One of the things I see quite a lot, is when the family, friends, and/or caregivers project what they think the person in the bed needs and wants. We can all be guilty of that, because we think we know what is best for someone when they are sick, or declining from age or illness. We tell them when to eat, when to sleep, when to get out of bed, what to wear, even how to feel about whatever is happening to them.
We also care about them, and we want to do whatever we can to remove their discomfort, so this usually comes from a compassionate place.
What if we met them where they were, not where we wanted them to be, and we asked them what they needed, and how we can honor their wants and wishes in a respectful way, giving them a voice and autonomy with their care.
Their end-of-life journey is not for us to direct, instead, we need to walk alongside them, learn what matters most to them, honor their wishes, and when their voice is no longer loud enough to hear... we advocate for them.
This is how we can help someone who is dying.