Critica Books

Critica Books The literary magazine Critica Books is a subsidiary of the Mason Ewing Corporation.

Mark Doten, The Infernal: A Black Response to ChaosIn his novel The Infernal, Mark Doten delivers a sharp and satirical ...

Mark Doten, The Infernal: A Black Response to Chaos

In his novel The Infernal, Mark Doten delivers a sharp and satirical critique of the Iraq war. A severely burned boy mysteriously appears in the Akkad valley, and an interrogator is called to uncover what he knows. This search for truth immerses the reader in a world where the voices of historical figures intertwine with improbable narratives. đŸ”„

Doten’s genius lies in his ability to present this story as both original and comedic while exploring the depths of the human soul. Tension is palpable from the very first pages, and the novel forces us to reflect on responsibility and corruption during this dark period of American history. A narrative tour de force that leaves no room for indifference. ✊


Mark Doten, The Infernal : Une réponse noire au chaos

Dans son roman The Infernal, Mark Doten livre une critique fĂ©roce et satirique de la guerre en Irak. Un garçon gravement brĂ»lĂ© apparaĂźt mystĂ©rieusement dans la vallĂ©e d’Akkad, et un interrogateur est appelĂ© Ă  dĂ©couvrir ce qu’il sait. Cette quĂȘte de vĂ©ritĂ© plonge le lecteur dans un monde oĂč les voix de figures historiques se mĂȘlent Ă  des narrations improbables. đŸ”„

Le gĂ©nie de Doten rĂ©side dans sa capacitĂ© Ă  rendre cette histoire, Ă  la fois originale et comique, tout en explorant les trĂ©fonds de l’ñme humaine. La tension est prĂ©sente dĂšs les premiĂšres pages et le roman nous oblige Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir sur la responsabilitĂ© et la corruption pendant cette pĂ©riode sombre de l’histoire amĂ©ricaine. Un tour de force narratif qui ne laisse pas de place Ă  l’indiffĂ©rence. ✊

A gem for celebrating self-confidence: I Am EnoughIn I Am Enough, Grace Byers delivers a heartfelt message of self-love ...

A gem for celebrating self-confidence: I Am Enough

In I Am Enough, Grace Byers delivers a heartfelt message of self-love and respect, beautifully brought to life by Keturah A. Bobo's illustrations. This New York Times bestseller celebrates the diversity and uniqueness of every child, showing that each one is valuable just as they are. đŸ’«

Byers’ simple and lyrical words, paired with vibrant illustrations, inspire and comfort readers. Designed to build self-esteem, this book speaks to both children and adults, encouraging them to believe in their worth. 💕

An ideal gift to share a powerful message with grace and warmth. A must-have for everyone! 🌈


Un bijou pour célébrer la confiance en soi : I Am Enough

Dans I Am Enough, Grace Byers livre un vibrant message d’amour et de respect de soi, magnifiquement illustrĂ© par Keturah A. Bobo. Ce bestseller du New York Times cĂ©lĂšbre la diversitĂ© et l’unicitĂ© de chaque enfant, en montrant qu’ils sont tous prĂ©cieux tels qu’ils sont. đŸ’«

Les mots simples et lyriques de Byers, associĂ©s Ă  des illustrations pleines de vie, inspirent et rĂ©confortent. Ce livre, conçu pour bĂątir la confiance en soi, s’adresse aussi bien aux enfants qu’aux adultes, en les invitant Ă  croire en leur valeur. 💕

Un cadeau idĂ©al pour transmettre un message puissant, tout en douceur. À mettre entre toutes les mains ! 🌈

Eli Tilmann and the Secret of the Madala MagicWith The Secret of the Madala Magic, released on December 31, 2024, Mason ...

Eli Tilmann and the Secret of the Madala Magic

With The Secret of the Madala Magic, released on December 31, 2024, Mason Ewing delivers a thrilling second installment in The Adventures of Eli Tilmann. This new story takes readers on a quest where the protagonist, Eli, must find the mysterious Golden Buttercup, a legendary flower tied to closely guarded family secrets. A confrontation with Coal, a formidable witch, brings a dark edge to the narrative. 📖

This volume marks a turning point in the saga, delving deeper into the universe of Jonathanland while exploring Eli’s internal struggles with his true nature. The author skillfully balances suspense and wonder, keeping the mystery alive. A new installment sure to make waves among teens! ✹


Eli Tilmann et le Secret des Madala Magic 

Avec Le Secret des Madala Magic, sorti le 31 dĂ©cembre 2024, Mason Ewing signe un deuxiĂšme tome des Aventures d’Eli Tilmann qui ne manque pas de piquant. Cette nouvelle intrigue emmĂšne les lecteurs dans une quĂȘte oĂč le protagoniste, Eli, doit retrouver le mystĂ©rieux Bouton d’Or, une fleur lĂ©gendaire liĂ©e Ă  des secrets de famille bien gardĂ©s. La confrontation avec Coal, une sorciĂšre redoutable, ajoute de la noirceur Ă  l’histoire. 📖

Ce tome marque un tournant dans la saga en explorant davantage l’univers de Jonathanland mais surtout en  approfondissant les dilemmes d’Eli face Ă  sa vraie nature. L’auteur jongle habilement entre suspense et Ă©merveillement afin de conserver le fil de son mystĂšre. Un nouvel opus qui va faire grand bruit chez les ados ! ✹


The extraordinary journey of Mary WalkerIn The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read, author Rita Lorraine Hub...

The extraordinary journey of Mary Walker

In The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read, author Rita Lorraine Hubbard and Caldecott Honor-winning illustrator Oge Mora tell the incredible story of Mary Walker. Born into slavery in 1848, Mary witnessed pivotal moments in American history—from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement—and achieved the remarkable feat of learning to read at the age of 116. 📖

This book celebrates the unwavering determination of a woman to achieve her dream and serves as a powerful reminder that it is never too late to learn. A story that resonates with both children and adults, it imparts a timeless lesson on resilience and the transformative power of literacy. ✹


Le parcours extraordinaire Mary Walker

Dans The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read, l’autrice Rita Lorraine Hubbard et l’illustratrice Oge Mora, laurĂ©ate d’un Caldecott Honor, racontent l’histoire incroyable de Mary Walker. NĂ©e esclave en 1848, Mary a traversĂ© des moments clĂ©s de l’histoire amĂ©ricaine – de la guerre de SĂ©cession au mouvement des droits civiques – et a accompli l’exploit d’apprendre Ă  lire Ă  l’ñge de 116 ans. 📖

Ce livre cĂ©lĂšbre la dĂ©termination inĂ©branlable d’une femme  Ă  rĂ©aliser son rĂȘve et rappelle t Ă  chacun qu’il n’est jamais trop t**d pour apprendre. Un rĂ©cit qui touche aussi bien les enfants que les adultes en transmettant une leçon intemporelle sur la rĂ©silience et le pouvoir transformateur de la lecture. ✹

Explosive Short Stories!In his short story collection, Friday Black, Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah unveils a striking writing...

Explosive Short Stories!

In his short story collection, Friday Black, Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah unveils a striking writing style that shakes, enrages, and prompts deep reflection. From the first pages, the author places ordinary characters in extraordinary situations to reveal the violence, injustices, and daily absurdities faced by Black people. đŸ”„

With stories like The Finkelstein Five, which denounces the brutality of the justice system, and Zimmer Land, where racism becomes a macabre sport, Adjei-Brenyah interrogates society with chilling precision. Friday Black and How to Sell a Jacket as Told by IceKing show us the cruelty of consumerism and its devastating impact. 💡

A must-have for short story lovers! 📚


Des nouvelles explosives !

Dans son recueil de nouvelles, Friday Black, Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah dĂ©ploie une Ă©criture saisissante qui secoue, rĂ©volte, et pousse Ă  la rĂ©flexion. DĂšs les premiĂšres pages, l’auteur place des personnages ordinaires dans des situations extraordinaires pour dĂ©voiler la violence, les injustices, et les absurditĂ©s quotidiennes auxquelles les Noirs sont confrontĂ©s. đŸ”„

Avec des histoires comme The Finkelstein Five, qui dĂ©nonce la brutalitĂ© du systĂšme judiciaire, ou Zimmer Land, oĂč le racisme devient un sport macabre, Adjei-Brenyah interroge la sociĂ©tĂ© avec une prĂ©cision glaçante. Friday Black et How to Sell a Jacket as Told by IceKing nous montrent la cruautĂ© du consumĂ©risme et son impact dĂ©vastateur. 💡

Un must-have incontournable pour les amateurs d’histoires courtes ! 📚

The winter's daughter by Eowyn IveyA snowman that comes to life. A mysterious little girl. A frozen Alaska, full of secr...

The winter's daughter by Eowyn Ivey

A snowman that comes to life. A mysterious little girl. A frozen Alaska, full of secrets. This is how The Winter's Daughter begins, a novel where magic meets reality, and where grief turns into a quest to find a lost child. Jack and Mabel, a couple broken by the death of their baby, one day see their snow sculpture transform into a living apparition. But who is this little girl? A ghost, a miracle, or an hallucination? Ivey masterfully plays with our certainties and blurs the lines between the real and the imaginary. ❄

The snow melts, but the mysteries remain. A reimagined Russian tale, where every page feels more like a poem than just a story. Magical, poetic, and deeply human. A must-read without hesitation! 🌟


La fille de l'hiver de Eowyn Ivey

Un bonhomme de neige qui prend vie. Une petite fille mystĂ©rieuse. Une Alaska glacĂ©e, pleine de secrets. C’est ainsi que commence La fille de l'hiver, un roman oĂč la magie rencontre la rĂ©alitĂ©, et oĂč le deuil devient une quĂȘte pour retrouver un enfant perdu. Jack et Mabel, un couple meurtri par la mort de leur bĂ©bĂ©, voient un jour leur sculpture de neige se transformer en apparition vivante. Mais qui est cette petite fille ? Un fantĂŽme, un miracle, ou une hallucination ? Ivey joue brillamment avec nos certitudes et brouille les lignes entre rĂ©el et imaginaire. ❄

La neige fond, mais les mystĂšres demeurent. Un conte russe rĂ©inventĂ©, oĂč chaque page est un peu plus un poĂšme qu’une simple histoire. Magique, poĂ©tique, et profondĂ©ment humain. À dĂ©couvrir sans hĂ©sitation ! 🌟

La magie de Tolkien au cƓur des fĂȘtesAvec Les Lettres du PĂšre NoĂ«l, J.R.R. Tolkien nous invite Ă  dĂ©couvrir une facette m...

La magie de Tolkien au cƓur des fĂȘtes

Avec Les Lettres du PĂšre NoĂ«l, J.R.R. Tolkien nous invite Ă  dĂ©couvrir une facette mĂ©connue de son Ɠuvre. Entre 1920 et 1942, l’écrivain britannique, cĂ©lĂšbre pour Le Hobbit et Le Seigneur des Anneaux, a imaginĂ© des lettres adressĂ©es Ă  ses quatre enfants. Sous la plume du PĂšre NoĂ«l ou de l’Ours Polaire, il raconte des pĂ©ripĂ©ties pleines d’humour et de magie, peuplĂ©es d’elfes, de gobelins, et de rennes indisciplinĂ©s.Le livre se distingue d’abord par sa qualitĂ© matĂ©rielle : papier glacĂ©, calligraphie soignĂ©e, et superbes illustrations rĂ©alisĂ©es par Tolkien lui-mĂȘme. 

Pour les amateurs de Tolkien comme pour les amoureux de la magie de NoĂ«l, Les Lettres du PĂšre NoĂ«l est une Ɠuvre incontournable. À savourer au coin du feu, en attendant la venue du PĂšre NoĂ«l.


Critica Books: The Family Under the Bridge — A Heartwarming Tale in Paris

In The Family Under the Bridge, Natalie Savage Carlson tells the story of Armand, a solitary Parisian hobo whose life takes an unexpected turn as Christmas approaches when he encounters three homeless children. Initially reluctant, he grows fond of them and decides to help them find a home, sharing his simple and compassionate philosophy of life along the way.

Through her delicate prose, Carlson paints a picturesque Paris, where every location, from the banks of the Seine to Notre-Dame, becomes a living tableau. Yet, behind the city's beauty lies the harsh reality of poverty, which the Calcet children face with remarkable courage.

This narrative, both touching and thought-provoking, celebrates the generosity and humanity of those with the least, reminding readers that even in adversity, hope and solidarity can prevail. A must-read, perfect for the holiday season, blending emotion and wonder.

The Family Under the Bridge — A Heartwarming Tale in ParisIn The Family Under the Bridge, Natalie Savage Carlson tells t...

The Family Under the Bridge — A Heartwarming Tale in Paris

In The Family Under the Bridge, Natalie Savage Carlson tells the story of Armand, a solitary Parisian hobo whose life takes an unexpected turn as Christmas approaches when he encounters three homeless children. Initially reluctant, he grows fond of them and decides to help them find a home, sharing his simple and compassionate philosophy of life along the way.

Through her delicate prose, Carlson paints a picturesque Paris, where every location, from the banks of the Seine to Notre-Dame, becomes a living tableau. Yet, behind the city's beauty lies the harsh reality of poverty, which the Calcet children face with remarkable courage.

This narrative, both touching and thought-provoking, celebrates the generosity and humanity of those with the least, reminding readers that even in adversity, hope and solidarity can prevail. A must-read, perfect for the holiday season, blending emotion and wonder.


Dans The Family Under the Bridge, Natalie Savage Carlson raconte l’histoire d’Armand, un clochard parisien solitaire dont la vie bascule Ă  l’approche de NoĂ«l lorsqu’il rencontre trois enfants sans-abri. D’abord rĂ©ticent, il se prend d’affection pour eux et dĂ©cide de les aider Ă  trouver un foyer, partageant avec eux sa philosophie de vie simple et solidaire.

À travers une plume dĂ©licate, Carlson dĂ©peint un Paris pittoresque, oĂč chaque lieu, des quais de la Seine Ă  Notre-Dame, devient un tableau vivant. Cependant, derriĂšre la beautĂ© de la ville se cache la dure rĂ©alitĂ© de la pauvretĂ©, que les enfants Calcet affrontent avec courage.

Ce rĂ©cit, Ă  la fois touchant et critique, cĂ©lĂšbre la gĂ©nĂ©rositĂ© et l’humanitĂ© des plus dĂ©munis, rappelant que mĂȘme dans l’adversitĂ©, l’espoir et la solidaritĂ© peuvent triompher. Une lecture incontournable, idĂ©ale pour les fĂȘtes, mĂȘlant Ă©motion et Ă©merveillement.

The Other Side of the DocksIn The Other Side of the Docks, Ivy Pochoda takes us to the Red Hook neighborhood, an isolate...

The Other Side of the Docks

In The Other Side of the Docks, Ivy Pochoda takes us to the Red Hook neighborhood, an isolated strip of Brooklyn where adolescence is filled with dreams and disillusionments. One sweltering night, inseparable friends Val and June set out on an inflatable raft for an adventure that will change their lives. In this neighborhood, watched over by the Statue of Liberty, social divides are palpable, separating housing projects from gentrified areas.

Pochoda paints Red Hook with immersive precision, creating characters and settings so vivid that they feel real. The neighborhood’s identity, social bonds, and the weight of past stories blend with love, hatred, and nostalgia in this novel with the feel of an urban chronicle. A captivating and realistic journey into the heart of a transformed Brooklyn. đŸ—œ


L’autre cĂŽtĂ© des docks !

Dans L’autre cĂŽtĂ© des docks, Ivy Pochoda nous transporte dans le quartier de Red Hook, une langue de terre isolĂ©e de Brooklyn, oĂč l’adolescence est teintĂ©e de rĂȘves et de dĂ©sillusions. Lors d’une nuit Ă©touffante, Val et June, deux amies insĂ©parables, dĂ©cident de prendre le large en canot pneumatique pour un pĂ©riple qui va bouleverser leurs vies. Ce quartier, oĂč la statue de la LibertĂ© les regarde de face, incarne la fracture sociale, entre citĂ©s et zones gentrifiĂ©es.

Pochoda nous dĂ©crit Red Hook avec une prĂ©cision immersive et des personnages et des dĂ©cors si  qu’on s’y croirait. L’identitĂ© du quartier, les liens sociaux, et le poids des histoires passĂ©es se mĂȘlent Ă  l’'amour, la haine et la nostalgie dans ce roman aux allures de chronique urbaine. Un voyage envoĂ»tant et rĂ©aliste au cƓur d’un Brooklyn mĂ©tamorphosĂ©. đŸ—œ

The Supremes: A Tribute to Friendship and ResilienceIn The Supremes, Edward Kelsey Moore immerses us in the lives of thr...

The Supremes: A Tribute to Friendship and Resilience

In The Supremes, Edward Kelsey Moore immerses us in the lives of three inseparable African American friends, Odette, Clarice, and Barbara Jean, who have built their friendship into a foundation that helps them weather life’s trials. This trio, affectionately nicknamed “the Supremes,” gathers every Sunday at a restaurant in their small Indiana town—a place rich with memories where, through laughter and tears, they share the joys and disappointments of life. 🌾

Odette, fearless and unconventional, secretly converses with ghosts and faces cancer in her own unique way, while Clarice, patient and wise, endures her husband’s infidelities. Barbara Jean, embodying both beauty and sorrow, navigates the storms of her own memories and heartaches. Moore’s writing is full of humor and sensitivity, crafting a portrait as endearing as it is vibrant of these ordinary heroines who, despite the challenges of segregation and the twists of modern life, continue to shine. A touching and heartwarming novel that celebrates friendship and humanity as acts of resilience. đŸ’«


Les SuprĂȘmes : Une ode Ă  l'amitiĂ© et Ă  la rĂ©silience 

Dans Les SuprĂȘmes, Edward Kelsey Moore nous plonge dans la vie de trois insĂ©parables amies afro-amĂ©ricaines, Odette, Clarice et Barbara Jean, qui ont fait de leur amitiĂ© un pilier pour traverser les Ă©preuves de la vie. Ce trio, surnommĂ© affectueusement “les SuprĂȘmes”, se retrouve chaque dimanche dans un restaurant de leur petite ville de l’Indiana, un lieu chargĂ© d’histoires oĂč entre rires et larmes, elles abordent les bonheurs et les dĂ©sillusions de la vie. 🌾

Facing the waves: an adventure by Michelle NkamankengIn her book "Waiting for the Waves," published in 2016, Michelle Nk...

Facing the waves: an adventure by Michelle Nkamankeng

In her book "Waiting for the Waves," published in 2016, Michelle Nkamankeng, a young South African author born in 2008, captivates readers! Michelle's adventure, at the age of 7, at the beach, highlights the polarity of love and fear, her love for the big waves coupled with her fear of this imposing natural force. The story recounts her inner struggle between love and fear, and how the support of her family helps her overcome her fears. đŸ˜±

This story highlights the contradictions of emotions: by freeing oneself from fear, one gives oneself permission to truly feel the beauty of nature. An excellent book for children and adults about overcoming fears with family support. And the good news is that, with her young age, author Michelle Nkamankeng has not finished surprising us! đŸ€©


Affronter les vagues: une aventure de Michelle Nkamankeng

Dans son livre "Waiting for the Waves", paru en 2016, Michelle Nkamankeng, jeune auteure sud-africaine nĂ©e en 2008, captive les lecteurs ! L'aventure de Michelle, ĂągĂ©e de 7 ans, Ă  la plage, souligne la loi de la polaritĂ© de l'amour et de la peur, son amour pour les grandes vagues couplĂ© Ă  sa peur de cette force naturelle imposante. Le rĂ©cit relate son combat intĂ©rieur entre amour et peur, et comment le soutien de sa famille lui permet de surmonter ses craintes. đŸ˜±

Cette histoire met en lumiĂšre les contradictions des Ă©motions : en se libĂ©rant de la peur, on se donne la permission de vĂ©ritablement ressentir la beautĂ© de la nature. Un excellent livre pour les enfants et les adultes sur le dĂ©passement de ses peurs avec le soutien de la famille. Et la bonne nouvelle, c’est qu’avec son jeune Ăąge, l’auteure Michelle Nkamankeng n’a pas fini de nous Ă©tonner ! đŸ€©


Nigeria according to SoyinkaCaptivating exploration at the heart of Nigeria, "Chronicles of the Land of the Happiest Peo...

Nigeria according to Soyinka

Captivating exploration at the heart of Nigeria, "Chronicles of the Land of the Happiest People in the World" by Wole Soyinka, released in August 2023, reveals an enchanting universe blending ancestral mysteries and contemporary issues. Soyinka, Nobel Prize laureate in Literature in 1986, immerses us in a narrative where Dr. Menka and his friend Duyole Pitan-Payne find themselves caught in a whirlwind of enigmatic events, between ritual practices and political intrigues.

Each element, whether it's characters or places, opens doors to unsuspected directions, while the plot unfolds like an exciting detective story, between family secrets and quirky leads. Soyinka skillfully weaves a dense and captivating narrative, offering a fascinating dive into the intricacies of a society in full transition.


Le Nigéria selon Soyinka 

Exploration captivante au cƓur du NigĂ©ria, "Chroniques du pays des gens les plus heureux du monde" de Wole Soyinka, paru en aoĂ»t 2023, dĂ©voile un univers envoĂ»tant mĂȘlant mystĂšres ancestraux et enjeux contemporains. Soyinka, laurĂ©at du prix Nobel de littĂ©rature en 1986, nous plonge dans un rĂ©cit oĂč le docteur Menka et son ami Duyole Pitan-Payne se trouvent pris dans un tourbillon d'Ă©vĂ©nements Ă©nigmatiques, entre pratiques rituelles et intrigues politiques. 

Chaque Ă©lĂ©ment, qu'il s'agisse de personnages ou de lieux, ouvre des portes vers des directions insoupçonnĂ©es, tandis que l'intrigue se dĂ©voile comme une palpitante enquĂȘte policiĂšre, entre secrets de famille et pistes loufoques. Soyinka tisse avec habiletĂ© un rĂ©cit dense et captivant, offrant une plongĂ©e fascinante dans les mĂ©andres d'une sociĂ©tĂ© en pleine mutation.

The refugee tragedy« Refugee » by Alan Gratz, published on July 25, 2017, unfolds a complex and moving narrative. The au...

The refugee tragedy

« Refugee » by Alan Gratz, published on July 25, 2017, unfolds a complex and moving narrative. The author, renowned for his nineteen successful novels, explores the intertwined destinies of Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud, offering a poignant reflection on survival, courage, and the search for home across eras and continents.

The strength of the work lies in how Gratz exposes the brutality of the experiences lived by these refugee children at different times, without avoiding reality. The narrative, although intended for a young audience, does not spare the details, providing a both captivating and educational reading. « Refugee » transcends the boundaries of the youth genre, offering a striking perspective on universal human challenges.


Le drame des réfugiés

Refugee » d’Alan Gratz, paru le 25 juillet 2017, dĂ©ploie une narration complexe et Ă©mouvante. L’auteur, renommĂ© pour ses dix-neuf romans Ă  succĂšs, explore les destins entrelacĂ©s de Josef, Isabel et Mahmoud, offrant une rĂ©flexion poignante sur la survie, le courage et la recherche d’un chez-soi Ă  travers les Ă©poques et continents.

La force de l’Ɠuvre rĂ©side dans la maniĂšre dont Gratz expose la brutalitĂ© des expĂ©riences vĂ©cues par ces enfants rĂ©fugiĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©poques, sans Ă©luder la rĂ©alitĂ©. Le rĂ©cit, bien que destinĂ© Ă  un public jeune, ne mĂ©nage pas les dĂ©tails, offrant une lecture Ă  la fois captivante et Ă©ducative. « Refugee » transcende les frontiĂšres du genre jeunesse, offrant une perspective saisissante sur les dĂ©fis humains universels.

The Hell of SetheIn Toni Morrison’s dazzling « Beloved, » published in September 1987, the reader is plunged into the de...

The Hell of Sethe

In Toni Morrison’s dazzling « Beloved, » published in September 1987, the reader is plunged into the depths of post-Civil War Ohio, around 1870. It is there that Sethe, a former slave, attempts to rebuild her life haunted by an unspeakable act: sacrificing her child to spare him from the inhumane cruelty of slavery. Eighteen years later, an enigmatic young girl, calling herself « Beloved, » bursts into her existence, the name engraved on the tombstone of her deceased daughter.

Beyond the plot, Morrison immerses us in a narrative where emotions, reactions, and human paradoxes intertwine with stunning mastery. The tragedy transcends the traumatic event, extending to the complex moral aftermath and choices that mark Sethe’s life. The author succeeds in creating a tapestry where dignity, love, loneliness, and misfortune coexist!


L’enfer de Sethe

Dans l’éblouissant « Beloved » de Toni Morrison, paru en septembre 1987, le lecteur est plongĂ© dans les mĂ©andres de l’Ohio post-Guerre civile, vers 1870. C’est lĂ  que vivait Sethe, une ancienne esclave, tentant de reconstruire sa vie hantĂ©e par un acte indicible : avoir sacrifiĂ© son enfant pour le soustraire Ă  la cruautĂ© inhumaine de l’esclavage. Dix-huit ans plus t**d, une Ă©nigmatique jeune fille, se faisant appeler “Beloved”, fait irruption dans son existence, le nom gravĂ© sur la tombe de sa dĂ©funte fille.

Au-delĂ  de l’intrigue, Morrison nous plonge dans un rĂ©cit oĂč les Ă©motions, les rĂ©actions et les paradoxes humains s’entremĂȘlent avec une maĂźtrise stupĂ©fiante. La tragĂ©die dĂ©passe le simple Ă©vĂ©nement traumatisant, s’étendant aux sĂ©quelles et aux choix moraux complexes qui marquent la vie de Sethe. L’auteure rĂ©ussit Ă  crĂ©er une toile oĂč la dignitĂ©, l’amour, la solitude, et le malheur cohabitent !


601 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA

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Monday 9:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 7pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 7pm
Thursday 9:30am - 7pm
Friday 9:30am - 7pm
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