All Time Low
Singer/Songwriters, get your original songs recorded at an affordable price, complete with custom backing track. Check out this clip we just finished of local artist, Megan Jensen. This super talented singer/songwriter will blow your socks off. Please like & share, more people need to hear her.
Dog House records
Check out this awesome original song recorded at Dog House Records of Beaver Dam's very own Joe Sherman! SINGER/SONGWRITERS get those songs recorded. We provide all the music for you, Country, Rock & Roll, Pop, Blues, Jazz and more. Details in the video and on our page.
Dusty Hitchcock
SINGER/SONGWRITERS: Here's a short clip of Dusty from Mesquite, Nv singing his song, "Desert Cafe" accompanied by The Dog House Band. Take your song to the next level at Dog House Records for only $150. Your Song, Your Vocals, Your Instrument and The Dog House Band. Get your songs on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora and many more.
Megan Jensen
St. George, Singer/Songwriter, Megan Jensen recently recorded her song with us titled, "Suffocating". Here's a 40 second clip. If you are a singer/songwriter and play an instrument, we can record you too. Your Vocal, Your instrument, My band, all for only $150/song. Check out our page for more samples and information.
SINGER/SONGWRITERS....get your original tunes on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and many more. Listen up, here's how to do it.