I swear if anyone comes at me for saying Worcestershire wrong #womenwithadhd #adhdinwomen #adhd
Life not an emergency Guess the only other option is rot #womenwithadhd #adhdinwomen #adhdingirls #giftedkidburnout #giftedkidsyndrome #adhdinadults
Random thoughts for your haloween #adhdinwomen #adhdingirls #neurodivergentfemale #adhdingirls
Safe foods are a gift not to be wasted. #adhdinwomen #adhdingirls #adhdcollegestudent #adhd #neurodivergent #safefood #neurodivergenttiktok
I swear if anyone comes at me for saying Worcestershire wrong 💀#womenwithadhd #adhdinwomen #adhd
If you are #neurodivergent and have absolutely no desire to be in the kitchen thats also totally fine. This is just me sharing how i overcame a challenge i wanted to tackle. #adhdinwomen #adhdingirlsandtheys #adhdandfood #adhdandeating #adhddiet #safefood #safefoodchallenge #adhdproblems
I am begging for a filler episode of life. Please. #adhdinwomen #adhdinadults #adhdingirls #adhdinfemales #adhdproblems
Some balence would be real cool brain #womenwithadhd
Im begging please 🥹 #helpbeinganadultisscary #lifeskills #eldersontiktok #adulting #eldermillenial #laundrytok #laundryhack #laundryroom #lifeskills
You have been lovingly bonked as a reminder to take care of yourself. #SAD #seasonaldepression #seasonaldepressionturnup #seasonaldepressiontips #health #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #womenshealth
When you can always keep track of your parteners stuff but never your own. 😂 #adhdinrelationships #adhdandrelationships #adhdinwomen #adhdpartner