HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY to Drag Story Hour Nebraska! We are thrilled to have been part of the amazing work @dragstoryhour has done across the world! We are forever greatful for OutNebraska being our fiscal sponser and also being the first YES to sooooo many NO when Mrs. Yuka & Amanda Lynn were looking for a venue to host out first event.
THANK you to our very first readers Mrs. Yuka, Amanda Lynn and Cherry Peaks.
THANK you to ALL OF YOUR for your support over the past few years! While our programs have been under attack, you all have bandded together to ensure we are still able to produce safe and educational events across the state!
THANK YOU to our Omaha monthly partner Urban Abbey for being a LONG standing partner and ally and always speaking up for us when it's needed!
THANK YOU to Indigo Bridge for being our Lincoln monthly partner post pandemic when it was difficult to find a monthly space again.
Finally, we could NOT continue our work without the amazing Babygírl T Uchawi & Pollie Pocket Roxia who have consistanly showed up to be our monthly featured readers and have built and strengenthed our relationships with buseinsss & familes across the state!