Buy D BoGam Music Inc aka BDBG Music

Buy D BoGam Music Inc aka BDBG Music BDBG Music, helping clients meet their technology needs. Buy D BoGam Music, Inc.

was formed in 2003 and exists to provide publishing, production, web, house of worship, and disc jockey services. Whether your needs include videography, pro audio, web services, original songs, theatrical lighting, multi-media, DJ, or worship consultation, we are interested in helping you achieve your goals.

Great video crew this week in SF. Thx avad3 for the opportunity to serve!V1 - Nick Burt (Little Rock)Robo Cams - me (Kan...

Great video crew this week in SF. Thx avad3 for the opportunity to serve!

V1 - Nick Burt (Little Rock)
Robo Cams - me (Kansas City)
Zoom Interpreters - Nicholas Gerry (San Francisco)
GFX Op - Josh Maday (Kansas City)
PM - Hannah Keener (Fayetteville)

Robo cams & Interpreter Zoom coordination in BO5!Great crew & even better PM in our room here in SF. Gonna be a great we...

Robo cams & Interpreter Zoom coordination in BO5!

Great crew & even better PM in our room here in SF.

Gonna be a great week.

On another note, never had to be told not to drink from the toilet or urinal before today…

Grateful to have multiple members of our team working NAVC for HMX Live. We have a V1, GFX Op & Camera Op representing u...

Grateful to have multiple members of our team working NAVC for HMX Live.

We have a V1, GFX Op & Camera Op representing us here this week.

Thank you Tyler for involving us.

I love my friends at HMX Live. They’ve been the best business partners anyone could ask for over the past 15 plus years....

I love my friends at HMX Live. They’ve been the best business partners anyone could ask for over the past 15 plus years.

BDBG Music would not be who we are today if not for HMX Live.

Forever grateful.

Hi friends. Please follow my business page, BDBG Music. I’m making an effort to better separate it from my pers...

Hi friends. Please follow my business page, BDBG Music.

I’m making an effort to better separate it from my personal page.

For example, when I go to San Francisco next weekend for business I’ll post BDBG Music info & photos on my BDBG Music page but if I go out for fun while in SF I’ll post on my personal page.

The days of cross posting will be minimized significantly. Reserving cross posts for big announcements only.

Thank you SO MUCH for being my Facebook friend and following my business. I love to share the blessings of my life & business as inspiration, encouragement, gratitude & memories down the road.

Please interact with either my page, BDBG Music or Squirrelbait Productions pages to help us bring the best content we can.

For KCHRS here in KC, BDBG Music provided me as e2 Op & Tim as Camera Op. I operated an e2 into a 2 PJ blend displayed o...

For KCHRS here in KC, BDBG Music provided me as e2 Op & Tim as Camera Op. I operated an e2 into a 2 PJ blend displayed on a 30x10 front projected screen, video lectern & 4 DSMs.

Inputs included 4 GFX / Playback machines, a 3:1 machine, Zoom machine, pre-switched cams, Whova machine & a timer.

The event was flawless & the crew was terrific.

Thank you CTI, Donita & Darren for making it all possible.

BDBG Music appreciates you!

While this was going on here, we had a crew of 5 working in Joplin, MO for the KCU White Coating ceremony. Again thanks to CTI for making it possible!

Nothing beats a 6am call time. Except for maybe a 7, 8, 9 or even 10am call time. But I will take 6am call times any day...

Nothing beats a 6am call time. Except for maybe a 7, 8, 9 or even 10am call time.

But I will take 6am call times any day for KCHRS.

Thank you so much Darren & Donita for making it possible.

I love & appreciate the gig.

BDBG Music is looking to add some video talent to our roster of freelancers. If you are a video professional, know a vid...

BDBG Music is looking to add some video talent to our roster of freelancers.

If you are a video professional, know a video professional or want to become a video professional, send me a PM or send us an email at [email protected]

We’re specifically hoping to partner with V1s, V2s, Switcher Ops, GFX Ops, Camera Shaders, etc.

Reach out! We want to get to know you.

Today I had a truly distinct honor to serve the GFX needs of Maj Gen Kelly McKeague (ret.). He’s the Director of DPAA, D...

Today I had a truly distinct honor to serve the GFX needs of Maj Gen Kelly McKeague (ret.). He’s the Director of DPAA, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency.

Their work is inspiring & incredibly important.

The VFW is an organization that does an incredible job of advocating on behalf of those combat veterans who have served on foreign soil. In the process, they benefit ALL veterans.

This event is one of the highlights of my year.


Official U.S. Government website for the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA). Our mission is to provide the fullest possible accounting for our missing personnel to their families and the nation.

Each year the VFW National Convention begins with a memorial service to honor those who are no longer with us. It’s fill...

Each year the VFW National Convention begins with a memorial service to honor those who are no longer with us.

It’s filled with formal military salutes & patriotic moments with words of inspiration. I find it moving.

One of the events I look most forward to each year is the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention. Each year, the V...

One of the events I look most forward to each year is the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention. Each year, the VFW & VFW Auxiliary meet in separate yet concurrent events to catch up, elect Officers, recognize achievements & establish a plan of action to combat the most pressing needs facing Veterans.

I didn’t serve & I sometimes find myself ashamed of that.

I have great respect for those who did serve and especially for those who still, years later, refuse to leave any of their comrades behind.

Thank you Val & VideoWorks for this opportunity. BDBG Music NEVER takes it for granted.

Louisville is a great town. VFW National Convention for VideoWorks. This week I’m a GFX Op. BDBG Music is also providing...

Louisville is a great town. VFW National Convention for VideoWorks.

This week I’m a GFX Op. BDBG Music is also providing another GFX Op, Prompter Op, Robo / Shader Op & 2 Cam Ops to the crew here in Louisville.


Hi everybody. I’m reaching out to try to help my wife’s place of employment, Kansas City Young Audiences.

They want to begin group classes on piano. They need a few keyboards for students to use.

Anybody have 1 or 10 they’d consider donating to KCYA?

KCYA is a 501(c)3 organization. Gifts are tax deductible.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone you know who may be equipped to help.

KCYA delivers high-quality arts education programs to engage & enrich children and youth.


I’ve owned my own business for a little over 20 years. Over that time I’ve learned a thing or 50.

Here’s a few of them;

- not everyone is going to like you. You have to be ok with that or it’ll eat you up inside

- communication is key but being misunderstood often comes with that.

- you may have to work like a dog to become an instant overnight success.

- surround yourself with people who are smarter & possibly more gifted than you. I learned this one from the legacy of Mr Kauffman

- people will come and go out of your life. Be happy for them & grateful for the time you had together.

- you set the tone. Those hired by you respond to your attitude & how you lead. If you’re having a bad day, everybody else will too.

- if a person can’t work with you, they shouldn’t work for you.

- stay faithful, focused & friendly.

- learn the difference between science & art. We all have ideas about best practices, ways of doing things & protocols, that’s the art of it. If you don’t plug it in, it won’t work. That’s the science part.

- appreciate those who choose to partner with you. Whether a client or a colleague, you’re nothing without them.

- figure out what you love to do so much that you’d do it for free, then figure out a way to monetize it. The rewards are endless & feed your soul.

- give back. Money is great but giving of yourself to an organization, a cause, a need, a person is its own reward.

- don’t be greedy. Keep the bigger picture in mind.

I have many more, but I’ll hold off for now.

One last thing. Loving your career means loving the clients, freelancers, colleagues, events, opportunities and lessons you learn.

I do. I have great affection for those who’ve made my business prosperous & successful.

Spending time & working hard while E-Studying Barco E2 Gen 1 & 2, S3 & EX.  Very excited.  I enjoy working with the E2 q...

Spending time & working hard while E-Studying Barco E2 Gen 1 & 2, S3 & EX. Very excited. I enjoy working with the E2 quite a bit & look forward to earning full certification.

Very excited about my latest acoustic guitar rig acquisition. I first came across the Fender Smolder Acoustic OD while w...

Very excited about my latest acoustic guitar rig acquisition.

I first came across the Fender Smolder Acoustic OD while working video for an artist showcase.

July Turner was one of the performers & he used the pedal to perfection. His guitar tone was rich, creamy, even & tight.

That was about a year & a half ago. I’ve wanted one ever since.

Check it out for yourself with the link below;

Smolder® Acoustic Overdrive


I got to see Nolan Ryan pitch, George Brett hit a double, Barry Bonds strike out in a World Series, the Angels win that World Series & the Royals play in the 2014 World Series.

I got to see Joe Montana, Marcus Allen, Derrick Thomas, Christian Okoye, Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce & Tyreek Hill in action.

I saw Tiny Archibald & Sam Lacey with the KC Kings, Wilt Chamberlain & Jerry West with Lakers & LeBron James with the Heat play in person.

I’ve met Bobby Bell, Willie Lanier, Hank Aaron, Ferguson Jenkins, Garth Brooks & Darius Rucker.

I’ve seen George Jones, Eric Clapton, BB King, Charlie Daniels, Ray Charles, Earth Wind & Fire, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, Jimmy Buffett, Bonnie Raitt & Van Morrison play live.

As you can imagine, in my line of work I get to meet celebrities from time to time.

The above only scratches the surface of my fan & vocational experiences.

I’m pretty sure that your list is also extensive.

I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments.

This isn’t a “copy & paste” thing, just my gratitude on overdrive tonight.

Let’s hear your stories & treasured memories.

Interestingly, my most treasured memories are the times with my mom before she fell too ill to communicate, the inspirational conversations I had with my sister Kathy as she dealt with Leukemia, the birth of Mike Kenney that made me an uncle for the first time, David Mannell’s little lip quivering as he cried in the nursery just after being born, the short time we had as a family with Lori & Chris’ daughter Taylor, the first time I asked Lisa to go ‘steady’ with me & she said yes. I knew then that she was the person I wanted to share my life with.

My heart is full.

This has been so true in my experience with personnel over the years. Sometimes I believe that I want more for people th...

This has been so true in my experience with personnel over the years.

Sometimes I believe that I want more for people than they want for themselves.


So many things to be grateful for this year!

My great nephew Archer was born I can’t wait to meet him & his sisters in person some day soon.

The Brush Fire Debacle didn’t define me.

Friends & family were encouraging & kind while praying for my recovery.

KU Burn Clinic was top notch.

Lisa was simply amazing. You may not know that I was almost completely unable to walk or stand for the first few days but Lisa cared for me & wouldn’t allow me to wallow in the most painful experience of my life.

2 1/2 weeks later I was in a vehicle headed to Phoenix for work.

Speaking of Lisa, her business challenges (well beyond her control) & subsequent job change didn’t destroy her, even though during that same time frame I set myself on fire & squirrels attacked her beautiful car. She’s a saint.

My dad celebrated his 91st birthday with his lovely wife Dorcas. She’s amazing.

Lisa’s mom broke her arm & her foot in 2 separate incidents but she’s resilient & on the mend.

Our Tiffany Fellowship Church family has been encouraging & understanding of our unique circumstances and has been only loving and supportive.

We love our church family.

BDBG Music has had its best year by far. Technicians representing BDBG have served in 27 cities outside the greater KC area, some cities multiple times.

We’ve gained clients & technician contractors. The bar has been raised significantly in 2023. I can’t wait to see how we’ll top it in 2024 but challenge accepted.

God is still God & I am not.

We can all be grateful for that.

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is great.

This is great.

Not just stagehands…I agree with every point except  #3.

Not just stagehands…

I agree with every point except #3.


2023 has been the best year to date for BDBG Music.

We’ve gained multiple national clients & increased our gear inventory.

Our current clients have recommended BDBG Music to their clients & we couldn’t be more appreciative or thrilled.

We’ve formed working partnerships with many truly gifted technicians both locally & around the country.

In the past we’ve focused primarily on video related services but recently expanded our technician offerings to include Audio & Lighting as well.

I’ve never been happier with the crew of freelancers we are associating with than I am right now.

We’re training talented individuals to expand their gifts while helping technicians transition from film making, sports & concert work to live events.

We’re always looking for people who want to develop themselves to their full potential & help share the knowledge they gain to others who are seeking opportunities to shine.

Dreams do come true & I’m grateful to be surrounded by people who are making it happen for each other.

Many of our veteran technicians are sending those they’re mentoring in our direction for further training & work.

Riding this wave has been exciting, inspiring & rewarding.

Keep up the GREAT work Team BDBG Music!!!

This week I’ve been working numerous High School Graduations.  It occurred to me today that none of these students were ...

This week I’ve been working numerous High School Graduations. It occurred to me today that none of these students were even born when BDBG Music began.

My employee & counterpart, Dawson Detherage was less than 2 years old & I was a young pup of just 39 years… 🙂

The only dream I’ve ever dreamed was to play my guitar, write songs & sing in church. I didn’t grow up with a plan B.

in 2002, the Kauffman Foundation offered me & many others a voluntary workforce reduction program. It enabled me to take almost a full year to pursue my dream of music.

On May 19, 2003 I formed Buy D BoGam Music Inc as a publishing company for original songs.

While working for a start up church I needed a way to supplement my income. My friend & guitar player Matt Hartnett introduced me to Jeremy Dixon & DSS to perform freelance audio work.

While interviewing with Jeremy at a concert featuring Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson & others, Jeremy told me that he had all the audio help that he needed but that he was looking for video help.

That conversation immediately changed the trajectory of my business. I’ll be forever grateful to Jeremy Dixon for steering me to video.

I knew next to nothing about video so Jeremy paired me with his dad Jerry to show me the ropes. Jerry is maybe the smartest man I’ve ever met.

Next came my first mentors, Danny Mayo & Joe Hart. They’re both gone now but they had a great impact on my life. I may not have survived the early years if not for Danny Mayo.

From 2006-2009 I parked my business and accepted an offer to become a full-time music minister. In 2009 I found out that if I wanted to make it in to heaven I probably shouldn’t be in vocational ministry. It was an experience that I’ll never forget.

In 2009 I dove head long in to Live Events, first as a camera op. Carl Ostanek taught me the difference between a camera pointer & a professional camera operator. Another huge impact on my life.

I never wanted a career as a camera operator so I quickly looked for other ways to expand my craft.

Enter Adib Khorram. Adib will always be my friend. He not only shared tips & tricks but his counsel & contacts. It’s because of him that I have as many clients as I do now. He gave the courage to ask unapologetically for work.

Around the same time I saw other opportunities like switching, shading, projection & teleprompting.

Reuben Martin taught me so much including Switching, Projection & E2.

Greg Lesko taught me shading, shot framing & perhaps most importantly relaxing my naïveté.

Branion Blank welcomed me as a colleague when others gave me the cold shoulder. His support & friendship has made me a better man & technician.

Sara Thaemlitz taught me her prompting tricks & trusted me with her clientele while exposing me to a film making world I’d only dreamed of being a part of. I wouldn’t have my small film making business if it weren’t for her inspiration.

Val Elliott is my friend. We trust each other with our businesses & lives. It’s an honor to know her & work with her.

Will Cunningham is one of my favorite people on the planet. We started roughly around the same time. He favored sports & I leaned to live events.

Jerry Dixon & Will Cunningham are responsible for nearly all of the sports opportunities that I’ve enjoyed. They’re better to me than I deserve & I’m indebted to them.

Through all the ups & downs in this career path, I might not even have a business if it weren’t for Alan Knutson. He kept the phone ringing for BDBG Music through personnel changes, corporate restructures and difficult times.

When Live Event companies began to require freelancers to provide their own workers comp & general liability insurance, BDBG Music was ahead of the curve. Danielle Simons suggested that I create a way for other freelancers to get work through my business and our staffing options began. Once again, another business defining moment.

Greg Turcotte & Sadie Scolaro have provided so much business support to us by including BDBG Music as an option to vendors looking for help that HMX Live wasn’t providing.

We’ve built our business on never becoming a competitor to our clients & our clients have thanked us by sending work our way.

Brock Mitchell came in to my life a few years ago & changed it for the better. He’s my friend.

Dawson Detherage has exceeded my expectations & his future is incredibly bright.

Lisa Gamble…

No business. No future. No life without you.

Keith Urban said it best…

The traveling, the singing, it don’t mean nothing without you.
The fast cars, the guitars, they’re all just second to
This life, this love that you and I have been dreaming of, for so long
It’d all be good as gone, without you.

To those not mentioned here, we appreciate you & we thank you!

To our many clients, thank you!

To our freelance partners, thank you!

To our past 20 years, thank you!

May 19, 2003. I had NO idea what the future would hold. Laughter, tears, moments of elation & moments of absolute despai...

May 19, 2003.

I had NO idea what the future would hold.

Laughter, tears, moments of elation & moments of absolute despair.

Times where I wondered if I’d ever work again & days on end where I thought I’d never get another day off.

Humiliation, embarrassment, poor choices & failures, led to life & business lessons, a series of better decisions, fortitude & a drive for life, marriage & business success.

From 2003 to 2009 my primary focus was music ministry, supplemented with freelance Live events, sports & concerts.

2009, my life, marriage, ministry & business changed quite dramatically.

Since the turning point, we’ve grown & expanded in ways I never dreamed while defining what “my ministry” was supposed to be all along.

In the days leading up to BDBG Music’s 20th Anniversary I’ll be sharing stories, lessons, memories, photographs & videos of our journey.

I hope you find them inspiring & join us in celebration.


May 19 will mark the 20th anniversary of the incorporation of Buy D BoGam Music Inc (aka BDBG Music & Squirrel Bait Productions)

We want to hear from you.

How should we celebrate?

Bring your presentations to life with our new high bright Presidential “Paddle” type Teleprompter rig. Thx to our new cl...

Bring your presentations to life with our new high bright Presidential “Paddle” type Teleprompter rig.

Thx to our new clients who’ve used our gear & technicians for their recent prompter needs.


5559 NW Barry Road, #357
Kansas City, MO


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