Marius El Bey & CO.

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Bedroom Studio – which is typically a small setup next to your bedside, and is the absolute minimum you need to record sound into your computer.
Dedicated Home Studio – which is typically a room in your house used solely for recording, that includes both studio furniture, and acoustic treatment.
Semi-Pro Studio – which can be either at your home, or a different location, and typically includes the equipment necessary to record multiple musicians simultaneously.
Pro Studio – which is typically located at a commercial facility, and includes whatever tools necessary to produce professional results in the most efficient way possible.


Desiigner - Panda
Bryson Tiller - Don't
SahBabii - Pull Up Wit Ah Stick
Kodak Black - No Flockin
NBA Youngboy - Watchu Sayin
These rappers purchased the beat online without even meeting the producer. Or recording in the same room.

We don't need to be together to blow together. Lets take advantage of the great time era we are living in and make something happen.


Rain, Snow, Hail, and Earthquakes
Peace new parts of this Build will be and are sparked by Wise Earth.
Rain is the ev***ration and distilation of Water (Wisdom). It is the Sun of Man cleaning up the Earth and pouring Holy Spirit (Pure Wisdom) back into the Earth while nourishing the seeds (child) Remember that seeds have intelligence in and before birth. This is a natural process of purifing Wisdom for the Seeds that have been polluted by imperfections of man. The Sun draws up the Earth's Wisdom out of Love (Knowledge of the Cipher) into clouds. Considering the height from the suface or the closness to the Sun, the shape and size will vary (purier the Wisdom) The Sun can heat and warm the ground. Warm air is lighter than the same volume of cold air. The warm air rises and this is called convection. The Condensation nuclei, tiny salt particles lie in the smoke and produce Rain. Rain is the refined part until warm air or Peaceful air is turned into cold and biting air because of misunderstanding leading to anger. If the temp. is cold enough the v***r turns directly into ice (anger) Anger that pollutes Wisdom. Anger and fear are two very troublesome Emotions. This process is called sublimation (temp. must be above 40 degrees C) and a freezing nuclei forms which then produces Snow. Sleet and Hail occur with showery conditions of unstable air. It is formed in the upper air when droplets of supercooled water (below 32 degrees C) come in contact with small ice crystals or Snowflakes. 32 degrees is Just Ice!! Sleet may occur in the Winter, but Hail can happen during every season because we go through Hell (Hail) all year around. Sleet is a light punishment Being able to fight the Warm currents of Peace. When Hail falls through a warm layer of air it becomes 33 degrees and things are Equal.
Earthquakes are the result of many different things. As Wise Earth said, "Earthquakes may be the result of the Earth (Blackwoman) sheding her old less than righteous Self by working out issues within her own Mind, and that the Earth will reflect what the Sun shines." I also have heard Understandings that Earthquakes are from the Sun of Man allowing comets to strike the Earth. Another Build is that Earthquakes are the Earth cleaning herself in the female physical hygiene sense. No matter the different things the Sun of Man and his Earth are doing it is positive that Earthquakes are the Sun of Man experimenting with high explosives and that Earthquakes are the Earth Being controlled by Emotions (Earth Motions) resulting in the tremors or anger she may show. Wise Earth's Understanding can be backed by thel poke Plate Tectonics theory of Earthquakes. The ground surface of the Earth contain 20 (Wisdom) rigid plates and these plates can be seen as issues that coincide (push together) or seperate causing Earthquakes or release or confusion. Earthquakes that involve Emotions affect the Wisdom in the form of seismic waves that travel through the Earth and then hittin the Water (Wisdom) in the form of tsunamis which means violent waves or harsh Wisdom.


Gigs aren’t limited to just playing the usual music venues. Keep your eyes open for other places to play to help
build your fan base and expose your music to new audiences.
For instance, the house concert movement involves people hosting live music shows in their homes. This is more
than a gig opportunity, it’s a way to get fans directly involved with promoting your music. To explore this idea,
reach out to your fans to see who might be interested in hosting a show, or try sites like HouseConcerts and
Concerts In Your Home.
If you decide to do a house concert, work out sound amplification and set-up expectations ahead of time. Also,
ask for a minimum payment or play for a flat fee: your take shouldn’t depend on your host’s ability to bring in an
audience. Some musicians even tour by planning house concerts on the way up and the way back from major
shows. This provides extra income, can provide places to crash for a night, and gives you a chance to promote
your music in a very personal way.
Another example of an alternative gig is to perform live online. Once you put your music on the web, the next
step is to try to gain a worldwide fan base. Many will want to see you live, even if you can’t tour where they live.
The best part about these shows is they can be easily shared on social media, which gives your fans a reason to
talk about you. Also, each online show can be recorded, giving you new material to use to promote in the future.
To put on a show online, try broadcasting your live show via Facebook Live or Instagram Live or through a
streaming service like UStream or LiveStream. As long as you have a we**am or camera-enabled smartphone or tablet, all you need to do is log on, point, and shoot. Treat these like any other gig: put them on your show
calendar, and promote them to your fans so they know to tune in.
For more intimate shows, you can also use group video calling services like Skype or Google Hangouts since
these services usually limit the number of viewers who can join in. Small online concerts like these are not only a
way to mimic the intimacy of a house concert, they’re also a great way to reward your die-hard fans, supporters,
crowdfunding patrons, and street team. Plus, they’re especially great at helping you connect with your fans – no
matter where in the world they live.
The Stay-Tuned Strategy
Before radio DJs head into the commercials, they announce what they’re going to play after the break. This keeps
people tuned in during the break. You can adopt the same technique. Always talk about your next project when
you talk about your band, whether you’re talking to the press, other musicians, or your fans (via Twitter, Facebook,
or your blog).
Here’s why:
• Your fans will keep tabs on you until that next project is released.
• The press might ask questions about your upcoming projects and write future stories.
• It gets people involved: if you don’t announce what you have planned, you might miss out on a fan who can help.
• It keeps your own band members motivated and working toward the same goals.
There are no rules to promotion in the music business, so experiment with different ideas to see what works
best for you and your music. When you find something that works, keep it up. The key thing to remember – and
the thing that many musicians forget – is that a lot of what you do naturally as a musician can be used to help
promote your work, grow your fan base, attract publicity, and get your music noticed.


The street team Strategy
Today’s artists are more connected with their fans than ever. And in these days of social networks, word of
mouth is many times more powerful than it’s ever been. Every fan you have is connected to many more people,
and sometimes, all you have to do is ask in order to get their help in spreading the word.
In the past, a street team was all about putting fliers in coffee shops and around town. Today, with the web, they
can distribute your music to new fans, get the word out about your shows through their social networks, and
even get people to sign up for your mailing list or subscribe to your YouTube channel.
The key to a successful street team is to be explicit in asking what it is you want them to do. Then, be sure to give
them the tools they need to be successful. And of course, reward them for their help.
The engage your audience Strategy
No marketing plan today can skip social networking as a method to build a fan base. Think about it: each of your
fans has hundreds of followers on Facebook and Twitter. If they start talking about your shows or your music,
your fan base will grow. But you need to be active online and give them a reason to talk about you.
But most musicians want to spend time making music – not constantly checking their social networks – so here’s
a helpful strategy to automate your use of social networking and start bringing fans to you.
First, put out releases often, whether it’s a new remix, video, merch item, or event. Second, use a social media
dashboard and syndication tool like, so whenever you post a photo, video, or blog entry, your
update will automatically post everywhere you have a presence.
Next, use a tool like to coordinate and automate your social media accounts and
Google Alerts to let you know when your band, albums, or website are talked about anywhere on the web. If you
do this right, you will only need to post content once, and it will get sent to all of your web presences; and any
responses from fans will come right back to your email. You will be almost psychic about staying on top of every
mention and can respond and engage with fans with minimal effort.
Then, just remember to snap pictures or video with your phone when you’re backstage, or at the studio, and
share little pieces of your musical life. Give your fans reasons to talk about you, and your fan base can grow out
of what you do naturally as a musician while you spend your time on your music, rather than social networking.
It’s easy to forget that playing live does more than just provide income and drive album sales. If you
use it right, it’s also one of the best ways to build buzz, get publicity, and grow your fan base. In fact,
when asked how they find out about new bands, music journalists Jim DeRogatis (Chicago Sun-Times,
co-host of NPR’s Sound Opinions) and Todd Martens (Billboard magazine, The Los Angeles Times)
gave the same answer: live shows. This shouldn’t be a surprise: music writers pay attention to bands
playing in the larger venues in town because the bigger stages don’t take chances on bands without
a following. It’s the most reliable way to filter through the huge number of new artists that appear
every year. The good news is that even if you’re not playing the larger venues yet, you can get there. If you are just starting
out playing live, designate a single person to be a booker, and start with small venues and open mics. Then
work your way up to the larger venues as your draw increases. If you haven’t yet, it’s time to put together formal
marketing materials aimed at gigs. Create a one-page bio (aimed at your live music experience), band photo,
music samples (especially live samples), live video, and a show history to give an idea of your experience.
In the past, the strategy for touring went like this: start in your hometown, build a local following, and then tour
in concentric circles from your base. But today, with the Internet, you instantly have a global audience. If you use
your web and social presence effectively, you’ll create fans in places outside your hometown. One new strategy
for playing live is to find where your fans are and then determine if it’s cost-effective to go to them. Tools like can map out where your Twitter followers are located, and free services like
allow your fans to request you to play in their area.
But once you are touring and playing live shows, don’t forget the PR angle to playing live. To get the most PR
out of your shows, put journalists and bloggers on your guest list, and invite them to come see your band. Also,
remember that any time you tour, you create PR opportunities in every town you play in. For example, reach out
to local radio (especially college radio), newspapers, and blogs when you tour, as that gives them a reason to
write about you. If your tour is planned out ahead of time, you can reach out to them in advance to coordinate
the campaigns, which gives them a much better chance of fitting your story in when you arrive in their town.
And once you get going, remember that each show is a potential press release, and each article written about
your band can be sent to other journalists. After a few forwarded articles, journalists who ignored you before
might start wondering what they’re missing and take advantage of the guest list spot you offered them.


The agent Strategy
Most bands start out promoting and representing themselves because they start out small. But it’s human
nature to take an act more seriously when someone else promotes on its behalf. Even if you’re just starting out,
find someone to represent you and you might just have more successes. It doesn’t have to be a professional – it
can be a capable friend or family member.
Having an agent is also useful during negotiations because he/she can be as tough as you want them to be. If
you negotiate for yourself and give the other side a particularly hard time, they might start to dislike you and
your act, rather than your agent.
The multitasking Strategy
Successful musicians we’ve interviewed don’t just rely on gigs, music sales, and streaming; they do many other
projects such as video channels, music collaboration projects, and more. Not only can these projects produce
revenue, they provide a larger spread of income. Plus, each of these projects provides more entertainment for
fans and can feed into the promotion of one another. This also gives potential fans more places to discover you
and follow your work, drawing them into your world.
The Continual Release Strategy
Today’s fans are hungry for fresh entertainment and are glued to their phones and devices throughout the day.
Your music, videos, photos, and social media updates satisfies their need for new content and entices them to
subscribe to your channels to stay up-to-date. Instead of disappearing into your studio for months at a time, try
spreading your releases out, mixing singles, remixes, EPs, and full-length CDs with alternate tracks, videos, new
merch, live shows, and live streams. If you plan it right, you’ll have a steady stream of things to promote. And
once a new fan finds your work, they’ll have a lot to discover and will want to subscribe to see what you come
out with next.


The piggybacking Strategy
The quickest way to get the word out is to piggyback on something that people already know about. One of
the best-known forms of piggybacking is listing the bands you “sound like” on your website and social profiles.
This gives new listeners a clue as to what to expect by drawing on what they already know. Of course, another
popular piggybacking tactic is to cover a well-known song. Often, these covers become your initial best-sellers,
but they also act as a gateway. If listeners like your version of a song they know, they’re more likely to check out
your original material.
But piggybacking on other bands or cover songs isn’t the only way to use this tactic. You can piggyback on
anything that already has an audience.
For example, our band, Beatnik Turtle, wrote a song called “Star Wars (A Movie Like No Other).” It summarized
the entire original Star Wars trilogy in a single song. Around the same time, released a video mashup tool, so we decided to make a video for the song. The video ended up getting played over 15,000 times
thanks to the active community at that site. That popularity led to it getting picked up by (now
Comedy Central: Short-Form) which in turn led to it being aired on SpikeTV to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of
Star Wars.
Current events and popular culture provide opportunities for piggybacking as well. When a topic is hot, a large
number of people will be searching for information about it. For instance, when the Monty Python musical,
Spamalot, debuted, The Brobdingnagian Bards, a Celtic Renaissance musical duo, posted a blog entry about
Spamalot and how they covered one of Monty Python’s songs. The post got a ton of hits from people searching
the new musical, got them noticed by new fans, and resulted in sales.
But piggybacking isn’t always about how to get publicity. It can be for a good cause as well. Grant Baciocco of
Throwing Toasters put together two compilation charity albums called Laughter Is a Powerful Weapon, with music
donated by himself and many other well-known comedy artists to charitable causes. This compilation not only
raised money for charities but also helped cross-promote the participating musicians’ fans to one another.


The Standing-Out Strategy
The first thing that jumps to mind for most musicians when they think music promotion is getting their album
reviewed by a music blog or publication and get played on the radio.
You don’t have to start there. Publications and media that cater solely to music are probably the hardest places
to get your music noticed. Plus, they won’t write about you or play your music if they don’t find something
interesting when they do an Internet search on your name – which is the first thing they’ll do.
The competition for attention in music publications and sites is overwhelming. For instance, National Public
Radio’s “All Songs Considered” receives hundreds of CDs a week. Out of that, only eight get featured – and those
are sandwiched in between other songs, and played just once. The same is true with music reviews. Although a
review is good for getting quotes for your press kit, it probably won’t get you many new fans on its own, since it’s
just one music review in a pile of music reviews.
Instead of focusing on music publications and media, think in terms of audiences. Put your music where it will
stand out from the crowd. Consider one of the biggest sellers in the early days of CD Baby: an album about
sailing. Instead of following the crowd and sending the album to a music magazine, the band cleverly sent their
album to a magazine about sailing.
The magazine, which wasn’t accustomed to receiving music, reviewed the CD. The band’s CD didn’t have to
compete against stacks and stacks of others to get noticed, and because the magazine had a large audience and
the CD got a great review, sales shot through the roof.
The great thing about The Standing-Out Strategy is there is room for everyone. While your music has a style or
genre, just targeting the people who like that kind of music represents only one, highly-competitive channel for
your music. By putting your music where there usually isn’t any, you can get noticed.


In music business schools, they used to give assignments that went like this:
“Assume you have one million dollars. Come up with a marketing plan to
promote a band.” Here’s a more realistic assignment: “Pick any band you
find on the web. You have zero dollars. Now go promote them.”
Although most bands would like to have a budget that would allow them to promote their latest album across the
Internet, on TV and radio, and even on billboards, they more likely have just enough to print up posters for the next
gig. And yet, indie musicians can get the kind of attention that can build a real fan base and help make a career in
music with the right songs and the right promotional approach.
Here are 10 effective strategies to get you and your music noticed. The good news is they’re easy on the wallet
and can be acted on today. All they take is a bit of time and some thought about how to get your music directly in
front of the people who are likely to be your new fans.
You have a few things to figure out before you get started, though: Who is the audience for your music? What are
their ages? Where do they hang out? What do they do? What are their interests?
The better you know your target audience, the easier these strategies are to implement, and the greater the return
on your planning. Once you know your audience, dig in.




By:Marius Dupre Nabors (aka)Marius El Bey
Sept. 9th, 2016

Poetry is a type of creative writing or literary art that is meant to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, but with a unique style and rhythm. Some poems are novel length, for instance, while others consist of nothing more than a few lines. Some poems are written using each letter of a word or phrase as the first letter of each line, and some are even written so that their words form a shape, such as a heart or a tree. Many poems, for instance, will tell stories. Some, on the other hand, are nothing more than a outpouring of emotions, including anger, sadness, joy, etc…Writing poetry is often less about literary rules and recognition, however, and more about self-expression. Poetry has been one of the most popular types of literature throughout history. While it may not be as popular today as it was centuries, poets are still going strong. In fact, some may even argue that there is a little bit of a poet in everyone.

Extremely talented poets might even have their own poetry books published. The majority of professional poets actually work as freelancers.Poets can also work as songwriters, for instance, and some may even write greeting cards. Entrepreneurial poets might even consider trying to sell original poetry that has been printed, painted, or carved onto a product, such as a coffee mug or sign. In fact, some poets may not ever make one dime from their poetry, and they must hold down other employment. Making a living with a poetry career, however, is not an impossible dream. With creativity, determination, nothing is impossible.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, professional writers and authors made an average salary of around $65,960 in 2010.Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers can get the highest pay in California, where they receive a compensation of close to $87600. This group of professionals have the highest average potential salary in Public Administration, where they receive average compensation of $92870.

Competitions should be and are a part of poetic expression.The poetry slam is the competitive art of performance poetry. It puts a dual emphasis on writing and performance, encouraging poets to focus on what they’re saying and how they’re saying it. In competition, the poets are judged by members of the audience. Typically, the host or another organizer selects the judges, who are instructed to give numerical scores (on a zero to 10 or one to 10 scale) based on the poets’ content and performance.The object of critique is to force the writer to take an tactical look at what has been written, evaluate its content, revise the piece where needed, then let your words stand on their own.



Los Angeles, CA



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