"Hidalgo" is a story based on the life of Frank Hopkins and his horse, Hidalgo. Likewise, it is an accurate representation of the extraordinary bond establishd between actor Viggo Mortensen, who portrayed Hopkins, and his new sorrel overo Paint Horse stallion, TJ, who played Hidalgo.
'His ability, his intelligence were just so much in keeping with the story,' Mortensen said. 'He would just learn things so fast. I don't know what it is. His intense concentration and his ability to just relax were incredible'.
Mortensen related two scenes in particular, where TJ's talents proved to be excptional. In one part of the story, Mortensen is seen running from a swarming mass of locusts that blacken the sky. He lies down with Hidalgo and throws a blanket over the top of both of them as a shield from the infestation.
'To get a horse to lie down like that 30 times in a row is not easy. To get him to hit the same spot over and over again, then to throw a blanket over him and blind him that way, well, most horses, especially stallions, are not going to put up with that. But TJ did.'
In [another] scene, Hidalgo is supposed to pick up the hat with his mouth and bring it over to Hopkins. 'It's as if he's supposed to be saying, "Let's get out of here,'' Mortensen said.
A Paint named RJ Masterbug was trained to perform the task. He actually learned to pick up the hat, shake it and hand it to Mortensen. During the shoot, howevr, the directors wanted a close-up of the horse. Since TJ was the horse used for tight shots, it looked like another long round of training exercises for head wrangler Rex Peterson.
'TJ had been standing there the whole time, quietly, just watching Rex work with RJ. So, when they wanted this close-up, I said, "Well, let's just try it,' and we brought TJ in. The first time, TJ picks up the hat, gently holds it, and looks me right in the eye. Every take! That was amazing.'
Mortensen said he enjoyed riding all five American Paint Horses in the film. 'I rode as much as I could, and I rode all of them.' Each of the horses, he said, displayed special talents.
TJ now lives in Viggo Mortensen's ranch in Idaho with the horses he purchased from the sets of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.