I MARRIED MY FATHER'S FRIEND — I WAS STUNNED WHEN I SAW WHAT HE STARTED DOING ON OUR FIRST WEDDING NIGHT. At 39, I had experienced several long-term relationships, yet none had felt right. I was already disillusioned with love when my father's friend, Steve, came to visit one day. He was 48, almost 10 years older than me, but for some reason, the moment our eyes met in my parents' home, I immediately felt a sense of warmth and comfort. We began dating, and my father was thrilled at the prospect of Steve becoming his son-in-law. Six months later, Steve proposed, and we organized a simple yet beautiful wedding. I wore the white wedding dress I had dreamed of since childhood and was very happy. After the ceremony, we went to Steve's lovely home. I went to the bathroom to wash off my makeup and take off the dress. When I returned to our room, I was STUNNED TO MY CORE because Steve