I gave my life to Jesus my senior year on a hill in NC worshiping God with about 100 other young people. I was filled with the Holy Ghost one night at a Spirit Filled Baptist church during an intense time of worship. I spent the next 20+ years as a part of various traveling worship teams. During all those years the common thread was intense, Holy Spirit Filled worship and praise that saw healing, deliverance, salvations and the fire of God. That is my foundation, this is my desire as a pastor.
The River is in the process of a huge transition. As a part of that transition, it’s my desire to return to that foundation. I can clearly see what God is wanting to do in this next phase of ministry and I’m pretty sure that He’s already been speaking to some like visioned people both to be a part of the worship team on stage or a part of the worshippers leading in worship in the congregation.
So if you’re a musician - an instrumentalist or vocalist and would like to be a part of a team / church whose sole desire is to encounter Jesus and to see the power of the Holy Spirit guide us into times of intimacy, then would you consider being a part of something new, yet something very foundational and join us at The River. I can guarantee it will not be church as usual. If you’re interested feel free to reach out. Together we will “rebuild the ruined cities, and restore the desolate places.”
This week and next week we will be meeting at 8601 Ambrosse Lane. It would be an honor to have you join us.