It's now been 11 weeks since my hospitalization for an MSSA bacterial infection with multiple abscesses. Have no idea where I picked it up, but it looks like it started in my pelvis and spread to the rest of my body. As you can see, I’m no longer in a wheelchair or using the walker. Isn’t that great? I still feel the abscess that is leaning against my Iliac artery in my pelvis and the sciatic nerve in my right leg. As a result, I’ve got a pretty decent limp. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was given a penicillin based antibiotic when first admitted to the hospital in Santa Fe, NM. I had never had a problem with penicillin in the past, but after two weeks, my legs broke out with a horrific rash and subsequent boils. You can see the scars left on my legs. The doctor told me that they will lighten up with areas possibly disappearing after a couple or three years. The good news is the new antibiotics are shrinking the pelvic abscess but might take another four weeks or so. I go in for an MRI on July 21st and will make more decisions later. The toughest thing for me is just how weak my legs are along with two areas where bacterial matter was drained. My left hand and my right shoulder. Because I’ve been on homecare taking medication intravenously I haven’t been able to start physical therapy. Fortunately, my PICC tube to deliver the antibiotic has recently been removed and I’m now on antibiotic pills. That takes me off of home care and I can get into physical therapy and start getting my strength back. Bummer about my antibiotic is I’m not allowed out in the sun. This summer looks to be indoors for me!! 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you so much for all the good wishes. As Paul sang, “It’s getting better all the time..” ✌🏼