check out the Hollywood sign at the beginning. I am talking about relationships today and the people you have them with. Not just intimate but, all of them! It is so important to have people in your life that believe in you. We all have things in life we struggle with and it's when we can share those things with the people in our lives and they love and accept us for who we are. The people you share energy with every day share their energy with you. And it is vital to have that energy be loving and open and kind. No one is ever 100% upbeat and cheery at all times... I come super close to that and even I have my days of feeling down and like I can't achieve what I need to. That is why having people in our lives who we can turn to that lift us and remind us that this is just today’s feeling-is super important. We should all try to be Superheroes for ourselves and what does every superhero need?...
So, be a superhero for yourself and then forward those superpowers by being someone's SUPERFLY SIDEKICK! 👊❤️
#sidekick #sundaymorningwalk #superheroeslife #selfloveclub
Walking up in the hills this morning and just wanted to tell you that you are awesome and amazing and whatever struggle you have right now… you got this!
Also, let’s create a new hand signal. 3 fingers for the WOMEN!
👏👏👏 Then they will make an emoji for it too! 😂
I hope you are all excited for SUMMER TIME! I know I am.
DM me if you live in SoCal and have a pool. 🥳💦💦💦😂
Let’s splash into the last half of this year like sexy mermaids and make the best of the rest of this year! #2022 #sundaywalks
I filmed this on my Sunday morning walk but it’s a busy week for me so here it is on Monday evening. I just want to give a shout out to YOU! 🥳🥳
I know things can be tough sometimes. We have obstacles in our way, people who hurt our feelings, and problems that don’t seem to have simple solutions.
I think that is why I love Superheroes so much. (Yes, they workout and look good in a leotard, too) The main point is they always get up when they get knocked down. And that’s what I want for you and for me. Is to get back up when life knocks us down. To know that we will make it through whatever tough situation comes our way. Even if you have been repeatedly knocked down, getting back up each time just makes you stronger. I didn’t say this was easy but I hope you know that it’s possible. Where there is a will there is a way.
Be the beautiful authentic self you were born to be and never met anyone tell you different.
You are beautiful. You are worthy and you are loved. 💕 You are going to get up and love to fight another day.. just like a SUPERHERO! 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Awesome tank top by @ragecreate 🥳🎉🥳🎉
Checkout their Sweet-Ass Affirmations reminding you what a kick-ass superhero you are. 💪❤️
I know you got this, I know it will make you stronger and, I know you will come out the other side a little wiser, a little smarter, and now I am singing Christina Aguilera’s Fighter song lyrics now. 😂🤣😂🤣
Happy belated Sunday. 🌸
#fighter #sundaywalks #hollywoodhills #superherolove
I GOT A PRESENT! 🎁Thank you @daveyandsons for my new medallion! I was talking so much about #TheWitcher over the last season. 😂
What can I say… I love a strong man who fights demons and has a dark side. 🥰
#friendship #heknowsme 💕
I went for a walk at 7:30am on Sunday morning. This was super tough for me because I am trying to wake up during the week at 6am and 7:30am on the weekends. I am NOT use to this schedule and sometimes I feel like I am dying. 😂 I am not but, this is not easy. Big shout out to all the people out there reading this and saying yeah- I do that on the daily! You are a superstar and I salute you. 🥰 For me this is just like this time last year where I wasn’t use to working out everyday and then I started working out with @bestyou_womenscoaching every weekday morning and thought I was going to die then too. I didn’t and now I am working out at 6:30am?!? WHO AM I? I am figuring that out as I type. ☺️ Anyways- When I was done with my Sunday morning walk in the Hollywood Hills I came down to the Blvd. and saw the @lamarathon going on. 😳😳😳😳 These people were AMAZING AND RUNNING AND FOR MILES… #Iamnotarunner
I was so impressed that these people were out here doing it! I use to be a person who was sure Sunday mornings were for sleeping and recovery from the night before. #yafeelme 🥂
I loved seeing this and having the universe remind me that we are all on different paths in life. Mine is trying to wake up before the sun and get exercise in so I can get the most done in a day that I can. For others it’s running 11-26 miles and not giving up.
Whatever your journey or whatever your goals are… you can do it! I am not saying it will be easy or that you won’t cry and scream during the process, or even that you might want to give up a 1,000 times! BUT, DON’T! YOU ARE POWERFUL AND I BELIEVE US! 🥰
even if I might go a little nuts sometimes. 😂
#youarepowerful #youareenough #workingouthelpsme
#allaroundtheworld #womenrule
Found my old tap shoes from from high school! Haven’t tapped in 20 years! 😂 I think I need to take some lessons but, I still remember a little bit. Tapping is the best workout! I am out of breath after 5 mins of tapping … I think I am taking this back up! 🥳🥳 My neighbors are going to LOVE ME! 💃🏻
#backtobasics #tappingiscool
#shuffle #timestep #selflove❤️
IT’S #2022!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
And YOU GOT THIS! 💪🏻💥🥰
This is a brand new year and a great time to talk about how awesome you are! You can do anything you want. Everything you need, you have right now!
YOU are amazing, YOU are worthy and YOU are going to show #2022goals what you are made of! 😍🔥✋
But, first let’s all just sleep for a day or two and then we will get right on this!
#wegotthis #yougotthis #2022calendar #futuregoals😍
Halloween costumes and happiness for this Halloween! Go out there and have a fun this weekend! Brand New outdoor speakeasy opening up in my neighbor… 👻🎃🪓🔪 🤖
#hollywoodhalloween #speakeasybar #morningwalks #hollywoodhills
Mornings and Manicures… Today is Sunday, and a happy Sunday to you. I always like to go for a walk before heading to the #hollywoodfarmersmarket🍓 And today I am talking about TRUSTING YOURSELF!
Trusting yourself is a big part of self love. Knowing what you want and what makes you happy, knowing who you are and what goals you want to accomplish. I really wanted my neon orange manicure to POP! 🤘🏼🕺🏻🎉 🤣❤️🍁👻
#trustyourintuition #yourock #selfloverules❤
Welcome to the MD Shopping Channel! Watch our hosts Diane and Mary June “egg on” about the Zombie Apocalypse! #subscribe #fiestyandsmiling #MDshoppingChannel
Smurf Wrap Party Blvd3 in Hollywood!