Solomon Meets Sophia At Dawn . . .
To a wise man wisdom is the exquisite song of Sophia. To the fool it is the sound of the crow in the landfill.
Money is stupid unless it is moving. Like fuel it propels the future and as a tool it tills the soil, producing nourishment for the world. When it sits in a vault it may as well be sunken at the bottom of the sea. In the hands of a good man it is health for his family and friends, in the hands of an evil person it is merely evidence.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the LOVE of money that places it in value above all things that is the root of all evil. As currency, coinage and paper it is a product of Earth and remains on Earth. Why shouldn't it benefit Earth ?
Money doesn't make a man wise or foolish. It makes him or her a steward. There is power in the use of money not the money itself.
Jesus didn't hate money, he merely said money has its place, but not in the temple. Paying for a dove is no guarantee of receiving the spirit of a dove. Understanding can't be purchased with the currency of an age. An education can be purchased and paid for but understanding is priceless.
To whom much is given much is expected. To whom little is given that which he honors is multiplied and added to his account. The rich own what's within their gates, the humble own everything else on Earth, the fields, the flowers, the trees, the sun, the moon, the air, the rivers, oceans, the stars, the universe and the future without posting a guard.
What can I do today, this minute to enrich the lives of others without money ? Who needs my love, my peace, my joy, my helping hand, a listening ear, an open smile and a warm hello ? Can I find a treasure within someone who thinks me an enemy ? Can I add one more friend to my journey toward eternal life ? What gift can I leave a stranger that reminds him that he or she is royalty, a son or daughter of a king.
Breath is more sacred than words. Silence is more nourishing than water. Love always provides the rest. Peace is the cloak of the divine.
Leaders who spend the peoples money on war are like the whirlpool that drowns the strongest of swimmers or the quicksand that swallows the most powerful of warriors. The weight of their minds is what brings them to the depths of destruction while they think they are winning the war. To them are reserved the black holes of outer darkness forever. To them repentance is defeat because they would rather win with destruction.
There is a model of a man who is destined to change the world by repeating history and destroying his world in the process. His pursuit of his own glory blinds him to the vision of the future God is creating. Like Icarus he ascends too close to the sun which melts the wax in his wings and he plunges to his death, so is the lover of war. To wax eloquent escapes him and merely gives him false hope.
Self importance robs a man of his potential and his portion of dignity that is the treasure of the humble. The effects of service will always outlive stardom.
Enter the gates of the East for revelation, the gates of the North for contemplation, the gates of the South for clarity and the gates of the West for reflection and you will understand the gift of light through the metaphor that is the sun.
Humility leads to wisdom, pride leads to shame but prayer and meditation lead to eternal life.
Know Christ, live Christ, be Christ. Yeshua invites you into his family. Bring a guest. All are welcome. Remember you are the miracle he is waiting for. Love incarnate.
Be overpowered by good, embraced by mercy, wrapped up by grace, clothed in wisdom, shod by peace, shorn for beauty, drenched by the fragrance of love and ruled by the justice of righteousness.
Welcome home my brother and sister. Welcome home.