A little timelapse of Saturday night's #masterfollies2024 show. At this point, all the little bugs and kinks are worked out, and I'm essentially hitting next and making small adjustments.
I've got ProTools playback to my left, my laptop running Live Professor & my iPad in front of me, and my Live Smaart rig to my right. All of them were linked together in multiple ways to allow MIDI and OSC information to talk between them.
So when I load a scene on the Midas Pro2, it triggers Pro Tools to start, which then calls presets in KLANG (in ear monitors), starts playback on some raspberry pis that control the LED music staff that spread across the stage, & sends timecode to lighting and video playback.
My iPad had buttons to pull up my plugin chain in Live Professor for each vocalist, some bypass buttons for Waves Tune & the Midas channel inserts in case of issues, and an emergency "Stop Pro Tools" button. Fun when it all works!
#audioengineer #midaspro2 #avidprotools #touchosc #liveprofessor #osculator #rationalacousticssmaart #wavestune #slatevmr
Jessie and Kris talk about what it's like working together in a studio session.
If you are a worship songwriter that needs some help realizing a new song, give Kris a shout here at Filament Productions!
And check out Jessie on IG at @jessie._.klassen!
Interview footage by Hamil Bros Studios
Music video footage by HG Creative
#worship #worshipmusic #worshipleader #churchmusic
#churchlife #musicproduction
#musicproductionstudio #musicproducer
Jessie - Producing Style
Jessie and Kris talk about Kris' producing style.
If you are a worship songwriter that needs some help realizing a new song, give Kris a shout here at Filament Productions!
And check out Jessie at @jessie._.klassen!
Thanks to Hamil Bros Studios for the killer interview footage and HG Creative for the music video footage!
#worship #worshipmusic #worshipleader #churchmusic
#churchlife #musicproduction
#musicproductionstudio #musicproducer
Jessie and Kris talk about connecting over worship music and working toward a common purpose.
If you are a worship songwriter that needs some help realizing a new song, give Kris a shout here at Filament Productions!
Check out Jessie on IG at @jessie._.klassen!
Thanks to Hamil Bros Studios for the killer interview footage, and HG Creative for the music video footage!
#worship #worshipmusic #worshipleader #churchmusic
#churchlife #musicproduction
#musicproductionstudio #musicproducer
Meet Jessie Klassen, a worship leader in Seagraves, TX.
If you are a worship songwriter that needs some help realizing a new song, give Kris a shout here at Filament Productions!
And check out Jessie on Insta at @jessie._.klassen!
Thanks to Hamil Bros Studios for the killer interview footage, and HG Creative for the music video footage!
#worship #worshipmusic #worshipleader #churchmusic #churchlife #musicproduction #musicproductionstudio #musicproducer #studiorecording
#ijustgaggedalittlesayingthat #recording #automation #studiolife #acapellamusic #acapella #newmusic #protools #yamaha01v96 #imgettingmoresouthernbytheday
Best Friends
Sometimes acapella music just needs a clap track. Best Friends #acapella #vocals #claptrack #studio #music #recording #studiotricks #blumleinpair #96kHzclaps #noapplauseplease