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First look at Divided Desert shot in Douglas, Arizona back in March 2022. Post Production will continue the rest of 2022. Trailer will be released in the Fall. The shots are beautiful, the sound needs a lot of work and a few reshoots are taking place in California. The acting is outstanding! Color grading will only enhance it’s beauty and music score has already begun it’s magic. The list of festivals submissions are beginning to pile up and I’m very excited to bring this film to life. I must say, the film crew and cast really out did themselves and helped me create what I believe to be a masterpiece in the making. Of course filming is only half the process and post is where it all comes to life. So please follow Fransuafilms for updates and find out how you can help #Divideddesert bloom to its fullest potential.
P.S. subtitles not yet edited in the teaser.
Yup that’s right the futures number 1 podcast! Am I dreaming ? damn right. But hey I’m doing the damn thang
There is alot more to this film then many realize. Outside the story and within the story. I always do things with intention and I always have the intention to include people at a macro scale in a way that will benefit us all.
What are your thoughts, opinions, perspective about robotic dogs being used at the border?
Does it leverage technology and Does it help reduce human exposure to life threatening hazards?
Or is it what The American Civil Liberties Union is calling a “Civil Liberies Disaster”
Comment below, like and share.
Use the hashtag #Divideddesert and
#civillibertiesdisaster or #yesforroboticdogs