Here is a chance to read a review copy of Fred Fiske’s upcoming book “The Grocer Who Sold McCarthyism: The Rise and Fall of Anti-communist Crusader Laurence A. Johnson.” The book arrives in stores July 1. Fred is the retired editorial page editor for the Syracuse Post-Standard. You can also preorder the ebook version now at https://www.amazon.com/Grocer-Who-Sold-McCarthyism-Anti-Communist-ebook/dp/B0D3G6Z672/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SJOKJ1V7V97M&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cnlwQeOe5AYL335xFfqBPqb7SJFvVYXdZQ3Et0ZFVXYewEnhvHRrw2Ewd5SpgmsThxoQ3HY9VXSlY29fv46CNpaUAMX5ZVDVpqR2xERgNRE.dIM3byzd17FJ0W8x_fWh6Kt1Yv-MQCxdurB898R5YRo&dib_tag=se&keywords=Fred+m.+Fiske&qid=1717451441&sprefix=fred+m.+fiske%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1
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