GirlTalker Dawn Onishi's Story
Introducing our next GirlTalker, Dawn Onishi-Valenzuela! She is an artist and the creator of Majestic Tahoe. Her inspiration is henna art, Japanese tattoos, and Maori tattoos. She uses her favorite medium, an acrylic paint pen, to draw on water bottles and coffee tumblers because she loves the idea of art you can take with you. In this video she shares her journey to owning herself and sharing her art with the world.
#GirlTalkers #WCW
GirlTalker Mehak Khan's Story
We are super excited to share our next GirlTalker, Mehak Khan! She is a training neuroscientist at Harvard University who studies how cells in the brain communicate with each other through their electrical activity. She came to neuroscience through an interest in astrophysics and enjoys exploring this unconventional connection through art and writing. In this video she talks about how a strong passion can lead a woman to succeed in a field despite any gender disparities or obstacles that she may face. #GirlTalkers #WCW #WomenInScience
GirlTalker Sahil Kaur's Story
We are thrilled to share this week's GirlTalker story from Sahil Kaur! She is an actor and writer who talks about overcoming external and internal biases in mainstream media, while examining how these biases play out in repeating stereotypes shown in film. #GirlTalkers #WomenCrushWednesday #WomenInFilm
GirlTalker Katie Muttera's Story
It's Friday! We are thrilled to share our next GirlTalker story from our very own board member and Strategic Partnership Director, Katie Muttera! Katie talks about her struggle with going back to school for her MBA and getting over her fear of failing. She discovers that its okay to ask for help and that not always knowing the answer is okay. #GirlTalkers
Check out this sneak preview for our #WCW Katie Muttera!! Full video will be released this Friday 😃 #GirlTalkers
GirlTalker Welela Makonnen's Story
Happy Wednesday! We are excited to launch our first GirlTalker of the season and our #WomenCrushWednesday, Welela Makonnen! She is a First Generation Ethiopian-American and in this video she talks about her identity struggles as a first generation, why it's so hard to write a book report on Ethiopia, and how a publishing company helped her find herself and the history of her people.
GirlTalkers 2018 Season Trailer
Happy Valentine’s Day! We are super excited to announce our new season of GirlTalkers! Please take a look at our trailer and share with your friends. Stay tuned for more videos coming soon! #GirlTalkers #ShareTheLove #GalentinesDay #NewLaunch #womensupportingwomen