by calling (217) 593-6515. Our office hours are typically 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and we are located at 202 East State in Camp Point. Please note that there are times that we may have to step out of the office. Deadline for articles and advertising is Friday at 12:00 noon, except for holidays. The cost for a Card of Thanks is $3.50 and Classified ads are 15 cents per word or $4.00 m
inimum. We do ask that those items be prepaid. You may mail your articles/ads to P.O. Box 200, Camp Point, IL 62320. You may send your news articles and/or advertising to [email protected]. How To Contact Us-Liberty
You can contact Elliott Publishing Inc. by calling (217) 645-3033. Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and we are located at 103 E Hannibal in Liberty. Please note that because of a small staff, we may not always have the office open. Box 198, Liberty, IL 62347. You may send your news articles and/or advertising to [email protected] or [email protected]. Please DO NOT USE [email protected]. Please visit our website at for more information. You can also follow us on Facebook and stay up to date on local events. Billing questions should be directed to Sherri at 217-645-3033 (she is located at our Liberty office).