NATIVE Trailer
NATIVE is story of four American Indian tribes fighting for their land and inspiring action for a more sustainable future. This feature length documentary follows these tribes as they heal the threats of food and water shortages, energy crisis, pollution and lack of employment. The need for a new perspective on our environmental needs is shown through their efforts to tackle hundreds of years of exploitation with indigenous wisdom.
Please donate and help us get back on the road to continue production:
PLANET PROGRESS - Health Care Revolution: The Saban Free CLinic
PLANET PROGRESS - Chronic Relief: Medicinal Cannabis
Medicinal Cannabis has been publicly framed as little more than a psychedelic excuse for treatment. Yet the therapeutic relief it provides from debilitating digestive pain, the result of Crohn's Disease inflammation, is undeniable for Leyna Roget who was diagnosed 14 years ago. Chronic Relief shares the story and search for new forms of medicating with THC, which dispenses her comfort during something so basic as eating.
PLANET PROGRESS inspires people to alter their daily routines for an improved and healthier lifestyle. We celebrate the good things that happen in life and spotlight people that create new and unique ways to encourage personal growth and sustainability.
PLANET PROGRESS - From Grain to Glass: New Belgium Brewing
PLANET PROGRESS - Social Imprint: se_arch+resQ
PLANET PROGRESS - Rubbish Revival: ECO-Logical Art
PLANET PROGRESS - Vibin' to Unity: Unification Theory
PLANET PROGRESS - Paint it. Frame it. Name it.: Zach D.
A child’s mind is so appropriately suited for creative adventuring in this world. They are void of the limitations of self-consciousness and socially contrived parameters on what constitutes as art. Although adults may loose sight of this freedom and find themselves discouraged from taking chances to express themselves creatively, for Zach Desjardins, a young man in his twenties, painting is an inspired escape that he has continued since the age of three. Painting has become a way for Zach to channel his creativity, participate in the meditative, healing artistic process, and transform discarded materials into beautiful works of art.
PLANET PROGRESS - Play to Create: The New Children's Museum
PLANET PROGRESS - Healing Earth: Tierra Miguel Foundation
Biodynamics is a somewhat mysterious method of farming that relies heavily on a holistic model of cultivating crops. The farmer learns to harness the subtle shifts of cosmic energies within a farm, working with the Earth's properties to produce wholesome results. A biodynamic farm is considered a complete organism, a closed system, where it satisfies its fertile soil needs through a 'super' compost blend, herbal spray preparations, and ecological contributions.