In celebration of Pride Month, Memories to Digital client Mark La Chance let us share film footage he shot at the Gay Pride Festival in New York on June of 1982. This amazing footage was shot on 16mm with a CinemaScope lens. We digitized the film for Mark with our new 2K/HD frame-by-frame scanner. The Pride Festival tradition began after a riot broke out at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, NY on Saturday, June 28th in 1968. Two years later in 1970, the first gay pride event was held by the Chicago Gay Liberation and subsequently the parade has taken place every year in June for the last 48 years. This year’s event in Denver takes place June 15–16, in Civic Center Park and is recognized as one of the top 10 pride events in the country. Happy Pride Month!
Save & Share Video Memories!
Save & share your video tape memories at MemoryWise! Mention this video for 10% off VHS transfer now through 6/13/19. The VCR was developed in 1970 and boomed in the mid-1970s through the 1990s. Over 2 billion video tapes remain with our recorded memories but the last VCR was produced in 2016. It’s Wise to Digitize!
Graduation Time
Celebrate your graduate with a custom slideshow. Bring in your favorite photos and videos from the past 18 years and we'll create a meaningful keepsake. Add music, effects, text & more to make it just the production you have in mind. One week standard turnaround, rush service available. Save & Share Memories!
Save & Share Video Memories!
Save & share your video tape memories at MemoryWise! Mention this video for 10% off VHS transfer now through 6/13/17. The VCR was developed in 1970 and boomed in the mid-1970s through the 1990s. Over 2 billion video tapes remain with our recorded memories but the last VCR was produced in 2016. It’s Wise to Digitize!
Graduation Time!
Celebrate your graduate with a custom slideshow from MemoryWise. We'll make it easy to create a meaningful keepsake of photos and videos from the past 18 years. Save & Share Memories!