessments and negotiations.
The Union of Concerned Scientists invites you to watch our webinar as we discuss how disinformation is spread and by whom, and best strategies and practices to combat it.
Lindsey Berger, Union of Concerned Scientists
Michael Khoo, Upshift Strategies
Bhanu Neupane, UNESCO
Ricardo Grassi, Citizens Platform on Climate Change and a Sustainable World
Astrid Caldas, Union of Concerned Scientists (moderator)
NH Network Fall Summit Maine State Rep. SPECIAL Co-Host Bob Backus former Chair of the ST&E Committee Science Technology and Energy Committee.
The second New Hampshire Network Summit was held on Saturday, September 18th. Groups across New Hampshire that focus on Environment, Energy, and Climate issues connected to amplify our collective impact. NH Network website:
Help me with Little to Big things. You can buy me a Coffee or Several Coffees so I can continue Producing these shows by keeping my software/hardware up to date. I'd love to get a Camera and start Filming Live Events when they start Happening again.
Guest speaker Maine State Rep. Lydia Blume: A successful model – what Maine has done
You can view the Whole Event or just Maine State Rep Lydia Bloom's presentation or the full Panel discussion Here:
Panel discussion: Past and current NH legislators and regulatory experts share their views on why NH has consistently lagged behind other NE states on energy efficiency, clean energy deployment, and carbon emissions reduction -- and how we can help bridge these gaps. Panelists: Consumer Advocate Don Kreis, Rep. Kat McGhee, former Rep. Bob Backus.
Plenary: Action steps and recommendations for NH Network’s future
Individuals and Organizations Join the NH NetWork
NH Network Fall Summit Panel Discussion
NH Network Fall Summit Rep Lydia Bloom
Fall Summit Sept 28 without breakout rooms
NH Democracy Failed/Is it Working? Are Bills that cannot be passed: Just Added to the States Budget?
NH Activists (along with Co-Host Ken Wells) speak out about popular supported bills not being passed. Unpopular bills being tabled or to be brought back later or attached to the Budget.
You can help Support me in both little and large ways. Buy me a Coffee or several Coffees. Thank-you.
Brian Beihl Open Democracy speaking about Redistricting. Tool box for passing fair and transparent redistricting in Your City or Town.
Joseph Kwasnik speaking about Energy Bills. Good news and bad.
Andru Volinsky on Education. Over 6000 people opposed the school voucher bill and yet it gets attached to the Budget.
Dan Weeks speaking a House Bill 544 Divisive concepts. In case you missed Sunday's New Hampshire Union Leader, this full-page ad lists 270 businesses and nonprofits that publicly oppose the "divisive concepts" language GOP leaders inserted into the state budget to ban teaching about systemic racism.
We welcome more workplaces to sign on at
We invite all concerned citizens to call Gov. Chris Sununu at 603-271-2121 and urge he veto the "divisive concepts" language when it reaches his desk.
Protecting Our Democracy
With more than 389 bills being filed in 48 States making it harder for People to Vote. There will be redistricting going on in every State. What can you do to protect the Right to Vote and making sure your Vote Counts. Open Democracy has helped pass warrant articles and resolutions in 70 NH communities.
You can help Support me in both little and large ways. Buy me a Coffee or several Coffees. Thank-you.
Help Open Democracy Take Action to protect your Vote.
Help the People's Act Action Page
The tools for passing Town and City support for Fair and Transparent Redistricting.
Contact information for the Special Committee on Redistricting
Attend Map-a-Thon to do your own redistricting, this takes place Tuesday, June 22 from 6 to 7:30 pm
Attend "Bucket Brigade for Democracy," June 23, 5:30 in person and Zoom. Located at 2 Litchfield Rd Londonderry NH. Details coming soon.
Join the League of Conservation Voters, The Kent Street Coalition, Open Democracy, and 603 Forward for a Roundtable Discussion; The For the People Act and Climate Action with For the People Act lead sponsor Congressman John Sarbanes,
Wednesday, June 23rd 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Register here:
Thursday, June 24, 10 am to 12 noon to demand a state budget that strengthens our communities with good investments, and to oppose the harmful provisions that have been approved by the state legislature. Join us. Facebook Event:
Making Our Democracy Work with Alan Minsky PDA, Olivia Zink Open Democracy NH & Kurt Ehrenberg former Senior Advisor Bernie Sanders NH.
You can help Support me in both little and large ways. Buy me a Coffee or several Coffees. Thank-you.
Do you want to know more about Progresssive Democrats of America then visit them at:
Looking to research Open Democracy NH:
Are you Looking to Take Action on making all our Votes count equally ? Then Take Action on Fair and Transparent Redistricting. You can also Take Action on Every City and Town whose population would give them a dedicated legislator has one. There are 62 communities that share legislators in NH and they have sufficient populations to have a dedicated legislator and don't.
Legislative 101 - Tutorial: How to navigate the complicated world of State House advocacy.
How to Contact Your Elected Officials:
Learn how to contact your federal, state, and local elected leaders.