I’m applying for a Master’s Degree Program in Organizational Leadership in Education.
Here’s the essay I just submitted to qualify for a scholarship.
The Essentials: Mental Health, Humor and Happiness
The best thing to come out of my education experience so far is my ability to think flexibly, problem solve creatively, and treat other people compassionately.
I have had the advantage of learning from brilliant people who encouraged me intellectually, emotionally and creatively. My mother did lots of art and music with my siblings and me. My father paid for piano, voice lessons and college, and challenged my thinking every night at the dinner table. My high school English teacher, Mr. Wooster, taught me so well that I never needed to take writing in college and was able to perform well as a journalist, ghostwriter, editor, author, playwright and screenwriter.
My education includes:
* Nursery school at Princeton University where my father went to college.
* Homeschooling with my mother who was trained in Early Education.
* Constant challenges from my father to verbally defend my opinions.
* Elementary school in Princeton, NJ and West Orange, NJ.
* Ballet and piano lessons in Princeton, NJ.
* Girl Scout camp in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
* Roosevelt Junior High, West Orange, NJ.
* West Orange High School, NJ and Towanda Area High School, PA.
* Piano with Maxine Giannini, West Orange, NJ.
* Summer theater program, Lycoming College, PA.
* Junior Engineers and Scientists Institute, University of Pittsburgh, PA.
* B.A., Hampshire College. Additional course work, Amherst College, Manhattan School of Music and Turtle Bay Music School.
* Piano with Seth Kimmelman and Seymour Bernstein, NYC.
* Voice with Lisa Armstrong, NYC.
* Eurythmics with Joy Yellen, NYC; Eurythmics and Pedagogy with Robert Abramson, NYC.
* Jazz Singing with Rhiannon, Berkeley CA and Jeffrey Bihr, Berkeley, CA.
* Acting Training, Drama Studio of London, Berkeley, CA campus.
* Clown Training with Jan Henderson, Edmonton, Alberta, CA.
* Theater Improvisation with Marcia Kimmel, SF and Bay Area Theater Works, SF.
* Psychic Healing and Clairvoyance training at the Psychic Awareness Institute, Oakland, CA.
* Non-Violence Training with Marshall Rosenberg. Boulder, CO.
* Playwriting with Terry Dobson, Denver University, CO.
* Re-evaluation Counseling with nationally and internationally recognized teachers including Barbara Love, Charlie Kreiner, Cheri Brown, Diane Balser, Diane Shisk, Dvora Slavin, Harvey Jackins, Janet Foner, Lorenzo Garcia, Marcy Rendon, Mary Hodgson, Nancy Kline and Tim Jackins.
I studied on-campus at Hampshire College and got credit for my final two years in NYC. My goal was to become a music therapist and I received excellent training, especially with Jean Mass at Turtle Bay Music School. However, none of my training at the time covered how to deal with the politics of working in a hospital, agency or clinic.
I was appalled at the dishonesty I encountered as an intern at one agency which was licensed to work with adults with developmental disabilities, but which intentionally mislabeled students so they could have enough bodies in seats to receive funding. Most of these inappropriately labeled students were angry young black women who had not done well in school and were put in special ed classes even though there was nothing wrong with their mental abilities. I got in trouble at this agency because my students "laughed too much" and disturbed the other classrooms.
At a group home where I also interned, I got to work with a young man who showed great talent as a percussionist. After seeing him weekly for about a month, I arrived one day to find him incoherent and unable to drum because he was over-medicated due to the staff thinking he was “talking crazy”. In my sessions with him, he spoke in vivid dream images about the way he had been mistreated as a young person and how it had left him feeling. I thought this was quite a healthy outlet and not deserving of massive medication. He also was African American and, combined with the inappropriate coerced participation of African American women at the first agency, I began to see a pattern of racism directed at people who were supposed to be served by these organizations.
Experiences like those mentioned above have motivated me to actively counteract oppressions in the places I work and create friendly inclusive, compassionate learning environments. I also incorporate lots of humor because I find people are smarter and feel more connected to each other when they’re laughing.
In my work, humor, heart and intelligence go together. That’s why my business is called Mental Health, Humor and Happiness.