True Story Time. When I was just starting out at Fleetwood recording. I taught myself how to edit 2 tracks. No pay of course. Be useful or…. One day the owner comes to and says. I will start paying you but you have to go to New Jersey dock and pick up my car, bring it back tomorrow by 3 and you can get on sessions. Wow.
My Grandfather drives me the the bus station at 2 am. He thought I lost my mind. Asked wif I was soft in the head.
I show up at the dock. Get the car, guy says to me, take this screw driver with you it’s the only way the car will start. You have to touch the alternator and the some other thing it will start. WTF.
SO it stalled on the way several times. Finally got back at 2:45. Give Ray the Keys and the screwdriver. Oh you need the seatbelt in or it won’t start!
Omg. We had a laugh and got my Ist session. A young college student. That’s it! Also I learned how to use the 1176 which was tricky. Figured that out.
Looking back is always a reflection of finding your passion. It has not changed. MD