Thanks for a pretty freakin awesome 2024 and here's to a PROSPERour 2025.
Be safe out there all you crazies!
Bourbon: the blood that runs through the veins of #KENTUCKY. The sustaining heartbeat of it all would be #BEAUTIFUL Bardstown, home to the Kentucky Bourbon Festival and Barton 1792 Distillery. Only on Downstream tomorrow at 2 PM on KETKY or at https://buff.ly/3Vx4zSK. @visitbardstown
Donate Life
Did you know that by registering to become an organ donor, you can save lives through @donatelifekentucky. See the stories of people who were given a second chance at #life on this week’s episode of kNOwMore tomorrow at 4:30 am on KETKY or at https://buff.ly/3ZpXI0V.
From the breathtaking #views of @fallsoftheohiofoundation, to the pipes of @louisvillewater, to the #bourbons that line the shelves of @bulleit, the Ohio River is what helps #Kentucky take shape. Watch for more on Downstream, tomorrow at 2 on KETKY, or at https://buff.ly/3VkJMlj.
Who doesn’t love our furry #friends? For all the #ANIMAL lovers out there, this week’s episode shows how #nonprofits like @soscatsky, @oldfriendsequine, and Making A Difference Now are giving back to the animals who make our lives better each day. Watch tomorrow at 4:30 am ET on KETKY, or at https://buff.ly/4fQOYYt.
LET”S GET FLOWING! This week on Downstream, we are all about the liquids. Many great liquids make up #Kentucky, from those that flow in the pipes and creeks of @theparklandsoffloydsfork, those from ye olden days at the @frazierhistorymuseum, to those that pour into our glasses at @atgbrewery and @apocalypsebrewworks. To learn more, watch tomorrow at 2:00 pm ET on KETKY, or now at https://buff.ly/3Ewr1FP.
Ever wonder about how our great state of #KENTUCKY came to be? Nonprofits like the Birthplace of Bluegrass Music, the @bcmuseum, and Ashland, The Henry Clay Estate will take you back in time to explore the #HISTORY behind what makes Kentucky special. Find out more on kNOwMORE Nonprofits tomorrow at 4:30 AM on KETKY.
#Party (Barge) anyone? Get your celebration on as we #RACE down Boone Creek, explore Boonesborough, and inludge in @countryboybrewing. Tune in tomorrow at 10:30 am ET on KETKY or at https://buff.ly/3Zcns24. @visitjessamine @boonecreekoutdoors
Disability #Nonprofits such as @radioeyelexington and @kidscenterky are doing an incredible service to Kentucky's Disabled by advocating for #INCLUSION and #EQUAL access. Find out how they get it done on kNowMORE tomorrow at 4:30 AM on KETKY.
Ever wonder why Dix #River is known as "the artery into the heart of #Kentucky life”? It may have something to do with Kentucky Frontier Legend Daniel Boone himself. Find out more only on Downstream, tomorrow at 2 pm ET on KETKY or online at https://buff.ly/4hnkXAI. @destinationdanvilleky @visitjessamine @lemons_mill_brewery