Before spring break we had big plans for FDYouTV and then COVID-19 unfortunately had to spoil them. This semester we’ve really had to adapt and make the best out of this situation. This video was filmed right before social distancing was put into effect and we had no idea this would be the last time we saw each other in person. We hope we have been able to bring some joy to your lives as we are in these crazy times. Hopefully the world will be restored soon and we can be back at our home, FDU🤞
Check out our new video here ➡️
W(h)ine time part 2 is here! Kick back on this lovely Friday evening, have a glass of wine, and debate these juicy topics😏 Check it out here!
Come w(h)ine with us! Tonight’s video is one of our personal favorites! FDYouTV members, Juliana and Clarissa, came up with a list of some pretty spicy topics for Olivia and Tiffanie to debate about! Let us know what you think about the topics in the comments!😏 Click the link to watch the vid!
Tea anyone??☕️👀 Come get the inside scoop on all things pop culture with our new video, CelebriTea time! It’s only fitting to be hosted by FDU’s very own pop culture god, Luis Aguilera! 👏 Click the link to check it out!
Headbands...but make it FDU.
Before quarantine, Olivia and Tiffanie got together and played a game of FDU Headbands! Click here for the video: 🤗😈
‼️New video alert‼️We just uploaded our new video, Corona vs. Clout! Check out how local businesses, like Tacoria, are handling business during this pandemic! Let us know what you think
*we filmed at Tacoria the day Gov. Murphy announced restaurants are open for takeout/delivery only*
Drumroll please!🥁 Our YouTube channel is FINALLY live! Click the link to watch FDYouTV in the making and get a little update! 🎉 We hope you enjoy!
Something is here Friday to see what’s up😏
We had the best time giving away pancakes today!! Thanks to everyone who stopped by!