LIPS and LASHES at last nights LYST.
New look for WWW
Wimberly Worldwide needed a little update, and we called upon Randy Baiza Designs to help us freshen up. Screen printing and custom UV "spot coating" by Seda's Printing, Marketing & Direct Mailing. Randy will also be handling new work with Wimberlean in the future. Check out how shiny our fresh logo is!
Stability Abdominals
Patrick Florendo working that core! Go patches!
Notice that pike at the top. Perfect form.
High box jumps from a squat are one of my favorite ways to blast the glutes. Stay tuned for the launch of for different variations on this simple and effective exercise.
VIBRAM arrival, but...
Maybe they're too small? Who has joined the VIBRAM Five Fingers crew?
... from WIMBERLESQUE at The House of Blues SD with The Flirt Show!
Wax on - Wax off.
More behind the scenes action. Watch Angie begin her transformation into a Beauty Queen... with some HOT WAX! (Observe the delayed reaction) Tune in tomorrow at 1pm EST for all the fun (and torture) on MTV.
Video Prep - Behind the scenes
Some behind the scenes action getting ready to shoot my newest video with EVANTASY Productions - out in November!
At Fitness 1-2-1 we believe - "One can achieve anything in life, when they have BALANCE."