Media Launch

Media Launch Media/ Marketing Simplified

Good for the Whole 👉

Good for the Whole 👉


Made For Affiliates By Affiliates đź‘‘

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Also, catch Matt's podcast today at 11am PT on The Sevan Podcast's YouTube channel.

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Artists teach people to see.Scientists help us understand the world whereas artists create a world we can understand.We ...

Artists teach people to see.

Scientists help us understand the world whereas artists create a world we can understand.

We need to strengthen the relationship between science and art.


Pick a problem that bothers you, a problem that only you can solve, and solve it.


Pick a problem that bothers you, a problem that you can solve, and solve it.

When I first saw this, I was like WTF.However, after creating tons of content and copy, running ads, observing funnel pe...

When I first saw this, I was like WTF.

However, after creating tons of content and copy, running ads, observing funnel performance, heat maps, measuring CPL, and scaling horizontally & vertically, I was like, ah yes...

Now it all makes sense.

This pyramid guides us to tailor our marketing efforts at every stage of the customer journey.

Ensuring we deliver the right message at the right time.


Attention is currency

Why is attention so valuable?

Because it's the gateway to everything we aspire to achieve in the business world - from brand recognition and customer loyalty to impactful marketing and sales conversion.

In this attention economy, where every brand vies for a moment in the spotlight, understanding how to captively engage your audience is not just an advantage; it's a necessity.

Inspiration is a joyous experience. Joy is a feeling we have when we perceive an increasein the potentialities available...

Inspiration is a joyous experience.

Joy is a feeling we have when we perceive an increase

in the potentialities available to self.

So when I can perceive these deepenings,

these new insights,

then all of a sudden new possibilities emerge.

And that’s usually a joyous experience.


A Warning for Businesses and Brands.

Ignoring customer feedback is the silent killer of brands.

It's easy, it's common, and it's a mistake that costs more than we realize.

We're living in a world where your next customer is just one insightful review away from choosing you...

or deciding you're not worth their time.

The gold?

It's not in your boardroom; it's out there in the comments section, in forums, in the seemingly mundane chatter of the very people you wish to serve.

Social media has handed us a microphone, but it seems we're too busy broadcasting our message to listen to the responses.

Feedback is instant. It's raw.

And yes, it can be uncomfortable.

But in that discomfort lies growth, innovation, and the opportunity to be remembered.

Are Your Ads Getting Lost in the Noise?The reality is harsh: without the right strategy, your advertising efforts will l...

Are Your Ads Getting Lost in the Noise?

The reality is harsh: without the right strategy, your advertising efforts will likely fail, wasting precious time and resources.

This toolkit is for crafting ads that capture attention and convert, setting your brand apart from the rest.

Here's how it breaks down:

1. Catch Attention: Your ad needs to make a splash in an oversaturated market.

Employ striking visuals, compelling headlines, or thought-provoking questions to halt the scroll.

2. Pull on a Psychological or Emotional Lever: Forge a deeper connection by engaging emotions.

Whether through joy, anticipation, or urgency, emotional engagement drives both interaction and memory.

3. Frame the Offer Broadly: Appeal to a broad audience by clearly articulating your value proposition in a way that resonates with diverse groups.

4. Social Proof: Build credibility with testimonials, endorsements, or compelling data.

Success stories from others can be the persuasive push your audience needs.

5. Call to Action: Conclude with a powerful CTA.

Direct your audience clearly on what to do next, making it seamless for them to engage further.

Get after it and start testing!


Here's a snippet of my cheat sheet for making ads that convert.

Offer: Ensure you have a strong handle on your offer and can frame it in 3 different ways.

Ideally, you need to be able to frame the same offer with a minimum of 3 hooks.

i.e. Want to sit on a yacht instead of a sales call? We’ll give you $500 extra if we don’t perform.

Some questions to ask yourself:

How can I pull on emotions?

What is the ACTUAL problem? Everyone wants to earn more money but what are they experiencing? Do they want less stress? More time with their kids? Etc.

What have their past experiences been? (Have they been burned before?)

We're barely scratching the surface here.

For more insights, DM us.

Chasing more isn’t always better. Content that adds real value to your audience is far more effective than merely increa...

Chasing more isn’t always better.

Content that adds real value to your audience is far more effective than merely increasing the quantity of posts.

Quality content resonates, engages, and builds trust with your followers.

Show, don’t tell.

Give more value.

Create a pattern of stories for your audience that they’ll find difficult to escape.

Think about the type of content that creates the highest level of rapid promulgation of imitative behavior.

Zero in, design, refine, deliver, scale.

Foster deep, meaningful interactions with your audience.

All this will increase the probability of success for your product or service.


The future isn't written in postage due or prime-time slots; it's crafted in likes, shares, comments, and connections.

The time to pivot is now.

Embrace the shift, and let's write the next chapter of your brand's story together.

The question isn't if you can afford to make this shift, but rather, can you afford not to?

Matthew Souza

Every business/ brand is vying for attention.That's why the words of Greg Glassman ring louder than ever: "Make it endea...

Every business/ brand is vying for attention.

That's why the words of Greg Glassman ring louder than ever: "Make it endearing, and it becomes enduring.”

To be endearing is to be openly human, to show empathy, and to be authentic in every story we tell.

This authenticity is what forges the strongest bonds, transforming the transient states into enduring traits.

Everyone is bombarded with content.

It's the brands that dare to be different—to be genuinely themselves—that stand out.

They are the ones that not only capture attention but hold it, turning fleeting glances into lasting engagement.

To our fellow business owners and brands, think about what makes your brand uniquely endearing.

How does it connect on a human level?

The most powerful message is one that resonates with the heart.

We’re constantly being tested. So how do we show up better?Your unique perspective is your superpower.Let it guide you t...

We’re constantly being tested.

So how do we show up better?

Your unique perspective is your superpower.

Let it guide you to solutions that only you can offer.

Don't just do the work.

Elevate it by pouring your passion and creativity into it, making your contributions truly invaluable.

Connect, inspire, lead.

Show the way, and others will follow.

Stay awake, build stuff, help out.

Don't wait for perfection.

Excellence is in ex*****on.

Transformation is only ever an emergent property of other things you do.


You need to provide more value!

But why is that?

Alex Hormozi sheds light on this perplexing question with his groundbreaking value equation, offering a lens through which we can understand the gap between our aspirations and our achievements.

Storytelling isn't just an art; it's a technology.A tool that has evolved with us, enabling us to communicate, persuade,...

Storytelling isn't just an art; it's a technology.

A tool that has evolved with us, enabling us to communicate, persuade, and connect on a deeply human level.

In the realm of media/ marketing, where connection and persuasion are key, the power of storytelling is unmatched.

But how do we harness this power effectively?

My screenwriting instructor's framework outlines a universal journey that all heroes (read: protagonists or brands) undergo, including stages such as The Call to Adventure, Meeting with the Mentor, and The Return with the Elixir.

Each stage offers a unique opportunity for marketers to craft messages that mirror the audience's own life experiences, challenges, and transformations.

"The Call to Adventure" can be likened to the moment a potential customer realizes a need or desire that your product or service can fulfill.

"Meeting with the Mentor" reflects the stage where your brand can position itself as the guide or solution to the audience's problem.

"The Return with the Elixir" represents the satisfaction and transformation your customer experiences after engaging with your brand, a powerful testament to share in your marketing narrative.

By understanding and applying the stages of this framework, marketers can craft stories that not only capture attention but also foster emotional connections and loyalty.

Storytelling, through this lens, becomes a strategic tool, enabling brands to navigate the complex human psyche and create compelling narratives that drive engagement and conversion.

In the end, storytelling in marketing is about more than just selling a product or service; it's about going on a journey with your audience, one where they emerge transformed and connected.

Matthew Souza


This is one mistake that could be costing you time and money.

A bolt-on media/marketing system could benefit your brand or business.

Here’s where these services shine:

Reclaim Time: Shift hours from content tasks to your core mission.

Imagine reallocating the hours spent on content creation and social media management back to your core mission—cultivating expertise and directly empowering others.

Amplify Voice: Let specialists craft and distribute content that resonates.

Stay Agile: Adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape with ease.

This agility comes from a blend of creativity and analytical insight, ensuring that your message not only reaches but resonates with your audience.

Build Trust: It's not just about numbers; it's about nurturing relationships.

Growth and conversions are important, but the real magic happens in the trust you build.

This isn't about instant gratification but the slow, rewarding build of relationships and reputation.

Work smarter, not harder.

Focus on what truly matters—let us handle the rest.

Matthew Souza

Pro tip: Formulas for storytelling are essential.You increase the probability of success by capturing the heart of your ...

Pro tip: Formulas for storytelling are essential.

You increase the probability of success by capturing the heart of your product or service.

The Story Circle, developed by Dan Harmon, comprises eight essential steps that mirror Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, tailored for the modern storytelling process.

Here's how each step can be applied to social media marketing:

A Character: Introduce the brand or product as a character within a story.

This character should have clear goals or desires that align with your audience's needs or interests.

Humanizing your brand makes it more relatable and engaging to your audience.

Wants Something: Highlight a problem or need that your audience can relate to, which your brand or product aims to solve or fulfill.

This connects your audience's desires and what you're offering.

Enters an Unfamiliar Situation: Illustrate how using the product or engaging with the brand takes the consumer into a new experience or solution they hadn't considered before.

This step is about showcasing the unique value proposition of your brand.

Adapts to It: Show how the brand or product seamlessly integrates into the consumer's life, solving their problems or enhancing their experience.

This can be done through testimonials, demonstrations, or storytelling that illustrates the ease of transition.

Gets What They Want: Clearly depict the satisfaction or resolution that comes from using the product or engaging with the brand.

This can be a direct result, like solving a problem, or an emotional benefit, like feeling happier or more connected.

Pays a Heavy Price: Address any sacrifices or costs involved, but spin them positively. For instance, if your product is premium-priced, emphasize its value and quality.

This step adds depth to the narrative by acknowledging the reality of decision-making.

Returns to Familiar Situation: Show how, after engaging with your brand or product, the consumer returns to their normal life improved or changed for the better.

This can help the audience visualize the long-term benefits of their purchase or engagement.

Having Changed: Finally, highlight the transformation that has occurred.

This could be through before-and-after stories, testimonials, or visual content that showcases the positive impact of your brand or product on individuals or communities.

*By applying Harmon's Story Circle to social media marketing, brands can create more compelling, engaging content that takes the audience on a journey.

This not only makes the content more memorable but also fosters a stronger emotional connection between the brand and its audience, which is crucial for building loyalty and encouraging conversions.


Here's the truth about video editing...

Hook, story, and payoff aren’t the only things your video edits need.

There are three other key things to keep in mind:

Firstly, the rhythm.

You can spot a truly skilled editor if they seamlessly blend music, images, and effects together with a touch of flair.

Secondly, the authenticity.

People might come across your videos because of what they're about.

But what really makes them stick around is you – showing your true self, without any filters, is what captures hearts.

Lastly, the feeling.

Aim to leave your audience with a strong impression that makes them want more.

And remember, putting your own spin on every edit can really make them feel something deep.

Help them "feel" → not just "learn" ❤️ Always.


End-to-End Solution. 🔊

Our service is all about transformation. 👇

We've mastered not only the art of content creation, distribution, and management but have also taken a giant leap forward in optimizing appointment setting and sales processes.

Here's how we make the difference:

👉 Content Creation: Engage your audience with high-quality, tailored content, designed to captivate and convert.

👉 Content Distribution: Ensure your message reaches the right people at the right time, maximizing visibility and engagement.

👉 Content Management: Keep your digital presence fresh and relevant with streamlined, efficient management across platforms.

👉 Appointment Setting: Transform leads into opportunities with our A.I.-driven system, ensuring your calendar is filled with promising prospects.

👉 Sales Optimization: Leverage the power of A.I. to enhance your sales strategy, closing deals faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Our integrated A.I. system is designed to take the load off your shoulders, providing a seamless flow from content to conversion.

With our end-to-end solution, you'll witness not just an increase in efficiency but a significant uplift in your business outcomes.

DM us for more info 🚀


In the competitive arena of business, having the strongest teammate can make all the difference.

Our A.I. services are not just tools; they are partners that work tirelessly to support your goals.

In the quest for success, you always want the best players on your team.

If A.I. is part of your gang, you're not just okay; you're ahead of the curve.

Here's How We Stand Out:

👉 A.I. Cold Call Appointment Setting: Reach potential clients effortlessly.

👉 Ad Appointment Setting: Convert interest into action.

👉 Low-Tier Sales: Initiate sales processes smoothly.

👉 No Show/Cancellation Revival: Recover opportunities.

👉 Customer Service: Provide exceptional support around the clock.

👉 Appointment Reminders & Confirmations: Never miss a beat.

We understand the importance of staying within regulatory boundaries.

That's why our services are designed with compliance at their core.

Rest assured, we're continually updated on all compliance regulations, ensuring that your business not only thrives but also adheres to the highest standards of legal and ethical practices.

Hit us up for more info! 🚀

Avoid the pitfall of obscurity.Unique voices are too often silenced by the noise of the mainstream.In a world saturated ...

Avoid the pitfall of obscurity.

Unique voices are too often silenced by the noise of the mainstream.

In a world saturated with content and countless brands vying for attention, the key to standing out and making a real impact lies not just in what you offer, but in how authentically you present your unique vision and values.

Here’s an equation to think about:

True Self + Perspective = Unique Self, which in turn creates your unique obligation to offer your gift.

For brands and creators alike, the journey begins with a deep dive into the 'True Self'.

This is about peeling back the layers to uncover the core essence of what you stand for, beyond surface-level trends or fleeting interests.

For a brand, this might mean revisiting your mission statement or the problem you set out to solve.

For content creators, it's about reflecting on the messages and themes that resonate most deeply with you and your audience.

Every individual and brand has a unique perspective shaped by a distinct set of experiences, stories, and insights.

This perspective is your most valuable asset in creating content or brand messaging that truly resonates.

It's what sets you apart in a crowded marketplace.

Identify the unique angles and viewpoints that you can bring to your field.

What experiences have shaped you? How do they inform your vision and approach?

This perspective is the lens through which your True Self is expressed, giving color and context to your unique voice.

When your True Self is filtered through your unique perspective, your Unique Self emerges.

This is your brand or creator identity at its most powerful and distinct.

It's a combination of your core essence and how you see the world, manifesting as a one-of-a-kind voice and vision in the content you create or the brand message you convey.

This uniqueness is what attracts and retains a loyal audience or customer base — people who resonate not just with what you say or sell, but with the authenticity and uniqueness of how you say it.

Recognizing your Unique Self unveils a profound realization: you have a unique obligation to offer your gift to the world.

For creators and brands, this means there's content only you can create, messages only you can deliver, and impacts only you can make.

This isn't just an opportunity; it's a responsibility to share your unique insights, solutions, and stories.

Whether it's through innovative products, inspiring content, or transformative services, your unique contribution is what the world needs.


Tell stories. Stories sell. Share your journey. Be vulnerable.

Focus on building relationships, not just followers. - Gary Vee

In today's rapidly evolving social media landscape, each one of us is more than just a professional in our field; we are our own media company.

This paradigm shift marks a significant departure from traditional business and personal branding strategies, placing an unprecedented emphasis on digital content creation.

However, a common hurdle emerges: fear.

Many talented individuals hesitate to step into the spotlight, plagued by insecurities about their appearance on camera, discomfort with their voice, or simply the vulnerability of being seen and heard.

But let me share a perspective from someone who's navigated the rise of internet video to unparalleled success.

Success and visibility are now inextricably linked to our proficiency in crafting and sharing content online.

It's a truth that can't be ignored.

With the majority of our professional interactions and opportunities unfolding on social media, your digital presence is not just about being found—it's about being remembered.

Here's the silver lining: The digital world is vast, and there's a niche for every voice, every expertise, and every passion.

Whether you're a natural writer, a charismatic speaker, or a visionary videographer, there's a platform and audience waiting for you.

👉 If the camera isn't your friend, let your written words carry your voice.

👉 If speaking feels more natural than writing, consider launching a podcast.

👉 If you're at ease in front of the lens, video content can be your gateway to building a strong personal brand.

The key is to start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can.

Other than fear, what’s stopping you from making content?

Matthew Souza

We are designed to transform. Everybody wants to change. Everybody wants to be somebody different, somebody better, or, ...

We are designed to transform.

Everybody wants to change.

Everybody wants to be somebody different, somebody better, or, perhaps, somebody who simply becomes more self-accepting.

Your brand or business can help people become better versions of themselves, which is a beautiful thing.

You are helping them become wiser, more equipped, more physically fit, more accepted, and more at peace.

We are participating in our clients or customers’ transformation, which is exactly what they want us to do.

Brands or Businesses that participate in the identity transformation of their customers create passionate brand evangelists.


We increased engagement, brand awareness, and ultimately, more volunteers for Child Advocates of Silicon Valley! đź’ś

Here’s how we did it: 👇

Imagine a 35-second clip from a press conference of Super Bowl quarterback Brock Purdy destined to be overlooked. We transformed it into a captivating narrative, infused with emotion and purpose.

Here’s the secret sauce:

Context: We added context to connect the clip to their mission, amplifying its message.

Emotion: We highlighted the impact of their work with endearing visuals and music, stirring viewers’ hearts.

Attention: We made it shareworthy, which generated buzz around the organization’s mission, leading to a surge in sign-ups.

Brands, Businesses & Non-Profits this is your reminder: Storytelling is powerful, but understanding your audience’s emotions and motivations takes it to a whole new level.

You win when you spread your ideas.Whether you create a product, market a service, or run a non-profit, if your idea spr...

You win when you spread your ideas.

Whether you create a product, market a service, or run a non-profit, if your idea spreads from person to person, you’ll grow in influence and everything will get easier.

It’s all about creating a connection, delivering value, and genuinely caring about your customers’ success.

For Brand: Tell a Story

Don’t just sell, connect. Craft a narrative that resonates, building emotional bonds and memorability.

For Content: Make a Map

Guide your audience. Each piece of content should educate, engage, and lead them toward your goals on specific platforms.

For Services: Give a Sh*t

Care deeply. Proactively anticipate needs, deliver value, and show genuine commitment to customer satisfaction. This sets you apart in a commoditized world.

Focus on trust, value, and relationships. By prioritizing these, you build not just a business, but a legacy.


Streamline Your Media/ Lead Gen Engine: Hire Less, Achieve More

Feeling overwhelmed by the need to hire a content creation dream team (editor, videographer, social media manager, sales funnel expert, A.I. specialist)?

Stop! Hiring and managing a whole crew can be a drain on your resources, both financial and human.

Our solution: A seamless bolt-on infrastructure that takes care of everything.

What's included?

âś… Content creators & editors: Craft compelling stories to market your product or service.

âś… Social media researchers/ directors: Stay ahead of the curve and the latest trends.

âś… Sales funnel strategists: Convert leads into loyal customers.

âś… A.I. Specialists: Integrate A.I. Callers to significantly reduce your cost per lead.


🚀 Save up to $60k/year vs. individual hires.
🚀 Skip the hiring & management hassle.
🚀 Get expert content, A.I. & marketing strategy.
🚀 Focus on scaling your business, not H.R.


👉 Fresh, high-quality content attracting new customers.
👉 Booming engagement & sales across channels.
👉 More time for strategic decision-making.
👉 A.I. Cold Call Appt Setting, Ad Appt Setting, Low Tier Sales, No Show/Cancellation Revival, Customer Service, Appointment Reminders, Appointment Confirmations.

Connect with us and let's discuss how our "bolt-on" system can help scale your business!

MMatthew Souza

Productivity vs. Efficiency: More Hustle or Smarter Work?Ever feel like you're constantly chasing productivity dragons?T...

Productivity vs. Efficiency: More Hustle or Smarter Work?

Ever feel like you're constantly chasing productivity dragons?

There's a powerful quote that flips the script on busyness:

"Productivity is about doing more to increase output. Efficiency is about doing less to increase output."

Hold on, less?

Let's break it down:

*Productivity* The "more" approach. Imagine cranking out emails, reports, presentations...a non-stop to-do list victory lap. This can work, but it often leads to burnout and sacrificing quality for quantity.

*Efficiency* The "less" approach. This is about smart work, not hard work. It's about streamlining processes, eliminating unnecessary tasks, and focusing on high-impact activities.

*The key takeaway* Efficiency wins in the long run. By doing less but doing it right, you achieve the same (or even greater) output with less stress and more time for what matters.

Here are some tips to boost your efficiency:

Prioritize ruthlessly: Not all tasks are created equal. Identify your most impactful activities and focus there.

Automate repetitive tasks: Let technology handle the mundane stuff.

Delegate or outsource: Don't be afraid to share the workload. In this case, provides bolt-on media/ marketing infrastructure that will scale your brand or business.

Take breaks: A refreshed mind is a productive mind.

Track your time: Understand where your time goes and identify areas for improvement.

Remember, efficiency is a journey, not a destination.

Start small, experiment, and find what works best for you.

You might be surprised at how much more you can achieve with less effort.


732 Cindy Lane
Livermore, CA


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