DPomales Creative Services

DPomales Creative Services DPomales Creative Services offer a plethura of unique and


Day 1,224 of 1,460

I live life to its fullest
I give it mouth to mouth
When I see it trying to give out
I LooVe the taste of life
Imma tell you what it's about
It's about LooVe..Laughter & Memories
It's about Relationships
and oh so many other things
It's about Respecting other human beings
It's about true connection, authenticity
It's about vibes and Frequencies
It's all about emotional tendencies
It's about not regretting a thing
Its about LooVing endlessly
I'm oh so grateful
For all that God has given me
The things he has shown me
The blessings he has placed upon me
I am in LooVe with Life
I have 4 wonderful Children
And an Amazing Wife
2 parents that continue to give me LooVe
How they embrace and LooVe life
Running around like 2 young in LooVe kids
Twist that all up with a HuGG & a Kiss
And this life becomes something I cherish
I shall live carefree and feel pain less
What did I Miss
Except for the occasional life changing twists
It's an incredible Bliss
Something you should never take for granted
As we never know the time we have left
I am a man possessed
With happiness, free of regrets and blessed
Thoroughly impressed
I am obsessed
By all that life has been, no regrets
I LooVe life this I confess
I am grateful above all else
I learned long ago that life is wealth
I've come to learn
that life is all about your health
It's about the notches on your belt
It's about the stories you can tell
It's all about the moments that are heartfelt
So take life by the reigns and own it
You only live once
So don't forget it

Day 1,203 of 1,460As Life surrounds usWe embrace it with little fussIt fills us with joy and LooVeIt's God's gift from a...

Day 1,203 of 1,460

As Life surrounds us
We embrace it with little fuss
It fills us with joy and LooVe
It's God's gift from above
As certain as our spirits soar
on the wings of doves
We must be sure of 1 thing
Death awaits us all
yes it does
It's simply a part of life
As we spin through space
in this living paradise
It sits on the outskirts
Patiently awaiting its time to come
We never know when God will call us home
But we can feel it in our bones
As every day we grow older
Ashes to ashes...dust to dust
Of all that is right and just
It is in God we trust
We simply never know
when death will come for us
So we live each day to the most because
Today is all we truly have
So live it to the fullest no matter what
Death MooVes in mysterious ways as it does
You simply never know when it's your day
We have no idea how much time we got
I've seen death before and survived its claws
13 times before as I've kept count
just because
So I appreciate all that life has to offer
And I can promise you this
It's worth more than the almighty dollar
Those who think otherwise often falter
I've looked beyond all my doubts
In the name of my almighty Father
As time tends to slow down
When Death is around
I've seen my life flash before my eyes
Too many times
I've seen heaven..I've seen hell in this lifetime
I'm blessed to still be alive
So I use each day I have to thrive
I beg of you to do the same
Life is not a game
For when it's too late, your outta time
There's rarely any second chances
It's usually a 1 way ticket to the divine
So appreciate the air in your lungs
Give thanks for the days sunshine
Break open a great bottle of wine
Celebrate daily because you only live once
as we tend to forget sometimes
But never forget how fragile life can be
It's meant to be lived happily
Use the time you have wisely
Spread your energy freely, authentically
But as for me
Regret is the only thing
that frightens me, truly
I say this with all honesty
Never let something burden you permanently
Set it free
Do what you must do to let it be

BLoG: My Dedication to FreelanceAre you or your business in search of or in need of a Graphic Designer or Photographer o...

BLoG: My Dedication to Freelance

Are you or your business in search of or in need of a Graphic Designer or Photographer or Marketing Assistant or Brand Ambassador? This is what we do as a Professional Freelancer. We work in many fields of business and thats what we love most about bring a Freelancer. No project is ever the same and every day can be so different and unique depending on which hat I'm wearing or field of business I am working in. Projects can last from hours to days so time management is super important. Staying focused is imperative. Anticipation of the clients needs are key! This is ideal work for the Creative who can't decide on just 1 field of business or interests. This is how we mix it up and keep it interesting. This is how we don't get bored or have a run in with monotony. This is how we stay sharp!

We are here in Orlando and local to the Central Florida area.. I am a Creative of more than 30 years and the name of my company is DPomalesCreative Services. How can we be of service? We LooVe what we do and we intend it to show through our creative ways. Embracing my creativity has been a game changer that happened in 2008 when I finally walked away from the corporate 9-5 job. I chose to put my hard efforts, commitment and loyalty into me, instead of a job/corporate entity that only saw me as a number or would easily lay me off due to budget cuts and other nonsense. This was my time to shine and I took a big step in a new direction. I would chase my passions!

I have not stopped shining nor regret my choice to go Freelance. I have gained so much knowledge and experience in so many different fields that I'm ready for anything that comes at me. I am a well rounded creative and have found my place in the world's of Branding... Marketing/Printing... Photography... Graphic Design... Management... Event Professional/Brand Ambassador... and this list goes on! These are just some of the areas I work in and contribute to. I have always followed my passions and so I express it in all that I've done since inception of my new found mindset so many years ago. I'd had enough with corporate layoffs and mergers that left you (or the creative dept) out in the rain so to speak. I decided I would take my future into my own hands. I would take the skillsets I had and hone in on my crafts.

I am a Jack of all trades, and a master to some! Meaning, I have spent many years sharpening my abilities and skillsets working multiple jobs and adapting to impossible scenarios while maintaining consistency and authenticity! I've learned from the best in my journey through life and crazy career choices. And here we are, still doing the things we LooVe to do! This is where I see my future self. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing!
And it's a blessing as I battle the lasting effects of a TBi (Traumatic Brain Injury) that changed my life and the onslaught of PTSD that came with it. I am not the man I was but after extensive therapy (on-going) I respect and love the man I am today. That being said the impact somehow gave me access to my more creative side as I was not about that mindset before my accident.

Long story, short, by the grace of God I survived the accident and near death experience that I went through and life simply changed for me. I could no longer waste time on things that did not benefit me. I began to respect the time we have left on this earth more. I decided to follow my passions and do things that made me happy. And here we are still doing what we love to do which is 1) Help others 2) Be of service 3) Do Unto others...
Simply reaching out to my vast community across the web and businesses worldwide! We Love what we do and we intend it to show in our services. Our skillsets are polished and ready to help you bring your brand, business or company to life.

BLoG: A Brand Ambassadors LifeSo as I complete event after event. I grow more and more to LooVe what I do. The importanc...

BLoG: A Brand Ambassadors Life

So as I complete event after event. I grow more and more to LooVe what I do. The importance of Brand Ambassadors is key to a successful event. The roles we take on, the tasks we are assigned to are super important to the client as well as the attendees that are at said event. No matter how small your role may seem it is vital that you fulfill it to the best of your ability. As a Brand Ambassador we must reinforce the weakest points of the clients armor so that their brand shines even in the toughest and most complicated situations.

Representing a Brand demands a lot of responsibility. Arriving on time, communicating clearly and being professional at all times are factors that cannot be overlooked. The client is depending on you, a stranger for the most part, to do whatever it is they need done. Whether it's registration, directionals, interacting with attendees or scanning badges the list is long. It's imperative that you are focused, present and ready for whatever comes at you. There are times when you must be a problem solver or resolution finder. Inevitably, you are the face of the brand itself so you must act as such. Again, professionalism is your main responsibility and your ability to be flexible and versatile is monumental. These abilities are imperative to selling yourself as a capable individual, or brand ambassador. As the idea is to have the client call you back for future events. You must sell yourself as an effective and reliable source.

I have been working as a Brand Ambassador on and off for many years (since 2008). I have been of service to a variety of companies in need of branding and or marketing. I LooVe what I do and allow it to show through my actions and abilities. Key elements of being a brand ambassador are that one is well spoken, educated and that one can remain composed in front of any kind of adversity or confusion. No matter the situation you must always remain on your toes and on your game. I always put my best foot forward and excel in conditions and situations that demand 100% of my attention.

Working as a Brand Ambassador offers many benefits such as great pay, a wide range of diverse events, the opportunity to work with many people, a high level of teamwork, the opportunity to both challenge yourself and to craft your abilities. The main challenge that exists as a Brand Ambassador is the ability to seek out and find said events on your own time and to fill your schedule accordingly. One must always remain working of course to pay your bills. So it is best to sign up with as many marketing companies as possible in order to build and create a funnel of work that is constantly turning or coming through your doors.


BLoG: DPomales Back on the Road

Off on new excursions... going down south to assist another blossoming company with its inaugural(1st events) under new branding. This is what we do! We provide support where it is needed. DPomalesCreative Services is always changing up its game to service so many different industries and so many different niches.

In this case it's a Photography company newly rebranded out of South Georgia. So welcome to Florida...IMPACT IMAGES! On this project we are going back to our grass roots and taking on the role of photographer. A role we had taken a break from due to health issues. So it has been some time since we had to get behind the camera. We will be working with Teams and Individuals. So we will be working closely with children of various ages. Something we LooVe to do. Something we have done for years and have even trained to handle special needs. We simply LooVe the kids! They are the future!

This will simply be a seasonal project. So over the next few weeks we will be assisting them in getting staff and systems ramped up. We will be traveling to various locations throughout South Florida and then to the West Coast to visit cities like Sarasota. While on this project we will also be highly interacting with the customers and consumers of this brand. So it's vital that we utilize all of our years of training in Hospitality (30 yrs experience) and Customer service (30 plus yrs experience) to make a positive impact as Impact Images introduces itself to its target market.

It's imperative that our roles as Brand Ambassadors play a pivotal part in this environment. As Brand Ambassadors we are at the frontline of Sales and Marketing for the company. It is all about the experience. That 1st impression is so important and essential to creating a winning environment for all involved. We must offer the best outcome as it is this brands 1st impression on its intended consumer so we want it to be an amazing one! That is our intention and mission at
DPomales Creative Services

BLoG: Receiving a Medal with a Message!I received this medal from a small 5Krace I photographed just yesterday. It was a...

BLoG: Receiving a Medal with a Message!

I received this medal from a small 5Krace I photographed just yesterday. It was a moral builder for a company, so there were maybe a few hundred in attendance. It was quite enough for 1 photographer to handle, but something we are highly trained to handle. Though I did not run the race I was running around trying to capture the many areas of interest. As a momento of their appreciation they gave me a medal for my participation in capturing the many moments that transpired throughoutthe 2 hour event. It was a very kind gesture indeed from the client as these medals are fairly heavy in weight and must have cost them a pretty penny, so to speak.

And today when I pulled it out of my pocket, it's message struck a chord in me. It is a New Year after all. It is indeed a BOLD NEW ERA for me, if I will it to be. Coincidentally, I am making some changes this year, behind the scenes, to improve the longevity and productivity of DPomales Creative Services. But Time will only tell how well we accomplish our goal...to leave a legacy of some sort. Or to make some sort of profound impact on those who seek out our help or look to us for answers in the form of our various manners of support that DPomales offers. We are here after all to provide business solutions that work and count.

A BOLD NEW ERA... is an amazing way to look at the possibilities of tomorrow and our future beyond today. Though we must live for today, there is nothing wrong with planning for our futures. It takes a brave soul to set out on such a journey. After all we must look past our horizon to see the bigger picture. It is a commitment to seek out new opportunities, new relationships, new projects, new everything. It is time to stop doing what doesn't work and start to discover new ways to make things happen or bring to fruition. Bottom line we have to find out what does work and focus on those elements. So here's to a BOLD NEW ERA and a Fantastic NEW YEAR!

We are here for you whenever you are in need. We offer various levels of support in a number of industries. So it's definitely worth a chat to say hello and see how we can benefit each other. What we offer are the most creative and diverse support services in the areas of: Photography (all niches), Graphic Design, Branding and Marketing, Print, Content Creation, Event and Location Management just to name some of our more popular services. Collectively we have 30 plus years of experience to offer. So how can we help you?

Here's to a New Year!!!... Myself and DPomalesCreative Services wishing you a very Happy New Year!!! To all of you in my...

Here's to a New Year!!!... Myself and DPomalesCreative Services wishing you a very Happy New Year!!! To all of you in my network and followers on my feed... Here's to a safe and prosperous year to come! May this be your Year in whatever goals you have set!? We are always here to help or be of support!!!... Our services allow us to do so in so many ways! How can we help you in 2024???

Again cheers to a New Year! What is your 1 goal this year? Whatever it is make it count! We only Have this 1 life to live! So count your blessings! I am Thankful and Blessed and beyond grateful to have one more year around the sun!!!...

Here's to Business in 2024! Let's get busy everyone! It's that time to tighten our straps and get to Work! Some of us did not vacation these last 2 weeks. Some of us still had to grind through the holidays! Thats ok! Heres a salute to each and every one of us grinding hard to ensure our/their business becomes or remains a success. We gotta kickoff this 1st quarter with a Bang! So good luck!

So here it is...the Metaphorical "RINGING OF THE BELL!!!"๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Let's Go 2024!!! The Ball has already dropped! Time to make it happen! Whatever your it(???)...is! And if we can be of service in that process just let us know! Initial consultation is complimentary. We look forward to hearing about your successes or even your failures as they are all relevant and a real part of Business behind the scenes. We look to do more than business. We look to forge and build relationships.

Here at DPomalesCreative we wish to build a rapport with our potential clientel. It's simply how we do business. More importantly, we must always make sure that we are a good fit for one another. There are many things we can do, but there are also some things we can't do. So let's get acquainted. It's time to network!

Day 1093 of 1095Writing poetry these last 3 yearsHas been a journey so amazingBlogging my way through lifeHas been somet...

Day 1093 of 1095

Writing poetry these last 3 years
Has been a journey so amazing
Blogging my way through life
Has been something so radical
Yet entertaining
A therapy so nontraditional
That I would write
about my life
so emphatically
I've put my heart on my sleeve
I've written what I pleased
I've left it all out there
Allowing my feelings to breathe
To give my words life indeed
These emotions of mine
How they ebb and weave
They flow so intentionally
These last 1095 days
have gone by so sensationally
Each day sentenced so poetically
About what life means to me
And all the things in between
I have spent the last 3 years
Letting my soul breathe
Allowing that light inside to be seen
It ain't always easy
To speak what you feel
About the world you see
Such personal things made real
As I attempt to cope and deal
With my emotions and feels
Then to write them
With rhymical appeal
For the world to read
And for my mind and body to heal
Its a glimpse into how I think
At least I don't need to drink
To express myself in such detail
Quit drinking some time ago
My perspective has changed
I'm more in tune to my ebb and flow
The tides within have subsided
This Tsunami of Emotional overload
That churned inside of me
no longer burdens me
I don't feel like I am drowning
It's as if a weight has been lifted
My God has been kind to me
I truly feel blessed and gifted
I no longer feel so conflicted
My Soul flies freely no longer twisted
In nots or caught up in the trauma
I was livin
My heart feels uplifted
Thank you God for this Life
That I've been given
And a Happy New Years
To us all
Here's to a Life of Happiness
that keeps us breathing
& in LooVe
with Living

BLoG: We LooVe to DesignI LooVe (pronounced: LuV) to design. Especially unique and creative pieces for clients. This one...

BLoG: We LooVe to Design

I LooVe (pronounced: LuV) to design. Especially unique and creative pieces for clients. This one I created for a Tshirt company. It's great when a client gives you full creative power to go out of the box or in this case out on a limb. Even though most times, we are required to design to specs. Why? Because most corporate companies have a brand or guidelines they must adhere to. But when you come in at the ground level so to speak or at the beginning of the company process then you have a rare opportunity to set off a chain of events that leads to the implementing of a brand.

As a Designer, I have had the honor of designing many logos for many companies just starting off, this just happens to be one of the more creative logos I have designed. For the most part, most of them have been logos made to spec. What that means is they are made to specifications. These specs are usually determined by the colors utilized, followed by the number of colors utilized. There are certainly design principles to be followed. Keep in mind most logos use a 2 color design, but no more than 4 usually at their most complex. Most logos are designed as a vector file, meaning the dimensions of the logo can be expanded without pixelation or deterioration of the edges. Most logos are printed in a variation of sizes from small to wall size and beyond so having a flawless vector design is monumental in the grand scheme of things and should be implemented into the design process of your logo.

I could go on and on...and I'm certainly taking a very vague approach at the explanation of designing a logo, but the point I'm trying to get across is how much I LooVe bringing ideas to life. And in this case it was a full blown gorilla flying off the page. I have been specializing in vector graphics for many years. It has taken some practice to get to this level of design, but we LooVe what we do!
And we intend it to show in our efforts and results. Let us know how we can be of service. Perhaps 2024 is your year to need one?

BLoG: So why PoetryWhy has poetry consumed me?I truly have no idea. Why is my goal such a big deal? I have been writing ...

BLoG: So why Poetry

Why has poetry consumed me?
I truly have no idea. Why is my goal such a big deal? I have been writing for almost 1095 days, and that will be three years of writing that I have compiled/completed in about 20 days. But for what reason? Well, it started as a form of therapy treatment for my PTSD and overall mental health. Writing seemed to be a good idea. A way to formulate my thoughts and get them outta my head.

As a pensive thinker, one can go crazy listening to yourself think about anything and everything all at once. As the survivor of a Traumatic Head Injury it has also helped me to control the constant anxiety that I suffer from. The idea of getting crushed in another car is forever looming in my subconscious and conscious mind. The details of my last accident are as vivid as if it has just happened. But writing has helped me to subdue and control those feelings and emotions.

But why poetry? If I could recall my thoughts, I seemed to remember being introduced to poetry at a very young age. The poems of Robert Frost were my 1st taste of poetry and I was somehow hooked by his vivid words. I guess you could say the rest is history. It doesn't help that I think in rhyme, always looking to complete my thoughts in a rhyme fashion. Perhaps I am simply a poet at heart. Though I've come a long way, I still have so far to go.

It has been a long journey to find inner peace. I have suffered from my injuries for a very long time. But things have become so much clearer since I started to write my blog and chase my dreams of being a renowned poet. I'm not sure I have what it takes, but that's the great thing about dreams and passions. They do not judge they simply thrive if you let them.

DAY 1069 of 1095It's time to be merryIt's time to be jollyDeck the halls with MFiN HollyBy-GollyIt's almost Christmas In...

DAY 1069 of 1095

It's time to be merry
It's time to be jolly
Deck the halls with MFiN Holly
It's almost Christmas
In Jesus name may it lift us
May the spirit of Christmas fill us
May the Lord be with us
In God we trust
Doing only good things as we must
Limiting the bad things with little fuss
It's that special time of year
May it bring only joyful tears
So let us raise a glass
spread some cheer
Disregard those inner fears
Step outside our comfort zone
loud and clear
As we wrap up 2023
By putting lights up on the tree
Saying goodbye to bad habits
and things
As the days become darker and shorter
Feel the winds pick up a cool breeze
As trees begin to lose their leaves
Here in FL we despise
the northern freeze
As the slightest of cold
brings us to our knees
But I Love the cold weather see
I miss my Colorado Rockies
But back to the holidays at hand
Yes I still believe in Santa
and I'm a grown ass man
I Love Christmas and putting lights
on the tree
Counting sugar plums at night
As they dance in our dreams
The 12 days of Christmas
are quickly approaching
Life happens in a blink
Time MooVes forward so relentlessly
We must prepare
for the coming of our king
It is a biblical story
To God I give all the glory
I relinquish all of my worries
For tis the season to be Jolly
Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly
And so this is Christmas
Enjoy the time that God has given us
May the spirit of Christmas lift us
May it lift our spirits up and gift us
From Dawn to dusk
I pray for my family and loved ones
Peace unto those no longer with us
So... as we end the year
let's not forget
To relinquish all our regrets
And may we never forget
To give life our all
To give it our best
Every day we have left

BLoG: Wedding Photography Spotlight Shout out To one of the most beautiful brides I have ever captured! Timing, lighting...

BLoG: Wedding Photography Spotlight

Shout out To one of the most beautiful brides I have ever captured! Timing, lighting, angles...a creative eye, the intuition to place the bride ever so gently in the frame. It all comes together in the blink of an eye or in this case a shutter. I LooVe how the veil has taken on the colors of the sun setting. It almost looks like we lit in on purpose or ran some kind of glow effect through it, but this image has zero if any editing or filters.

This image has always stood out to me and to think all I used was 1 fill light or external flash. Yet her face is lit so evenly. I was sure the elements were going to get the better of me, especially unwanted sun flares and dreaded shadows. But I stood my ground and persevered. Isnt this why I learned to shoot on Manual (M) mode so many years ago. Isn't this why I have worked so hard to hone in on my skills. Many times while working we have to battle our own doubts and fears. All the while, never letting them see you sweat. Getting the perfect shot is all that matters along with making sure the bride feels beautiful and comfortable.

When you are attempting to time yourself in such a large venue such as a golf course. When you must chase what little light you have left. When you must return the bride/groom back to their wedding festivities in a timely manner. It all just somehow comes together when I put all my doubts and fears aside. Only magic happens. This is what we do. After so many weddings it just becomes automatic. Once we are on set it's game on. All the training we have put ourselves through as photographers simply takes action and we quickly fall into the pocket, so to speak.

Again thanks to our beautiful bride (at the time) Erica for wearing her dress and makeup so flawlessly. The bride and groom were both great to work with. And I have an image that I can be proud of. But for the record we captured many beautiful moments for this couple. And happy to do so for any bride to be.

BLoG: Forever a Canon GuySo I have always shot with Canon. It's just always been that way since the days of film. Though...

BLoG: Forever a Canon Guy

So I have always shot with Canon. It's just always been that way since the days of film. Though I have no issues with using Nikon equipment and certainly endorse its superb quality, I've always just preferred Canon! It's just always been that way. I guess it was making that Final choice of which body I preferred or could afford at that time, back in the early 90s, Canon just had the ideal solutions. So in essence I owe it to them to say thanks: for being there for me for so many years, for allowing my passions to grow and flourish and for always providing an image/product that I could stand behind. It has been a pleasure shooting with you the last 32 years.

My Canons have been there through 3 kids, countless pets, work events by the hundreds if not thousands, learning and perfecting my craft, overcoming my insecurities and doubts and simply just getting me through some really tough times in life, not to mention the countless highlights I have been blessed to capture. Weddings, Maternity, Newborns, it's been so very rewarding. Then to the excitement I have found in the many niches I have explored and spent years developing the skills necessary to excel in many of them. It has been such a journey! I can say my Canon has provided me millions of sellable images. Yes of course it takes the talents and eye of the photographer, but the Canon camera is a choice you can simply depend on. But hey that's not to say that Nikon isn't. As it serves many photographers well and has always gone neck and neck with Canon. I probably still even own a body that I have used for back up a time or two. And there's no shame in my game.

It all begins with raw talent or the desire to learn. I have been a student of photography for 32 years. I believe my gifts to be Intuition and Timing as they are both unique and effective tools to have in and out of photography. To know when to depress that shutter or know where to be looking. To be able to read what's going on in front of you and respond in sync to its timing can be purely magical at times. So thanks Canon for always being there as a product I could always depend on. You have given me many fond memories. Like this last photo shoot I had that was meant to be outdoors and then due to rain was indoors and all I had is what's in the bag for lighting. Just a few external speedlight flashes, no umbrellas, no strobes. But the equipment came through just like I needed it to. And with 1 external light source in hand I was able to pull off the shoot. Lighting was vibrant and intimate. Client was more than satisfied with results.


Longwood, FL


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Branding is our Passion!

AS a designer of many years...and having come from 30yrs in the photography world, DPomalesCreative has become very fluent in bringing entrepreneurs dreams/business entities to life. We takes your words/ideas and splashes them with dynamic energy and graphics/elements that impact your potential audience and inevitably your bottom line.

How can we help you bring your dreams to life? What SUPPORT can we provide you to assist in your continued growth? We are successful when our clients are thriving and business is expanding.

We strive to provide support to new & local businesses. In an attempt to give back to our community, we remain humble in our prices, practices and efforts. Cost Effective is our middle name. Quality and Client Satisfaction remain our top priorities. It is our Mission to help you GROW!

Whether your needs are creating your identity or building your business, as your GO TO Branding Professionals, we can provide OFF-SITE support as #BrandAmbassadors or Site location Support even Trade-Show representatives. Unlike most others, we are there from conception of Logo Design to whatever curve may come your way, any influxes of business needs or seasons that may overwhelm your resources/staff.

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