Hello friends,
As some of you know, I needed surgery today to repair a torn tendon in my shoulder. Everything went well and I’m home recuperating.
On January 27, while shooting basketball, I raised my camera and the subscapular off the bone like a rotisserie chicken wing.
Doc drew a diagram that was helpful, explaining the tear and then, with a few squiggly lines, the muscles still holding things together.
He also told me that I somehow managed to tear a tendon on the back side. But this was special because the hole was inside. Yes, inside the tendon. Don’t ask me how that happened but doc said it may be that degeneration over my 52 years was a contributing factor.
In other words, getting old sucks, and now I’m worried about little things wreaking havoc. I might sneeze and wind up being hauled to the hospital.
Anyway, I’ll be out of commission altogether for a bit.
I’m not allowed to take photos for several weeks. I hate it. I’m not happy with the timing but it was necessary to get it repaired quickly.
Karima Johnson is taking care of me, with certain restrictions. Take a moment to marinate on that, and the answers will come.
Umm, this is totally unrelated, but anyone give good …. sponge baths? Asking for a friend.
I’ll keep you posted.