Death claims us all!
There’s less time - the allotment small
Don’t wait, or hesitate
Strike now before it’s late
Make the difference now.
Don’t waste time deciding how
Straight from silence act!
Be prepared, reflect, react
Return your soul to God intact!
This guy.... ugh. He'll say anything . . . and ultimately nothing.
But too funny not to share.
Archbishop Vigano claims that the Pope is a "zealous cooperator" in the "Great Reset," who pursues the "demolition of the Church" in order to replace it with an organization of "Masonic inspiration."
Listen to a soundbite of our upcoming Podcast, Episode 007, on "The Turk! The Awe-Inspiring Chess Playing Automaton of Bro. Wolfgang von Kempelen."
It's amazing to consider that Kempelen's ingenious illusion - really the first cabinet illusion made by man - could capture the attention of the world, survive decades of scrutiny by the best and brightest of the era (even Benjamin Franklin lost a game to the Turk!) and inspire great inventions of the modern age.
Despite significant contributions to the dawn of the industrial revolution, Kempelen, a great mind of the Enlightenment, is still best remembered for this rouse.
This was quite nice - why “Hindsight’s 2020.”
Not All That Glitters is Gold - a hymn to Mamon
Beware false priests! This one is for Mamon, that lie of the world.
Happy Easter from the Rocky Mountain Mason. A short poem - "Evergreen."
I traveled fast for an evergreen
Falling first, here, in between
Such disparate worlds
The vast unseen, causes.
Aloft the wilderness
of bone and flesh
This shadow of my emptiness
Some went North, and some fled West
Seeking the path through bewilderedness
Where silence ceased.
Some went west.
But I went East.
Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Colorado's Christmas Toast
The Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Colorado's Christmas Toast:
Cross the divide
This Christmastide
And bring the Spirit hence
Let angels stand
Upon your hand
To shine in recompense
Open up your heart
Let love upstart!
That Christ may dwell within
For in His Name
The Holy Flame
Washes out the stains of Sin
Do unto others
Ye sisters and brothers
As you would be done by
Be unafraid
But quick to praise
When stars open up the sky
In rampant flesh
Beset with death
A savior is born!
The lamb of God
Whose Holy blood
Will never be forsworn
Ring out the call
In all snowfall
Christ is to be risen!
And forgive all those
Unrepentant foes
That you, too, may be forgiven.
[Poem by S.K. Ben Williams, R.E.G.C. Of Colorado, 2017]
Oktoberfest - at the Denver Consistory this passed weekend.
[Photos by Scott Olson]
Sneak "Peak" Issue 11
Rocky Mountain Mason Issue 11 Sneak "Peak" - have a glimpse of the latest issue of the Rocky Mountain Mason magazine, publishing "higher light" for Freemasons. Like what you see? Subscribe on line at
Rocky Mountain Mason, Sneak Peek, Issue 10!
Sneek "PEAK", Issue 10, Rocky Mountain Mason. Subscribe at Please share!