Friends of the Overton County Library

Friends of the Overton County Library A non-profit organization with the goal to aid and support the Overton County Public Library.


Millard Oakley Public Library News
27 September 2024
The Millard Oakley Public Library has a full calendar of events for October. The Crafters Club meets every Tuesday at 9:00, and Story Time is every Thursday at 10:30.
Our book club will meet on Tuesday, October 1, at 11:00 a.m.
Overton County Arts Council will be hosting a day of art on the square October 5. There will be a display of artwork in the meeting room of the library, where many pieces will also be on sale. There will be an award ceremony at 1:30, and a reception starting at 2:00.
The library will be closed on October 14 for Columbus Day.
The Alzheimers Support Group will meet on Tuesday, October 15 at 11:00.
Dr. Pauline Kirvin will host a free class on Herbals on Wednesday, October 16, and a second class on Wednesday, October 23 from 10:00 until 12:00.
There are several other events planned for October. Come by the library to pick up a new schedule and check out some of these events.
The staff at the library has also been very busy adding new material to the library. There is a wide variety of new books for all ages. New adult titles include “Bright I Burn” by Molly Aitkin, “Buried Too Deep” by Karen Rose, “By Any Other Name” by Jodi Picoult, “By Evening’s Light” by Leslie Gould, “A Botanist’s Guide to Flowers and Fatality” by Kate Khavari, “The Book of Doors” by Gareth Brown, “Bad Blood” by John Sandford, “Autumn of the Grimoire” by J. L. Vampa, “Blood and Dust” by F.M. Parker, and “Sleepwalker” by Karen Robards.
For our younger readers, we have the “Emmie & Friends” series, including “Always Anthony”, the new “Bad Guys in the Serpent and the Beast” by Aaron Blabey, “Against the Tide” by Tui Sutherland, and “Best Friends” by Shannon Hale.
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. AlbertCamus.


Millard Oakley Public Library News
6 September 2024
The Millard Oakley Public Library is looking for a new part time clerk. The position offers 20-23 hours a week. For more information, please stop by the library or call Judith at 931-823-1888.
There are several events happening at the library this month. Dr. Pauline Kirivin will hold a healthy eating class on Wednesday September 11, beginning at 10:00.
Our Crafters meet every Tuesday at 9:00.
Story Time is every Thursday at 10:30.
The library Board will meet on Tuesday, September 17 at 4:30.
The Friends of the Library will meet on Thursday, September 19 at 4:30.
A full schedule of events can be located on our website, or by coming into the library and picking up our monthly calendar.
The library has received a new shipment of books in recently. New titles added to our collection include I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons” by Peter S. Beagle, “You’ll Never Find Me” by Allison Brennan, “A Darkness Returns” by Raymond Feist, “Wild Is the Witch” by Rachel Griffin, an anthology titled “It Was All a Dream”, “Our Little Secret” by Lisa Jackson, “that Night in the Library” by Eva Jurczyk, “Saving Krakow” by K. R. Kiehl, “The Mapmaker’s Promise” by Catherine Law, “No Safe Place” by Michael Ledwidge, “The Hidden Book” by Kristy Manning, “When the Moon Hatched” by Sarah A Parker, “Confessions of the Dead” by James Patterson and J. D. Barker, “Buried Too Deep” by Karen Rose, “Summer of Sacrifice” by J. L. Vampa, and “The Coven” by Harper L. Woods.
“Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.” Jimi Hendrix


Millard Oakley Public Library News
23 August 2024
The Millard Oakley Public Library will be closed on Monday, September 2, for Labor Day.
The library has a full calendar of events for September. Our Crafters Club meets every Tuesday at 9:00, and Story Time is every Thursday at 10:30.
Our book club will meet on Tuesday, September 3 at 11:00.
Take your Child to the Library Day will be on Saturday, September 7, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
The Library Board will meet on Tuesday, September 17, beginning at 4:30.
The Friends of the Library will meet on Thursday, September 19, at 4:30. This worthwhile organization is always looking for new members.
Nutritionist Dr. Pauline Kirvin will host a seminar at the library on Wednesday, September 4, at 10:00 a.m.
There will be a class on conquering clutter with Beth Ruck on Monday, September 23, at 1:00.
For a full calendar of events, check out our website at, stop by the library for a copy of our calendar, or friend us on Facebook.
There are several new books in the library. Titles include “Enchant the Dawn” by Amanda Ashley, “Winter Lost” by Patricia Briggs, “Cowboy Cocktails: 60 Recipes Inspired by the American West” by Andre Darlington, “Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales” by Sir George Douglas, “The Definitive Guide to Planting Food Plots” by Peter J. Fiduccia, “Flying Solo” by Linda Holmes, “The Angel of Paragon” by Genevieve Jack, “Kissing Kosher” by Jean Meltzer, “Members Only” by Sameer Pandya, “The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians” by James Patterson, and “Bonds of Brass” by Emily Skrutskie.
“The most profound statements are often said in silence.” Lynn Johnston (1947 - )


Millard Oakley Public Library News
12 July 2024
The Millard Oakley Public Library Summer Reading Program is almost over! There are only two programs left. July 18th we will have a park ranger from Standing Stone come in to talk to our participants about adventures at our state parks. All reading logs and scavenger hunt papers must be turned in by 5:00 on July 19th. On Thursday, July 25th, there will be an end of the Summer Reading Party at Central Park. Farm Bureau will have a brief program to celebrate beef month and provide walking tacos. Union Bank will provide drinks and watermelon. All prizes will be awarded during the party.
The Friends of the Library will also meet on July 18th. They will be finalizing the plans for their next book sale, which will occur on Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27. Please note that there is a new policy for their bag sale. There is a limit to 25 bags per family.
Other events happening at the library include a board meeting on Tuesday, July 16.
The Crafters Club meets every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
The Lions Club will meet on Tuesday, July 23rd, at 6:00 p.m.
Looking for a new career? Have you always wondered what it’s like to work as a nurse, a lineman, or an electrician? You can explore these careers and so many others using virtual equipment here at the library.
New books recently added to our collection include “An Indiscreet Princess” by Georgie Blalock, “The Sister-In-Law” by Pamela Crane, “Don’t Hex and Drive” by Juliette Cross, “Heels of Steel” by Barbara Kavovit, “No Good Deed” by Victor Gischler, “So Shall You Reap” by Donna Leon, “Members Only” by Sameer Pandya, “A Room Called Earth” by Madeleine Ryan, “stampede” by Tim Washburn, and “A Lowcountry Bride” by Preslaysa Williams.
You can check out all our new titles by going to our online catalog at .

Millard Oakley Public Library12 April 2024 The Millard Oakley Public Library has a very busy week planned for the week o...

Millard Oakley Public Library
12 April 2024
The Millard Oakley Public Library has a very busy week planned for the week of April 15. The Quilters will meet on Monday, April 15, at 100. The Civic & Garden Club will meet on Monday at 6:00 p.m.
The Virtual Reality Launch will begin at 12:00 on Tuesday, April 16. Everyone is invited to come and check out this technology received through a grant with MTSU. Focusing on career exploration, we will demonstrate how this technology works. Unsure if virtual reality is right for you? We will have a television set up to project the image from the goggles. This is a way for those who are unable to use the technology to share the experience.
Story time is on Thursday, starting at 10:30.
The Friends of the Library will also meet this Thursday at 4:30.
The Beekeepers will meet on Thursday evening at 6:00.
On Friday, April 18, we will unveil the new statue and dedication plaque in the front of the library. Everyone is invited to join us to see this new addition to our library.
Our new catalog and circulation system is up and running. To place items on hold, renew items checked out, or see what is new to the library, visit us at


Friends of the Library Book Sale Policy
The Friends of the Overton County Library host a book sale when donations and library discard books accumulate to an extent storage becomes problematic. There will be an attempt to hold a book sale at least quarterly, depending on the number of books received.
1. The book sale will be held on a Friday and Saturday.
2. Books will be sold for $1.00 for hardcovers, $0.50 for paperbacks on Friday until 3:30.
3. From 3:30 until 5:00 on Friday, books will be $1.00 per bag. This sale will continue through Saturday.
4. Bag sales will be limited to 25 bags per family per sale.
5. A Friend of the Overton County Committee Member working the sale on Saturday will have the discretion to increase the number of bags sold, or sell all remaining books at the end of the sale on Saturday afternoon.
Approved March 21, 2024.


Millard Oakley Public Library
23 February 2024
There has been a lot of activity at the library lately. For anyone who has driven by the library and noticed the activity out front, we are in the process of updating our look. New landscaping and ornaments still need to be added, as well as a dedication plaque. As soon as all the work is completed, we will have an unveiling and an open house. We hope to schedule this by the end of March,
In the meantime, there are plenty of other activities happening. There will be another “Take Your Child To the Library” day on Saturday, March 2 from 10:00-12:00.
Staff will be trained on the new virtual reality job training in early March, thanks to a grant with MTSU.
The library will be closed on March 5 due to the elections.
The Crafters Club meets every Tuesday at 9:00.
Story Time is every Thursday at 10:30.
The library will be closed on Friday, March 15 for staff training on our new circulation system. This new system should be better for patrons as well as staff, especially those who reserve or renew their own books online. Once this system is up and running, patrons will be able to rate and review titles they have read.
The Library Board will meet on Tuesday, March 19.
There is a full calendar of events for the month in the library, or you can check out our website or page for our latest updates.


The next Friends of the Library book sale is set for Friday, February 23 from 9:00 until 5:00 & Saturday, February 24 from 9:00 until 1:00!


Millard Oakley Public Library News
5 January 2024
The Millard Oakley Public Library will be closed on Monday, January 15, 2024.
The library has several events occurring In January. Our Crafters meet every Tuesday at 9:00.
Every Thursday, story time is at 10:30. The Library Board will meet on Tuesday, January 16 at 4:30. The Friends of the Library will meet on Thursday, January 18 at 4:30. The Quilter’s Guild will meet on Monday, January 22. Various other organizations meet on a regular basis at the library. Please stop in and pick up a calendar, or check out our website at
There are several new titles in the library this week. They include “The Curse of Penryth Hall” by Jess Armstrong, “The Wonder of it All” by Barbara Taylor Bradford, “Death by Demo” by Callie Carpenter, “This Troubled Ground” by Les Carroll, “White Peak” by Ronan Frost, “The Sisters of Sea View” by Julie Klassen, “”Mountain Woman” by Gregory J. Lalire, ”Alliances: A Trick of Light” by Stan Lee, “The Kraken’s Sacrifice” by Katee Robert, “Portrait of an Unknown Woman” by Daniel Silva, “The Cat” by Dustin Stevens, “Keep Saying Their Names” by Simon Stranger, “Night of the Living Rez” by Morgan Talty, “In the Presence of Mine Enemies” by Harry Turtledove, and “Silver Wings, Iron Cross” by Tom Young.
There are also several new DVD’s at the library, including ”Weird: The Al Yankovic Story”, “Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie”, “Interview with the Vampire: Season 1”, and “Justified: City Primeval: Season 1”.
There are several new STEAM kits available. These kits are great to give students a little extra help. New kits include “Marvel Phonics Kit”, “On the Farm Toddler Kit”, “Sensory Explorer Kit”, “Under the Sea Toddler Kit”, and “Estimation and Patterns Kit”.
“One kind word can warm three winter months.” Japanese proverb.

Millard Oakley Public Library15 December 2023 The Millard Oakley Public Library will be closed on Saturday, December 23 ...

Millard Oakley Public Library
15 December 2023
The Millard Oakley Public Library will be closed on Saturday, December 23 through Tuesday, December 26. We will reopen on Wednesday, December 27. The library will also be closed on Monday, January 1, 2024. We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season!
Looking for something to do over the Christmas holidays? The library has many Christmas movies as well as new releases, such as “Anastasia”, “Oppenheimer”, “Star Trek Strange New Worlds: Season Two”, and “World on Fire: Season Two”.
There are also several new STEAM kits available, including “The Marvel Phonics Kit”, “Sensory Explorer Kit”, “On the Farm Toddler Kit”, “Estimation and Patterns Kit”, and “Let’s Move for Adults”.
There are 4 Wi-Fi hotspots available for library card holders who are current, as well as many items in our Library of Things.
New books recently added to our collection include “A Million Little Choices” by Tamera Alexander, “Hot to Trot” by M. C. Beaton, “Northern Spy” by Flynn Berry, “Companeros: The Stanton Saga” by Tom W. Blackburn, “sister of Starlit Seas” by Terry Brooks, “Death Rides the Range” by Arthur Henry Gooden, “Slay” by Laurell K. Hamilton, “Rider of the Stars” by Robert J. Horton, “What a Wave Must Be” by Angela Hunt, “The Girl in White Gloves” by Kerri Maher, “The Narrow Road Between Desires” by Patrick Rothfuss, “Hunted in the Holler” by Drew Strickland, “Let us Descend” by Jesmyn Ward, and “The Bodies in the Library” by Marty Wingate.
For our nonfiction readers we have “Wild Witchcraft” by Rebecca Beyer, “Herbal Medicine” by Sam Coffman, “Our Broke America” by Jackie Gingrich Cushman, “Wherever I Wind Up” by R. A. Dickey, “Ghosts of Honolulu” by Mark Harmon, “Don’t Drop the Mic” by T. D. Jakes, “The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents” collected and explained by Gregg Jarrett, “Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism” by Rachel Maddow, and “Mind Over Weight” by Ian K. Smith.
The library offers many services for our community. Faxing, Wi-Fi printing, computers, and copies are all available any time the library is open, and a notary is available during the week. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at (931) 823-1888.
“A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.” Jo Godwin.

There are only 8 ornaments left !  If you want one, contact the library soon!

There are only 8 ornaments left ! If you want one, contact the library soon!


Help Wanted
The Millard Oakley Public Library is looking to hire a part-time clerk. This position starts at $13.00/hour for 10 to 20 hours per week, Monday through Saturday. Duties include interacting with customers, shelving material, computer work, and other duties as assigned. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent, basic computer skills, and good communication skills. Please stop by the Millard Oakley Public Library during business hours for an application.

Millard Oakley Public Library news20 October 2023 The Millard Oakley Library staff would like to thank Secretary of Stat...

Millard Oakley Public Library news
20 October 2023
The Millard Oakley Library staff would like to thank Secretary of State Tre Hargett, Representative Ed Butler, and Senator Ken Yager for visiting our library October 18th. With several of our county commissioners also attending, we were able to show off our beautiful library and explain to them what a valuable community resource the library is to our community.
The library will be closed on Tuesday, October 24, and Wi-Fi will be unavailable, but new computers and updated internet services will be available when we reopen on Wednesday, October 25. The meeting room will still be available for our crafters club to meet.
November is quickly approaching, and there are several events planned at the library, as well as several days the library will be closed. Story time will be every Thursday at 10:30. The Crafters Club will meet every Tuesday at 9:00. The next Friends of the Library meeting will be November 16 at 4:30. The Friends have also set the date for their book sale, which will be held on December 1st and 2nd. The Library Board will meet on Tuesday, November 21st.
The Library will be closed on Saturday, November 11, for Veteran’s Day. We will also close on November 23rd, 24th, and 25th for the Thanksgiving holidays. Please check out our website at or our page for a complete list of events and closings.

Board member Thelma Danner, Secretary of State Tre Hargett, Commissioner Phillip Talley, Regional Library Director Matt Kirby, Representative Ed Butler, Librarian Judith Cutright, Senator Ken Yager, Commissioner Donna Savage, Commissioner/Board member Cindy Robbins, Annis Talley, Commissioner Lee Richards, Board member/Friends president Deb Newkirk.


Millard Oakley Public Library News
12 October 2023
The Millard Oakley Public Library will be closed on Tuesday, October 24. The library will be upgrading some equipment and our internet. Our Wi-Fi will also be down until the new system is installed. The meeting room will still be open for the Crafters Club.
Several memorial donations have recently been made at the library to honor loved ones. A memorial donation is a lasting way to remember friends and loved ones. A donation has been made in memory of Kent Arehart, given by Shirley Jacoby. A donation has been made in memory of Glenda Woolbright, given by Steve Daniels. A donation has been made in memory of Faye Maxfield, given by Wanda Krack. Donations have been made in memory of Tom O’Brian, given by Pat Grimes and Family, Larry & Joyce Norris, and Meredith & Jeremy. A donation has been made in memory of Jack Reagan, given by Steve Daniels. A donation has been made in memory of Carlos Jones Eldridge, given by the Sells Family. A donation has been made in memory of M. J. Harris, given by Dallas & Margaret Collins, and Bob & Lana Stockton.
New fiction books in the library recently include “Cassiel’s Servant” by Jacqueline Carey, “The Land of Lost Things” by John Connolly, “Soldiers of Fortune” by Jana DeLeon, “The Patient” by Jasper Dewiltt, “Code Red” by Vince Flynn, “All the Dead Shall Weep” by Charlaine Harris, “In the Lives of Puppets” by T. J. Klune, “Mouth Full of Ashes” by Briana Morgan, “The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England” by Brandon Sanderson, “Hide” by Kiersten White, and “Blood & Brute & Ginger Root” by Melissa Wright.
New nonfiction titles include “Lightning Down: A World War II Story of Survival” by Tom Clavin, “Tucker” by Chadwick Moore, “Tangled Vines: Power, Privilege, and the Murdaugh Family Murders” by John Glatt, “Murder on Elm Street” by Jeremy L. Luberts, “Trapping 101” by Philip P. Massaro, “The Edge of Doubt” and “The Edge of Innocence” by David Miraldi, “Little, Crazy Children: A True Crime Tragedy” by James Renner, and “Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America” by Heather Cox Richardson.
“A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye.”

Friends fundraiser!  Only 100 available for $12.00 each!

Friends fundraiser! Only 100 available for $12.00 each!


Millard Oakley Public Library News
15 September 2023
The Millard Oakley Public Library Board will meet on Tuesday, September 19, at 4:30.
This Thursday, September 21, at 10:00, the library will hold a special event to help our citizens who are color blind. One in 12 men and one in 200 women have difficulty seeing color. People with normal color vision see over one million hues of colors, while those who are color blind only see about 10% of them. East Tennessee State University, the Tennessee State Library and Archives, and the Millard Oakley Public Library, are providing three people from Overton County with the opportunity to see more colors than they normally do. The library will also have four pairs of glasses to loan out to the public. The loan glasses will only be available at the library for one month, but the three individuals will be able to keep theirs. Please join us as they try on their glasses for the first time. The Friends of the Library will provide refreshments.
With the special program this week, we will not be hosting story time. Story time will resume next Thursday at 10:30.
There will be genealogy help available on Thursday, September 28, from 4:00 until 6:00.
Hotspots are available again at the library! To check out a hotspot you must have a good library card with no overdues, be 18 years or older, and agree to our Library of Things policy.
New titles in the library recently include “The Summer Skies” by Jenny Colgan, “Condor’s Fury” by Clive Cussler, “Tea Leaves and Legacies” by Susan Page Davis, “The Five-Star Weekend” by Elin Hilderbrand, “The Resisters” by Gish Jen, “The Longmire Defense” by Craig Johnson, “Empire of Lies” by Raymond Khoury, “A Reasonable Doubt” by Phillip Margolin, “Caged Wolf” by Caroline Peckham, “Blood and Coin” by Philip C. Quaintrell, “Payback in Death” by J. D. Robb, and “After That Night” by Karin Slaughter.
"The tints of autumn...a mighty flower garden blossoming under the spell of the enchanter, frost." John Greenleaf Whittier.


107 East Main Street
Livingston, TN


(931) 823-1888



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