Alphabeats Portends to Vivificate Word Games on Steam, March 7th!
For too long, PC gamers have labored under the burden of traditional word games. The hoary scrambles and searches of yore have been festooned with power-ups, narratives, and RPG elements, but remain the same timeworn activities underneath. Word games yearn for the catalyst of an enfant terrible: a new challenge of vocabulary and dexterity, elegant and deadly as an asp, pulsing with voltaic kineticism.
ALPHABEATS: MASTER EDITION promises such panacea on March 7th, when it apparates onto PC, Mac, and Linux alike via Steam. It is simple to play: letters fall to the beat of music, and you catch them to make words. It’s a meditative, mesmeric way to enjoy your favorite songs. It can also be, if you desire, an unconscionably vicious challenge.
Tantalizing Hyperlink: