Lincoln business news on 12/17/24:
OFFICE: Leaving 1645 N Street in Downtown, Mental Health Association of Nebraska is relocating to a bus-route friendly location across from Clocktower shopping center at 70th & A Streets after the holidays. Its strategic partner in that building, Region V, is now working remotely.
RETAIL: Warhorse Casino proposed to City Council on 12/16 to increase gaming stations from 1210 to 1350 and to modify Phase 3 of the casino building and on-site parking areas.
RESIDENTIAL: South of Rokeby and Lincoln Electric System (LES) and east of Standing Bear High School between S. 84th & 98th, there is an accelerated plan to bring 193 acres for residential housing to 2036 instead of the year 2050. It has been demonstrated that there will be gravity sewer and utilities, two necessary components, and that there is infrastructure coming.
EATERY: At 5500 S 56th, Edgewood, there are tenant improvements underway for LeQuartier Bakery with a building permit estimated at $200K.
IS NOSTALGIA A MICROTREND? Maybe, maybe not. On LNK Today with Jack & Friends, KLIN’s morning show, hosts announced that Chi Chis is coming back in brick-and-mortar in other cities. Grow Omaha show announced that Guitars and Cadillacs is coming back to Omaha. Nonetheless, nostalgia seems mostly confined to menu items, such as McDonald’s McRib, or mid-century food items such as hot dogs, deviled eggs, or bread pudding. Also, retro restaurant décor has had a rise in popularity.