They actually lied and said this young man shot himself and then swept this under the rug like it never happened. Subsequently my studio gets shut down. They swept me under the rug too...
I was working hard for years with independent artist in my city providing them a safe environment for over 10 years. Not one black person got shot in or outside my studio until this day...
Now Lexington is acting like these kids are out of control. Performative civil rights leaders mixed with people who want crime for profit...
I hope all Father's had a wonderful day and everyone had a beautiful Juneteenth weekend celebration. Power to the People! Let's keep fighting for justice!
#Black #blackpower #blackownedbusiness #blacklivesmatter #blacklove
I used to go above and beyond to create entertaining videos and promote them via FB and IG. Only to find that you get lost in the sauce. So I stopped spending my money with a platform that wasn't yeilding results. I started to invest in creating the experience that I wanted to have. #UH1F is near... UHEARDITF1RST.COM (register to be a beta tester)
I remember teaching kids about not having to REINVENT THE WHEEL and THE VALUE OF TIME...These are lessons I've had relearn myself. Starting over in life is difficult. Especially when you have been the one to help others and as soon as you are in need everyone has scattered like flies. No one feels sorry for a person they have seen win. Secretly some even want winners to lose. Even if that winner is a honest winner. No...not perfect...just honest. It's okay though...we don't have to REINVENT THE WHEEL. If you experienced success you know why and how it happened. Can't be afraid to make the journey there again. SUCCESS IS A MUST #UH1F
HOW HARD WILL YOU GO? FOR VIEWS? FOR LIKES? 🎪 🤡 #socialmediacircus #BigZO
Imagine making music that no one could hear. How do you expect to grow your fan base? People need to hear you F1RST. #UH1F #MUSIC #MARKETING #REVOLUTION
Music is meant to be HEARD 👂
Dream about being heard and being HEARD are two totally different things. U HEARD IT F1RST will make a difference! #UH1F #MUSIC #Marketing #Revolution
If there is no one there to HEAR your music could you really grow your fan base? Be HEARD! U HEARD IT F1RST! COMING SOON! #UH1F #MUSIC #MARKETING #REVOLUTION
Gatekeepers? Technology is to advance to keep having those... #UH1F #ComingSoon #MUSIC #Marketing #Revolution
There is no way you can make someone a fan of your music until they have HEARD IT F1RST! #UH1F #MUSIC #MARKETING #REVOLUTION #COMINGSOON