Bonestell Studios Episode 4 TRAILER
Available Now! Bonestell Studios - Episode 4: "Night of the Saucer Part One". Check out the trailer!
"Dalton Bonestell and his cast and crew are filming their new movie, Night of the Saucer, in the small UFO tourism town of Rosberg, Nevada. When an actual flying saucer shows up and abducts a local resident — along with one of the crew — the rest of the gang must investigate!"
Find Sonic Leader Audio Dramas wherever you listen to podcasts. Or, if you'd enjoy some scene-setting visuals and official captions, visit YouTube/@ sonicleader!
#audiodrama #fictionpodcast #storytelling #sciencefiction #scifi #comedy #ufo #uap #flyingsaucer #sonicleader #bonestellstudios
Incorporeal Investigations Chapter 3 Trailer
Available Now! "Incorporeal Investigations: Mystery at the Metalworks Part Two" is available on the Sonic Leader Audio Dramas podcast and on YouTube/@sonicleader!
"Chapter 3: Paranormal detective duo Juliet De La Cruz (Patsy Arenas) and Earnest Salazar (Anthony Loy) investigate the abandoned Fischer Silver Mine. Is the legendary curse of the mine really connected to the hauntings in the industrial district? Part 2 of 2."
The audio-only version is on Spotify, Apple, Audibles, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Or choose the video version on YouTube for better sound quality, captions and scene-setting visuals!
#audiodrama #fictionpodcast #ghoststories #sonicleader #incorporealinvestigations
Incorporeal Investigations Ep2 Video Trailer
Available Now! "Incorporeal Investigations: Mystery at the Metalworks Part One" is available on the Sonic Leader Audio Dramas podcast and on YouTube/@sonicleader!
In their second exciting adventure, paranormal detective duo Juliet De La Cruz (Patsy Arenas) and Earnest Salazar (Anthony Loy) investigate ghost sightings at Frank's Metalworks, revealing dark secrets hidden beneath the industrial district.
The audio-only version is on Spotify, Apple, Audibles, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Or choose the video version on YouTube for better sound quality, captions and scene-setting visuals!
#audiodrama #fictionpodcast #ghoststories #sonicleader #incorporealinvestigations